I am not a big fan of the on-the-fly changes for merge factor and co
But I agree with John, there should be 2 sets of values, one for the regular transactional indexing, and one for session.index() (we might have to adjust the clustering message to pass the type of operation along).

optimize() has been contributed by Andrew, I need to check it out and integrate it.

The projection doc is only a few days old, are you talking about the one currently online (beta2)? Agreed it's only a small paragraph ;-) Regarding enhancements of the doc on core features, prefer providing a patch for the reference documentation rather than a wiki page (it's an XML document(s)). Remember, though, that a reference doc is for reference, it's not a book explaining in great detail what Java or optimization is.

On the same page a tutorial would be good (probably when the first RC will pop up).

On 3 juin 07, at 13:44, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:


These three settings, mergeFactor, maxMergeDocs and minMergeDocs, are
critical to scalability as the number of records to index becomes very large. Currently I work with tables containing millions of records and the ability to adjust these values to balance number of index files vs. memory usage vs. disk access is vital. I suggest these be exposed to the user.

One thing that should be considered is that for maximum benefit these values should be adjustable. During complete index builds from scratch they should contain one set of values. During normal use they should contain another.
This maximizes their potential.

What exactly do you have in mind? Some sort of Lucene Management API which allows the user to programmatically change these values? Or JMX? Or just two sets of
properties, one for full reindexing and one for 'normal' use?
I somehow like the idea of a management API. Via this API you could set the indexing parameters, but also trigger eg full index rebuilds or index optimizations. JMX would be nice as well. It would allow to change parameters on the fly
and allow easy fine-tuning.

I also suggest that accurate and detailed documentation be included on these. As soon as I get out from under the load I have at work I'll try to

Agreed. Documentation in general needs some work. I found it very hard to find some information about Hibernate projection. It had to work my way backwards from a projection testcase in HSearch. I think HSearch with projections is a great step forward, but we need some code examples so that people can see how to use them. I will try to add something to the wiki.

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