
I wrote sample implementations for Voldemort,Redis and Riak on Hibernate OGM a 
couple of weeks ago. Based on them, I created a Voldemort maven module and put 
it on my github repository at https://github.com/seiyak/hibernate-ogm. The 
project was forked from the original one and the modifications were applied on 
it following Emmanuel's advice on the previous mailing list. I put README.md in 
hibernate-ogm-voldemort directory, so please read it before typing 'mvn clean 
install'. Voldemort needs to be installed manually into the local maven 
repository as of the version 0.90.1.

According to the supplied tests, it looks fine. However, I need advice and 
suggestions to make it better,cleaner and right if there is something 
incorrect. I'll ask several questions that I got during the programming later. 

Please let me know what you think of the code. If it's worth of a part of 
Hibernate OGM, I would like to contribute it. 

Thank you
hibernate-dev mailing list

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