Hi Sanne,

Thanks for your feedback. I was pretty sure I hadn't all the history!

Getting Google to prioritize our latest doc is probably a long time goal.

I played a bit with jQuery to suggest to the user to go to the latest
stable. Note that I only took into consideration the page for the time
being and didn't consider the anchor but it should be easy to add it
if we think it's worth it (it's a lot more work on the json descriptor

The following command for each version is all that is needed:
sed -i 's@</body>@<script
src="/hibernate/search/outdated-version.js"></script></body>@' *.html
(or a find -exec to do it on all the versions at once)

I attached the global json descriptor and the js file (with a .txt
extension as it didn't pass the mail filter). Both should be added to
/hibernate/search/. Note that I only did the work for version 4.5 in
the json descriptor. The work for other versions would mostly be a

I also attached a screenshot of how it looks like. Nothing fancy but
we can do whatever we want.

Note that I only targeted the multi page HTML output as it was the
most interesting to prototype.

When we release a new version, we would have to update the descriptor file.



On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 2:39 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sa...@hibernate.org> wrote:
> Hi Guillaume,
> yes I'm aware of the issue; we discussed it before, I think on this
> same mailing list but maybe it was during our last meeting.
> We really need to fix that metadata; Stefania (my partner) is an SEO
> consultant and is shocked at how bad we do with this; apparently we
> are a funny example in her office but at least we're not the worst :)
> The problem is we can't change the headers as we don't control the
> Apache httpd configuraion on the documentation server, so the
> alternative is we'd need to rsync those docs locally, insert the right
> changes in the static files of the docs, and push them back.
> Needs a volunteer to find some time for this.
> Also related to SEO I recently opened some issues on our WEBSITE
> project, these should be easier to fix as it's directly under our
> control:
>  - https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/WEBSITE-461
>  - https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/WEBSITE-460
>  - https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/WEBSITE-459
> I've assigned them to Davide as he's usually quick with such things
> but anyone is welcome to take some.
> The metadata issue on the docs server is probably the most urgent /
> valuable though.
> Thanks,
> Sanne
$(document).ready(function() {
        $.getJSON('/hibernate/search/documentation.json', function (json) {
                var currentUrl = window.location.pathname;
                var match = new RegExp('^' + json.pattern.replace('${version}', 
'([^/]+)').replace('${page}', '(.+\\.html)') + '$').exec(currentUrl);
                if (match.length != 3) {
                var currentVersion = match[1];
                var currentPage = match[2];
                var currentHash = window.location.hash;
                if (currentVersion == json.stable || currentVersion == 
json.development || currentVersion == 'stable') {
                var redirectPage;
                if (currentVersion in json.versions && currentPage in 
json.versions[currentVersion].redirects) {
                        redirectPage = 
                } else {
                        redirectPage = '';
                stableUrl = json.pattern.replace('${version}', 
json.stable).replace('${page}', redirectPage + currentHash);
                $('head').append('<style type="text/css">' +
                        '.outdated-content {' +
                        '       position: fixed;' +
                        '       bottom: 0;' +
                        '       left: 0;' +
                        '       text-align:center;' +
                        '       width:100%;' +
                        '       padding: 20px;' +
                        '       background-color: orange;' +
                        '       background-color: #ffbc3b;' +
                        '       border-top: 1px solid orange;' +
                        '       font-weight: bold;' +
                        '       font-size: 20px;' +
                        '       color: white;' +
                        '       text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(85, 85, 85, 0.55)' +
                        '}' +
                        'a.version {' +
                        '       border: 1px solid #AAA;' +
                        '       border-radius: 4px;' +
                        '       background-color: #BBB;' +
                        '       padding: 3px 8px;' +
                        '       color: white;' +
                        '       text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(85, 85, 85, 0.55);  
' +
                        '       text-decoration: none;' +
                        '}' +
                        'a.version:hover {' +
                        '       background-color: #CCC;' +
                        '}' +
                $('body').append('<div class="outdated-content">This content 
refers to an outdated version of ' + json.project + '. Go to latest stable: <a 
href="' + stableUrl + '" class="version">version ' + json.stable 
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