Steve Ebersole wrote:
> Hibernate will never deploy directly to central.  At best it was always
> going to just be synched across to central.  So for Hibernate the JBoss
> repo is in fact the authoritative source.  That's in direct difference
> to the other artifacts with which you deal it sounds like.

It's not really very different at all - no one directly deploys to
central, everyone either deploys to a project/organization repository
for syncing, or puts bundles on an arbitrary website and requests manual
processing via JIRA.

Anyway, should I assume from the direction of this conversation, that
the attempt to organize syncing, which was ongoing, has now been abandoned?

If so, could there be some sort of affirmative comment summarizing what
finally proved to be the metaphorical straw that broke the camel's back
on this?


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