Thanks!  Well, now they can.

The base deck is designed to bolt together in sections. Easy to transport.
You could use all  2x8's in it if you were never planning on taking it 

This is actually version two of a HexaFrame. I've got a much cooler version.
People only understand 2x4's though. So this one is for them.
A 2x4 version is more trouble to insulate and has many thermal bridging 
issues just like a normal house.
Foam board covering takes care of a lot of the issues though.

I may build this one first for a friend. Just to do one in 2x4. 
Will be sheathed in concrete coated blue/pink foam boards.
Not the Thermax moisture absorbing ones or the cheap white styro stuff.

Did OSE ever get any decent accommodations onsite?
The stuff I've seen in the videos looks real rough.

On Monday, September 3, 2012 9:38:23 AM UTC-6, thejaymo wrote:
> this is awesome. 
> i wonder if people with permanent outdoor plywood hexayurts might consider 
> using one of these bases? - i know OSE have one.

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