I joined with my standard bigpond account.  It verified my account and I am
now a member.  


-----Original Message-----
Orest Lechnowsky
Sent: Tuesday, 30 September 2008 8:26 AM
To: hg@hurdygurdy.com
Subject: Re: [HG] The Listmaster Speaks: the new group is active

I don't know much about google groups and the need for a google 
account.  I do know that on yahoogroups, although they strongly 
encourage you to have a yahoo account, it is not necessary.  I would 
assume the same is true of google, though I might well be wrong.  In 
yahoogroups, you can join without an account by responding to an 
invitation sent by the listmaster.  You might also be able to join 
without an account by sending an automated email to the list - though I 
have not tried this.


Simon Wascher wrote:
> Hello,
> I will not set up an google account. If this is required to read/post 
> to this listin the future I will opt out. Hope that is not the case. 
> Sorry,
> Simon Wascher - Vienna, Austria

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