Julie, does that solar vent fan really work? Amazon reviews are mixed. I'm 
either going to get that or a turbine vent for my H13. The turbine vent looks 
very effective but I'm worried it might let dust from the wind drop into the 

turbine vent: 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Julie Danger" <juliedan...@gmail.com> 
To: hexayurt@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 3:08:49 AM 
Subject: Re: [hexayurt] Digest for hexayurt@googlegroups.com - 5 Messages in 3 

Windows: welllll.... 

read this: http://www.appropedia.org/Hexayurt_playa#Windows 
I could update it. 

My yurt hasn't had a swamp cooler or AC yet (this year, YAY!) I have a window 
in every side of my yurt to catch a cross breeze on days that aren't too dusty. 
I use the "plugs" like shutters. I used to tape a cheap vent filter from homo 
depot to the window-- that way you get light, and heat, but no dust or wind. 
Light hasn't been much of an issue lately but that's still a good option. I cut 
my windows to a size and shape appropriate to the vent filters I first bought. 
I've also seen a heat proof window glass thingy put in a window on a yurt-- 
that was pretty sexy. 

I also hook a solar vent fan to the roof of my yurt. Someone suggested it a 
while ago...that sucks some hot air outta the top of the yurt. If you're swamp 
cooling, it's also nice bc it creates negative pressure in the yurt that will 
help your fan struggle less. 

The end. 

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:09 AM, < hexayurt@googlegroups.com > wrote: 

Today's Topic Summary 

Group: http://groups.google.com/group/hexayurt/topics 

    • Julie: Current Ranger best practices on windows / ventilation? [1 Update] 
    • Swamp Coolers and Cooler 6' stretch hexayurt [3 Updates] 
    • Digest for hexayurt@googlegroups.com - 5 Messages in 3 Topics [1 Update] 

Julie: Current Ranger best practices on windows / ventilation? 

Jay Batson < batson...@gmail.com > Aug 05 07:03AM -0700 Hey, Julie - Your 
tweekiness if fabulous. I'm a tweek, and I'm lovin' it. I'm building an H12 in 
the next couple of days. (I'm in Boston; it's gotta go on a truck on Saturday.) 
What's your current best practice for windows? Are they: - Just for light (e.g. 
you put plexi over them), or for airflow / ventilation? - Just smaller versions 
of your door 2.0 (without wood)? - On any particular wall (e.g. does being 
opposite the door side matter)? And what about ceiling vents? I can cut a 
simple (bevelled) circle in the roof - but is it simply a flapped circle that 
opens, like the door? If not, how are you holding it open? Etc. Note that I'm 
also planning on bringing a bucket swamp cooler. I plan on simply running 4" 
dryer vent through the wall (hopefully preserving the hole plug, for Yurt use 
without the cooler). Here's to hoping you see this and can RSVP soon. Build 
starts in mere hours! -jb 

Swamp Coolers and Cooler 6' stretch hexayurt 

Jay Batson < batson...@gmail.com > Aug 04 10:24AM -0700 So is this the pump you 
use? http://www.harborfreight.com/solar-powered-fountain-pump-66093.html When I 
bought mine, the box said this is a 7 Volt pump - which makes it trickier to 
wire up to the fan. Also, has anybody thought of just using a 12V large 
capacity battery to run this for a week? The amount of power needed should be 
well within a battery's single charge - as long as you only run the pump 6-8 
hours / day (e.g. when you're in it). ?? On Monday, July 22, 2013 8:59:18 AM 
UTC-4, Julie Danger wrote: 

Vladimir Khodel < vkho...@gmail.com > Aug 04 11:00AM -0700 Indeed, 60lb deep 
cycle battery from costco was just fine for me - I did use 12v to 7.5v 
converter from Frys to power the pump - I tried running it from 5v USB 
converter and there was not enough flow in my opinion (this does work as a 
backup though :)) I only ran the pump during the day of course, but fans were 
on whenever we had people in the yurt - at least 12 hours a day (I do have 2 
fans on my bucket for redundancy). Cheers, Vladimir 

Jay Batson < batson...@gmail.com > Aug 04 07:17PM -0700 Thanks, Vladimir. I'm 
actually in a camp that's on the grid; so I think what I'll do is ignore the 
solar part of the pump, and just use the 12v battery from Costco as you did, 
and bring a 120v -> 12v converter that I can cannibalize if my battery dies. 
I'm flying from BOS, and can't carry the battery, obviously. So I'm going to 
try to pre-buy one in RNO over the phone, and have it held for will-call, since 
I'm afraid of them not being there when I show up. Wish me luck! ;-) (Gotta 
find the 12v - 7.5v converter here, though, and at least try a test before I 
get to RNO.) Cheers -jb On Sunday, August 4, 2013 2:00:12 PM UTC-4, Vladimir 
Khodel wrote: 

Digest for hexayurt@googlegroups.com - 5 Messages in 3 Topics 

Joshua Keroes < jos...@keroes.com > Aug 04 09:19AM -0700 Here's the video: 

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