Thanks for sharing the info!

I figured that someone would have a public buildpack of pdftk, and figured
this out already.

I imagine you saw this:

I have an app that is hosted on rackspace, but I have staging and qa
servers set up on heroku, so I can demo changes to my client prior to
pushing to prod. Right now I just disable the pdf functions in those
environments, but I'd really like to get it working.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 7:25 AM, vincent daubry <> wrote:

> I had an answer from the Heroku team : the solution is to build PDFTK on
> heroku from source and vendor the resulting binary with your app. I've not
> yet managed to get this working, in the meantime i created another app on
> bamboo to do the PDTK job and exchange HTTP messages with my main app on
> cedar....
> Anyway it's possible and here are some articles explaining how to do it :
> If you get some results please let me know.
> Hope this helps,
> Vincent
> Le lundi 1 octobre 2012 18:47:18 UTC+2, parth shah a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> we have a similar requirement for pdftk on cedar stack. Have you found a
>> way to install pdftk on Cedar stack?
>> Thanks
>> Parth
>> On Thursday, August 23, 2012 8:13:46 AM UTC-7, vincent daubry wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We have a book application which heavily manipulates pdf on heroku
>>> bamboo stack.
>>> We use PDFTK which is installed by default on Bamboo. It seems it's no
>>> longer the case on Cedar. Is there a way for us to use PDFTK on Cedar ?
>>> On Bambo :
>>> >> `pdftk`
>>> => "SYNOPSIS\n       pdftk <input PDF files | - | PROMPT>\n\t
>>>  [input_pw <input PDF owner passwords | PROMPT>]\n\t    [<operation>
>>> <operation arguments>]\n\t    [output <output filename | - | PROMPT>]\n\t
>>>  [encrypt_40bit | encrypt_128bit]\n\t    [allow <permissions>]\n\t
>>>  [owner_pw <owner password | PROMPT>]\n\t    [user_pw <user password |
>>> PROMPT>]\n\t    [flatten] [compress | uncompress]\n\t    [keep_first_id |
>>> keep_final_id] [drop_xfa]\n\t    [verbose] [dont_ask | do_ask]\n
>>> Where:\n\t    <operation> may be empty, or:\n\t    [cat | attach_files |
>>> unpack_files | burst |\n\t     fill_form | background | stamp |
>>> generate_fdf\n\t     dump_data | dump_data_fields | update_info]\n\n
>>> For Complete Help: pdftk --help\n"
>>> >> exit
>>> On Cedar :
>>> >> `pdftk`
>>> script/rails: No such file or directory - pdftk
>>> => nil
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vincent
>>  --
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