trying to find a valid reason to keep UserType but not able, so I'm for
removing it.

On 23 January 2017 at 14:36, Vlad Mihalcea <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I see no reason why we should keep it indefinitely. I'd say we deprecate it
> in 5.x, and remove it later (6.0 or 6.1).
> Migrating a custom UserType to using Java and SQL descriptor is not
> difficult, and we could just write a blog post for a step-by-step guide.
> Anyone in favor of keeping UserType?
> Vlad
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 4:11 PM, Steve Ebersole <>
> wrote:
> > Nice!
> >
> > So if we keep UserType, we have to be clear that it has to change.  I
> also
> > do not want to continue to support the other "user type extensions",
> like:
> >
> >
> >    1. org.hibernate.usertype.EnhancedUserType
> >    2. org.hibernate.usertype.DynamicParameterizedType
> >    3. org.hibernate.usertype.LoggableUserType
> >    4. etc
> >
> > So we should come up with a plan for that.
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 23, 2017, 1:48 PM Vlad Mihalcea <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I like the SqlTypeDescriptor and JavaTypeDescriptor much better than
> > UserType, which we should probably deprecate in 6.0.
> >
> > I wrote an article on my blog in which I demonstrate how to create a JSON
> > type using JavaTypeDescriptor and SqlTypeDescriptor:
> >
> >
> > using-generic-hibernate-types/
> >
> > I like this example because it shows how you can reuse the same
> > JavaTypeDescriptor for two different JSON SQL types: String or Binary,
> > for which we have two distinct SqlTypeDescriptor objects.
> >
> > The new User Guide shows ho to implement Custom Types using the Java and
> > SQL descriptors as well:
> >
> >
> > html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html#basic-custom-type
> >
> > Vlad
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Steve Ebersole <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Right, and that exactly lines up with what I am proposing.
> >
> > If the intent of "customize" is to describe new Java types (e.g. Java 8
> > temporals prior to our explicit support) the tht is the role of a
> > JavaTypeDescriptor, specifically a BasicJavaDescriptor.  They would
> > register a BasicJavaDescriptor describing the type.
> >
> > If the intent is to model a non-supported SQL type then that would mean
> > adding a new SqlTypeDescriptor describing that type, although that will
> > often also mean adding a new BasicJavaDescriptor describing the Java
> > mapping of that SQL type.
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 7:00 AM Vlad Mihalcea <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Related to your questions:
> >
> > he main thing I wonder about is what we mean by "custom
> > types" in terms of what exactly is being customized?  And how does that
> > relate specifically to BasicType versus EmbeddedType versus ...?
> >
> >
> > Most of the time, the users want to take advantage of various database
> > types that are not universally supported by all RDBMS: JSON, Money (SQL
> > Server).
> >
> > On the Java side, I don't see what we can customize because we already
> > provide all the basic types, and for everything else, users can compose
> > those into Embeddables. The Java 1.8 Date/Time are an example of what
> users
> > would like to customize in case we didn't support this already. But even
> if
> > Java 1.9 adds other basic types, chances are that we are going to support
> > them natively, meaning that users will still not need to add a custom
> Type.
> >
> > So, I don't see how a Hibernate user will customize the way Embeddables,
> > Enums, Entities or Collections are being stored or loaded from the
> > database. The exception to the rule is a recent Pull Request from someone
> > who wants to support PostgreSQL arrays. But this falls back into the same
> > category as before: database types that are not universally supported by
> > all RDBMS.
> >
> > Vlad
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 9:55 PM, Vlad Mihalcea <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > There's a lot to dig in here. I'll have to get the branch and study the
> > changes, to come back with some opinions.
> >
> > Vlad
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 7:34 PM, Steve Ebersole <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > We are getting pretty far along on the 6.0 changes and I wanted to start
> > a(nother) discussion about Types in 6.0 to get feedback and thoughts on a
> > few topics.
