I was having a similar issue with Heroku using PHP on Cedar.  I found that 
the solution was to include a .htaccess file with the following line in 

AddType text/cache-manifest manifest

Hope that helps.

On Tuesday, November 30, 2010 12:13:14 AM UTC-6, railsnerd wrote:
> Adam Wiggins kindly put up a cache manifest example: 
> http://cachemanifest.heroku.com/clock.html 
> I notice that this does work when I reload the page that is already 
> open in iPhone Safari 
> However if I load the clock url on a fresh safari page, the cache does 
> not kick in. 
> Is this a heroku issue?  The manifests seem to be set up ok from what 
> I can see? 
> The reason I am wondering is that other manifest examples, outside of 
> heroku, do work eg: http://www.thecssninja.com/demo/offline_webapp/

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