I think we could do the same with the version string as we do in Validator  
( and maybe Search, not sure ). There we
read the version string from the MANIFEST file. The nice things about this  
is that the version in the MANIFEST is
dynamically created during the build.

Generally there are quite a few things we can do in the build  
configuration for annotations and entitymanager.
The plugin configuration should be better synced with the parent pom and  
there are quite a few obsolete docbook resources
checked in. Maybe the whole docbook stuff should be moved into the  
documentation directory.

I will try to sort a few of these things out for the next release.


On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 07:34:50 -0300, Emmanuel Bernard  
<emman...@hibernate.org> wrote:

> Yeah!
> I've just noticed one glitch (except the NPE I managed to add ;) ). The  
> Version numbers in the logs are not updated for annotations and entity  
> manager.
> We should add them to the release procedure.
> Or simply remove them now that ANN and HEM are part of Core. The only  
> drawback I see is that HEM runs before Core but I guess we could trigger  
> the call to the static version display from HEM to Core.

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