> >
> > First a quick break down of JavaTypeDescriptors, SqlTypeDescriptors,
> Types
> > and "persisters"...
> >
> > (a lot of this is the same from pre-6.0, just making things more
> explicit)
> >
> > JavaTypeDescriptors and SqlTypeDescriptors are the "lowest level", so
> let's
> > start there.  A JavaTypeDescriptor is a descriptor of a given Java type.
> > That is, it provides Hibernate with information about the Java type.  Is
> it
> > a numeric type?  How do we compare 2 values of this type?  How do we
> make a
> > deep copy of a value of this type?  Etc.  SqlTypeDescriptor is the same,
> > but for a database type (VARCHAR, BLOB, etc).  These 2 work together to
> > perform reading and writing at the JDBC-level.
> >
> > We decided to broadly categorize JavaTypeDescriptors based on the JPA
> type
> > categorizations:
> >
> >    1. BASIC - BasicJavaDescriptor
> >       1. TemporalJavaDescriptor
> >       2. NumericJavaDescriptor
> >    2. MANAGED - ManagedJavaDescriptor
> >       1. EMBEDDABLE - EmbeddableJavaDescriptor
> >       2. IDENTIFIABLE - IdentifiableJavaDescriptor
> >          1. MAPPED_SUPERCLASS - MappedSupercassJavaDescriptor
> >          2. ENTITY - EntityJavaDescriptor
> >
> >
> > Type (org.hibernate.type.spi.Type) represents a combination of a
> > JavaTypeDescriptor and one or more SqlTypeDescriptors in relation to a
> > specific "non-root Navigable domain value".  Navigable is a query-focused
> > contract (SQM/HQL/Criteria) so I wont get too deep into that here.  At a
> > high-level t is similar to JPA's Bindable except that it applies to
> > Collection indices (or map-keys) and elements (or map-values) as well.
> > Navigable essentially represents an named navigation one can perform in a
> > query.  The root Navigable is always an entity (EntityPersister).
> > EntityPersister is the only Navigable that does not expose a Type.
> (There
> > is an EntityType, but it represents entity-valued non-root Navigables
> such
> > as a ManyToOne).  All other navigables expose a Type.  That is all a
> > long-winded way to say that Types represents that Java/SqlTypeDescriptors
> > for a role-based Navigable.
> >
> > Like the categorization discussed above for JavaTypeDescriptor, Type has
> a
> > similar categorization:
> >
> >    1. Type
> >       1. BasicType
> >          1. TemporalType
> >       2. AnyType
> >       3. ManagedType
> >          1. EmbeddedType
> >          2. IdentifiableType
> >             1. MappedSuperclassType
> >             2. EntityType
> >
> > It is important to keep in mind that these represents a specific
> reference
> > to thse things in regards to a Navigable.  E.g. an EntityType is the
> "type"
> > of a SingularPersistentAttribute that is a ManyToOne - it points to the
> > corresponding EntityPersister but it also represents the FK columns to
> > refer to the entity.  It is a role-based Navigable.
> >
> > Historically reads and writes have all routed through the Type (with
> > certain Types delegating much of that to persisters).  That will no
> longer
> > be the case in 6.0 as one of the main design goals for 6.0 is to re-write
> > how Hibernate reads and writes (mainly reads) values from JDBC.  The
> major
> > shift here is to read all values from JDBC using a "SqlSelectionReader"
> > equivalent to a BasicType.  These values are read and held in an array
> that
> > "readers" then know how to access (positionally) and use.  Most of that
> > design is beyond the discussion here, but it useful to understand.  It is
> > discussed in the design.adoc in my orm-sqm poc repo for those curious.
> > Long story, short... Types no longer directly implement JDBC read/write
> > which we will come back to later.
> >
> > PersistentAttribute and the other Navigables now take a role in JDBC
> > reads/writes.  AttributeConverters and other read/write-related concerns
> > have been moved to these contracts.  Again, most of this is covered in
> the
> > mentioned design doc.
