
I think I know who the seller is (its rather obvious). The person I am thinking of is in my experience really honest and trustworthy. Alex Seidler I an acknowledged specialist for fully electric hurdy gurdies. The detailed description given in the ebay offer looks sensible and informative. As always I would ask the seller why the instrument is sold. Some more informations on buying a hurdy gurdycan be found here:

kind regards, Simon

Am 22.09.2008 um 22:23 schrieb Kevin M:

hello fellow gurdyists!

first i'd like to give a big THANKS to everyone who helped make the Over the Water Festival possible and to all my fellow attendees. it was my first experience playing hurdy-gurdy, and i had a great time learning and meeting all of my new friends.

sadly, i returned yesterday to a gurdy-less home. one possible solution is this that i found on eBay:

http://cgi.ebay.com/Electric-Hurdy-Gurdy-Drehleier-Vielle-a-Roue-Zanfona_W0QQitemZ280268812254QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item280268812254&_trkparms=72%3A570 |39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

does anyone here have personal experience with Seidler's electric hurdy-gurdies? does anyone care to comment on this instrument, or the seller (if you can figure out who he/she is)? on or off list is fine by me (though if you have specific negative comments i suppose that should be off list!).

for the record, this instrument could also solve a potential problem that i have: my wife is very dubious of hurdy-gurdies and professes to hate their sound. a fully electric model might be just the thing, at least for practice, until i can bring her around!


Kevin Millard
Seattle, Washington USA

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