I am about to file a bug but wanted to run this by the experts first.

Let's say there is a User entity class that declares 20 lazy collections much 
like so:

    @OneToMany( mappedBy = "owner")
    @Cascade({CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN})
    @BatchSize(size = 1000)
    @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL)
    public Set<CustomSpace> getCustomSpaces() 

In Hibernate 3.3.1.GA if I load ~1000 User entities from second level cache 
(w/o accessing any of the collections), I'll end up spending 5x time assembling 
cache entries vs. actually loading de-hydrated state from the cache provider 
(profiler snapshot attached). Most of the time is spent eagerly assembling 
CollectionTypes, all of which may or may not be needed during a given Session. 

So, basically, I'm being penalized for merely declaring OneToMany's. Currently, 
the only way to avoid this penalty - as far as I can tell - is to complicate 
the domain model by introducing some number of new entities that will be 
OneToOne to User; and redistributing collection declarations amongst those. But 
even that may not help: what if services using the domain model access a 
variety of collections at different times? IMO a much more scalable approach 
would be to:
* stash serialized states representing collection properties during 
* call CollectionType.assemble lazily when collection property field is 
actually accessed (a la lazy properties)

Fwiw, a post covering the above in a little more detail can be found here:


Merged callees

 |   Time (ms)    |  Own Time (ms)  |  Invocation Count  |
 EntityPersister, LoadEventListener$LoadType)                      |  2,390  
100 %  |              0  |               999  |
|    |                                                                          
               |                 |                    |
 Serializable, EntityPersister, LoadEvent)                            |  1,796  
 75 %  |             15  |               999  |
|    | |                                                                        
               |                 |                    |
|    | +---org.hibernate.cache.entry.CacheEntry.assemble(Object, Serializable, 
EntityPersister, Interceptor, EventSource)                                     
|  1,546   65 %  |              0  |               999  |
|    | | |                                                                      
               |                 |                    |
|    | | +---org.hibernate.cache.entry.CacheEntry.assemble(Serializable[], 
Object, Serializable, EntityPersister, Interceptor, EventSource)                
   |  1,546   65 %  |             31  |               999  |
|    | |   |                                                                    
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   +---org.hibernate.type.TypeFactory.assemble(Serializable[], Type[], 
SessionImplementor, Object)                                                    
|  1,250   52 %  |              0  |               999  |
|    | |   | |                                                                  
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | +---org.hibernate.type.CollectionType.assemble(Serializable, 
SessionImplementor, Object)                                                     
    |  1,109   46 %  |             31  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |                                                                
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | +---org.hibernate.type.CollectionType.resolveKey(Serializable, 
SessionImplementor, Object)                                                     
|    875   37 %  |              0  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | | |                                                              
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | | 
SessionImplementor, Object)                                                |    
875   37 %  |             78  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |   |                                                            
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | |   
 PersistentCollection, Serializable)    |    343   14 %  |              0  |    
        10,998  |
|    | |   | | |   |                                                            
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | |   
 Serializable)                                   |    203    8 %  |             
31  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |   |                                                            
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | |   
                                                           |     62    3 %  |   
          15  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |   |                                                            
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | |   
Serializable, EntityMode)                                               |     
62    3 %  |             15  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |   |                                                            
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | |   
CollectionPersister, Serializable)                                          |   
  46    2 %  |             15  |            10,499  |
|    | |   | | |   |                                                            
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | |   +---org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.getPersistenceContext()   
    31    1 %  |             15  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |   |                                                            
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | |   
                                                           |     31    1 %  |   
          31  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |   |                                                            
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | |   +---org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.getEntityMode()           
    15    1 %  |             15  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |                                                                
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | 
                                                               |    109    5 %  
|             15  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | | |                                                                
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | | +---org.hibernate.type.AbstractType.assemble(Serializable, 
SessionImplementor, Object)                                                     
    |     93    4 %  |             31  |            10,998  |
|    | |   | |                                                                  
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   | +---org.hibernate.type.AbstractType.assemble(Serializable, 
SessionImplementor, Object)                                                     
      |    140    6 %  |             46  |            16,489  |
|    | |   |                                                                    
               |                 |                    |
|    | |   
 Object[], EntityMode)                                         |    265   11 %  
|              0  |               999  |
|    | |                                                                        
               |                 |                    |
|    | 
 boolean, SessionImplementor)                                        |     62   
 3 %  |              0  |               999  |
|    | |                                                                        
               |                 |                    |
|    | +---org.hibernate.type.TypeFactory.deepCopy(Object[], Type[], boolean[], 
Object[], SessionImplementor)                                                 | 
    46    2 %  |             15  |               999  |
|    | |                                                                        
               |                 |                    |
|    | +---org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.instantiate(EntityPersister, 
       |     31    1 %  |              0  |               999  |
|    | |                                                                        
               |                 |                    |
|    | +---org.hibernate.engine.Versioning.getVersion(Object[], 
              |     31    1 %  |             31  |               999  |
|    | |                                                                        
               |                 |                    |
|    | 
Object, EntityPersister, LockMode, boolean, Object, SessionImplementor)  |     
31    1 %  |              0  |               999  |
|    | |                                                                        
               |                 |                    |
|    | 
                                                                     |     15   
 1 %  |             15  |               999  |
|    | |                                                                        
               |                 |                    |
|    | +---org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getEntityPersister(String)     
    15    1 %  |             15  |               999  |
|    |                                                                          
               |                 |                    |
|    +---org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.entity.TransactionalAccess.get(Object, long)  
   359   15 %  |              0  |               999  |
|    |                                                                          
               |                 |                    |
|    +---org.hibernate.cache.entry.StructuredCacheEntry.destructure(Object, 
  |    218    9 %  |             15  |               999  |
|    |                                                                          
               |                 |                    |
|    +---org.hibernate.cache.CacheKey.<init>(Serializable, Type, String, 
EntityMode, SessionFactoryImplementor)                                          
     |     15    1 %  |              0  |               999  |

Generated by YourKit Java Profiler 8.0.7 May 26, 2009 10:51:14 AM
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