Anyone have any input here?  Or should I just start scheduling them how I

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Steve Ebersole <> wrote:

> Now that 5.0 is settling down I wanted to start planning where we go from
> here in terms of feature development and schedule/releases.
> Here is my high-level list of features/work:
> * rework SQL generation & HQL parser
> * change JDBC extraction to work by position, rather than alias (reworking
> SQL generation is a prerequisite)
> * rework annotation binding (Jandex, etc)
> * extended orm.xml, deprecate hbm.xml
> * discriminator-based multi-tenancy
> * port Hibernate Criteria constructs to JPA criteria, begin deprecation of
> Hibernate Criteria
> * extend JPA criteria API with fluent support
> * ability to override EAGER fetching with LAZY (fetch profiles, HQL, etc)
> * merging hibernate-entitymanager into hibernate-core
> * continue to fill out bytecode enhancement capabilities
> Some of these are more involved than others.  The task for re-writing SQL
> generation is a HUGE undertaking, but also has many huge benefits.
> Re-writing annotation binding is another huge undertaking, but again with
> many benefits.
> Any others we should add to the list here?
> And then we can work on scheduling them.
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