> >
> > Since Type no longer directly implements JDBC read/write operations I
> think
> > it is important to ask ourselves what exactly we see as "customizable"
> wrt
> > each Type.  Is that different for each category, or the same across all
> > Type categories?  E.g. I know of no customization of EntityType as it
> > exists in 5.x, and tbh I am not even sure what that would mean.
> BasicType
> > obviously has some parts that we want to allow users to override, but is
> > that really best achieved through a custom BasicType?  Or is it better
> > served by allowing custom JavaTypeDescriptor/SqlTypeDescriptor and/or
> > SqlSelectionReader?  What about EmbeddedType?  CollectionType?  This
> would
> > affect @TypeDef and Type registration methods specific to customizations.
> >
> > Persisters for the most part continue to serve the same role they have in
> > the past with a few additions and some changes...
> >
> > One addition was the creation of an EmbeddedPersister.  *Embedded*.
> This,
> > like CollectionPersister, models a "role" e.g. "" as opposed
> to
> > the Embeddable Name.class.  Note however that JPA calls it an
> > EmbeddableType and expects info about the Embeddable (the Class).
> > EmbeddedPersister is role-based (Embedded) instead, which is a mismatch.
> > In the case there are more than 1 usage of the Embeddable in different
> > Embedded roles then we have to decide which EmbeddedPersister to return.
> > It affects the sub-Attributes information.  We could just return "one of
> > them" and deal with it for Alpha1, but we should answer what we want to
> do
> > there long term.
> >
> > Collectively, these persisters now implement the JPA ManagedType model
> > directly.  Another addition was the creation of ManagedTypeImplementor,
> > IdentifiableTypeImplementor and MappedSuperclassTypeImplementor in the
> > persister hierarchy.  Which means we can now directly return them in our
> > JPA Metamodel impl.
> >
> > That also means implementing JPA's notion of Attributes.  I also needed
> > something similar for SQM's Navigable contract.  Plus I have been working
> > towards changing how Hibernate understands Attributes internally
> > (encapsulation - OO ftw!) for some time anyway, so this all dove-tailed
> > well.
> >
> > There are some things we should discuss too in terms of user impact.  We
> > know up front that we need to move to reading values from JDBC ResultSets
> > positionally, as opposed to nominally which is how it was exposed in
> > Hibernate prior to 6.0.  So we know already we will be asking
> implementors
> > and consumers of those contracts to make changes.  Given that, we have
> > *some* liberty in changing these contracts some more.  We just want to be
> > cognizant of (a) how much we change, (b) who it affects (use cases) and
> (c)
> > whether there are alternatives.  For any use cases we determine to be
> > "valid" use cases, I think we need to make certain that there is some way
> > to handle that in the new alternatives.
> >
> > One use case, e.g., is setting Query parameters and being able to specify
> > its Type.  To a degree we want to be able to continue to support that.
> But
> > I think we limit it to just references to org.hibernate.type.Type (though
> > "gutted") specifically and remove all others; and temporarily have the
> new
> > org.hibernate.type.spi.Type interface extend the old.  This would allow
> > them to continue to get these org.hibernate.type.Type references in some
> > fashion and use them as Query parameter type hints.  But I think we
> should
> > look at implementing some other parameter type "hints" like accepting
> > PersistentAttribute/Navigable references, JPA (static) metamodel
> > references, etc.  These are better, as they would include things like
> > AttributeConverter whereas the Type reference would not.
> >
> > Sorry this got so long.  I've had a lot floating around in my head the
> last
> > few days as I have worked on 6.0 and I wanted to bring them up for
> > discussion.  The main thing I wonder about is what we mean by "custom
> > types" in terms of what exactly is being customized?  And how does that
> > relate specifically to BasicType versus EmbeddedType versus ...?
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