On 13 February 2018 at 11:48, Guillaume Smet <guillaume.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Yoann Rodiere <yo...@hibernate.org> wrote:
>> >   - org.hibernate.search.jms-support
>> Not sure it's a valid name (aren't hyphens forbidden in package names, and
>> aren't module names constrained by the same rules?), but apart from that
>> it
>> looks good. Maybe "jms_support" instead, if "jms-support" is not allowed.
>> I would like to find a name for what the JMS and JGroups modules provide
>> in
>> Hibernate Search 6 though, something less misleading than "backend".
>> Something like "work routing" or "clustering support" or "distribution
>> support" or whatever. Would you be ok with changing the module name in 6?
>> If not, maybe we have to think about it now... Note that we'll change the
>> Maven group ID anyway, so it's arguably just another breaking change.
> +1 to find a distinctive name for JGroups and JMS artifacts and same for
> Lucene and Elasticsearch (either this round or for 6).
> org.hibernate.search.clustering.jms
> org.hibernate.search.clustering.jgroups
> and
> org.hibernate.search.indexing.lucene
> org.hibernate.search.indexing.elasticsearch
> would be my choice as it's very understandable by the end user.

Great names! I'll take them. These will allow us to gracefully phase
out the backend terminology, and also suggest the additional
dependency tree they will pull in.

> It might be an orthogonal discussion so feel free to ignore me :).
> --
> Guillaume
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