I mean is it possible to have a testcase which only tries to clean
everithing from the database it has connection to. So it is not
connected with other tests. It could not use junit at all. It will be
best to have a separate target (say cleandb) and when we run "build.sh
cleandb" we know that the database is ok.

Steve Ebersole wrote:

>It should only be a problem with the last of the test cases.  Basically,
>Hibernate tries to create and drop the schema needed for a particular
>test class once.  However, this ability to run some piece of code once
>per test class is a deficiency in JUnit.  The Hibernate test suite tries
>to achieve that by some magic in on overridden version of setup.
>AFAICT, the only real options involve using a different test framework.
>TestNG (or even JUnit4 for that matter) offer the ability to perform
>initialization and clean-up *once per test class*.
>The other alternative is to (re)create the schema as part of
>setup/teardown for *each test method*, which is unacceptable.
>Perhaps something could be achieved by extension of JUnit.  I had
>previously looked at junit.extensions.TestSetup for example.  But that
>required pretty extensive changes to the test suite to accommodate.
>I am certainly open to suggestions...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Aleksandar Kostadinov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 2:56 PM
>To: Darryl Miles; Steve Ebersole; hibernate-dev@lists.jboss.org
>Subject: Re: [hibernate-dev] [Fwd: hibernate-mysql50-testsuite Build
>CompletedWith Testsuite Errors]
>Now we test with mysql connector 5.0.4
>Darryl, you want to see some info on the first page or in the
>I see the latter easier to achieve and at this time cannot say anything
>about the first one.
>Anyway in this repo you can find the cruisecontrol configuration files
>scripts/cruisecontrol/build-hibernate-db-matrix.xml is the build file
>for hibernate
>target to look at is maybe copyresults (just on my first look)
>I think that if it will be very useful for developers such a thing could
>be done but I see another problem with hibernate tests that should be
>resolved. I see tables and procedures not dropped after the tests and I
>think after some time they break things. Could you think of something
>that cleans the database defore testing or after testing? Is it possible
>to create a target in the hibernate's build file which cleans the
>database and nothing else? That ways you could get more accurate results
>and in case of database connectivity problems only qa team get informed.
>Darryl Miles wrote:
>>Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>>Um, perhaps if you are going to ask me to do something you could can
>>>attitude?  Seems like a basic requirement to me...
>>Sorry if I put words in your mouth there or seem to be creating lots
>>of work for somebody else.
>>Is the cruise control configuration / testing regime checked into a
>>repository; maybe I can assist with these changes and attach a patch
>>rather than open a JIRA feature request ?

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