I'm in the process of releasing 5.1.13, and I'm not able to build Hibernate
Integrations Guide. I was able to build it for 5.1.12 without any problem.

The task that fails is assembleDocumentation and is the error is below. [1]

There have not been any changes to that guide for 5.1.13, so I'm not sure
why this would be failing.

I even tried executing the same task using 5.1.12 source, and it fails with
the same error.

I need to tag the release tonight. I'll have to get this resolved somehow
tomorrow so I can build the distributions for the release.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


rendering Book(integrationsGuide) en-US/html
Extending script classloader with the jdocbookXsl dependencies
redirecting console output to file
Error on line 1 column 1 of http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/dtd/docbook.dtd:
  Error reported by XML parser: The markup declarations contained or
pointed to by the document type declaration must be well-formed.
Resetting console output
:documentation:renderDocBook_integrationsGuide_en-US_html FAILED
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