On 05/29/2018 08:48 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> By "non-jpa container managed deployments" you mean injecting Hibernate 
> Sessions?  Otherwise, I am not sure what this is supposed to mean.  Nor 
> why it is a differentiator in how we use JtaPlatform / JtaPlatformInitiator.

Applications that deploy on WF, will use the WildFly 
JtaPlatformInitiator, unless they add a persistence unit hint 
"wildfly.jpa.jtaplatform" set to "false", in which case the WildFly 
JtaPlatformInitiator will not be added for the deployment.  We added 
this for allowing applications to have more control over which 
JtaPlatform is used (e.g. they can use an app configured JtaPlatform or 
the determined correct ORM JtaPlatform).

I do see that Hibernate ORM will always succeed to use the 
JBossAppServerJtaPlatform on WF, since we will only try using the 
JBossStandalone if the JNDI lookup of the WF TM fails.

What happens if the deployment, is configured to use 
JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform directly on WF?  I assume they will need to 
switch to use our new WildFlyStandAloneJtaPlatform class on ORM 5.3.2, 
so that the app sees correct JTA TX status?

There is also now the problem that in 5.3.1, JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform 
referred to the WildFly Transaction Client but is now reverted in 5.3.2, 
to only refer to the Arjuna classes.  Perhaps instead in 5.3.2, we 
should delete WildFlyStandAloneJtaPlatform and merge the logic into the 
existing JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform (so that we first check for WildFly 
Transaction Client classes, failing that, we then try the Arjuna classes.)

> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 12:31 PM Scott Marlow <smar...@redhat.com 
> <mailto:smar...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>     A fix is merged to orm master branch, which should be in 5.3.2, as
>     soon as that is available.
>     On Sun, May 27, 2018, 7:06 PM Steve Ebersole <st...@hibernate.org
>     <mailto:st...@hibernate.org>> wrote:
>         JBossStandalone is meant for use of JBoss Transactions outside
>         of WildFly.  Why are we using it inside WildFly. 
>     WildFly also supports non-jpa container managed deployments, that
>     may not want to use the JtaPlatformInitiator.  These apps can opt
>     out of the JtaPlatformInitiator but will need the correct TX status.
>         Inside WildFly, jipijapa ought to be defining that however it
>         needs through a custom JtaPlatform and probably the
>         JtaPlatformInitiator.
>     We do, by default.
>         On Sun, May 27, 2018, 3:58 PM Sanne Grinovero
>         <sa...@hibernate.org <mailto:sa...@hibernate.org>> wrote:
>             On 27 May 2018 at 15:29, Scott Marlow <smar...@redhat.com
>             <mailto:smar...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>              >
>              >
>              > On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 8:17 AM, Sanne Grinovero
>             <sa...@hibernate.org <mailto:sa...@hibernate.org>>
>              > wrote:
>              >>
>              >> On 27 May 2018 at 00:30, Scott Marlow
>             <smar...@redhat.com <mailto:smar...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>              >> > Next idea, we should first look for the WFTC classes,
>             if not found, then
>              >> > look for Arjuna classes.
>              >>
>              >> +1 that would be nice and I see other implementations e.g.
>              >> JBossAppServerJtaPlatform have a precedent of attempting
>             multiple
>              >> strategies to maintain backward compatibility.
>              >>
>              >> Created:
>              >>  - https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-12640
>              >
>              >
>              > https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/pull/2314
>              >
>              >>
>              >>
>              >>
>              >> Regarding the use of the old Arjuna name: you might be
>             right that it
>              >> shouldn't be used, but it's still very common:
>              >>
>              >> even the Narayana quickstarts using Hibernate are broken
>             by this
>              >> change, and so is any application running on WildFly
>             Swarm or
>              >> Thorntail.
>              >>
>              >> I suppose something should be improved on their side as
>             well, yet we
>              >> should give people time (by making it compatible like
>             you suggested)
>              >> and help at least with some documented guidance - the
>             fallback
>              >> strategy could log a warning to motivate people to
>             update but IMO we
>              >> should start bugging people with such messages only when
>             the other
>              >> runtimes and examples ship with the new defaults.
>              >>
>              >> Hibernate Search also has integration tests with
>             Narayana (standalone
>              >> JTA) and it's not clear to me now which dependencies I
>             should be
>              >> changing; I suppose I'll figure it out soon as I need to
>             release it
>              >> too :)
>              >>
>              >> The user experience after this error is quite bad:
>             applications now
>              >> simply fail to start with a confusing
>              >> "javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence
>             provider for
>              >> EntityManager named XYZ found", we give no better error
>             and no clue
>              >> about needing to look into the used transactions
>             implementation.
>              >>
>              >> Created:
>              >>  - https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-12639
>              >>
>              >> Thanks,
>              >> Sanne
>              >>
>              >>
>              >> >
>              >> > On Sat, May 26, 2018, 7:12 PM Scott Marlow
>             <smar...@redhat.com <mailto:smar...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>              >> >>
>              >> >>
>              >> >>
>              >> >> On Sat, May 26, 2018, 6:05 PM Scott Marlow
>             <smar...@redhat.com <mailto:smar...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>              >> >>>
>              >> >>> Or, maybe we should just remove the
>             JBOSS_TM_CLASS_NAME +
>              >> >>> JBOSS_UT_CLASS_NAME class references and instead
>             JNDI lookup using the
>              >> >>> standard JBoss TM/UT JNDI names.
>              >> >>
>              >> >>
>              >> >> This wouldn't work for standard alone mode, as there
>             wouldn't be any
>              >> >> jndi
>              >> >> services.  Guess, we are stuck with using class name
>             references.
>              >> >>
>              >> >>>
>              >> >>> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 5:05 PM, Scott Marlow
>             <smar...@redhat.com <mailto:smar...@redhat.com>>
>              >> >>> wrote:
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 9:04 AM, Sanne Grinovero
>              >> >>>> <sa...@hibernate.org <mailto:sa...@hibernate.org>>
>              >> >>>> wrote:
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>> Hi Scott,
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>> I see you changed JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform to
>             use a new API in
>              >> >>>>> WildFly;
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>> More that in WildFly 13, applications shouldn't use
>             the Arjuna TM
>              >> >>>> classes directly anymore.  The WildFly Transaction
>             Client wraps the
>              >> >>>> Arjuna
>              >> >>>> TM and maintains correct TX status.
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>> this breaks all existing applications using a
>             generic "JBoss -
>              >> >>>>> standalone" platform which isn't using the very
>             latest WildFly.
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>> Hmm, thinking more about this, also broken, are any
>             ORM 5.1.x
>              >> >>>> applications that depend on
>             JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform to choose the
>              >> >>>> WildFly
>              >> >>>> TM.  JPA container managed applications won't have
>             this problem.
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>> I see that in many cases this type is
>             auto-detected - and while
>              >> >>>>> JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform causes an exception
>             this is swallowed by
>              >> >>>>> the HibernatePersistenceProvider as any exception
>             is only mentioned
>              >> >>>>> at
>              >> >>>>> debug level (line 61).
>              >
>              >
>              > This sounds correct, as all persistence providers are
>             given a chance, to try
>              > deploying a persistence provider when
>              > Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory() (or other calls,
>             like
>              > generateSchema()) are made.
>             I'm aware of how the selection is meant to work, but
>             shouldn't we be
>             able to differentiate between the typical scenario "this
>             configuration
>             is not meant for me" vs the scenario of an unintended
>             failure because
>             of an internal exception?
>             Especially as in this case you claim it's the user's fault
>             that an
>             exception happens, as the user is having an out of date,
>             incompatible
>             library on the classpath. Clearly, we shouldn't swallow the
>             error as
>             it makes it massively difficult to suggest some upgrades
>             need to be
>             explored.
>             IMO it would be very reasonable to change the exception log
>             from debug
>             to warn/error but indeed I'm asking here as I understand the
>             TCK /
>             spec intent might disagree with this. I doubt the TCK tests for
>             absence of error messaged being logged though?
>             Thanks,
>             Sanne
>              >
>              >>
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>> So two questions:
>              >> >>>>>  - could this be reverted and you introduce some
>             new-gen
>              >> >>>>> WildflyStandAloneJtaPlatform instead?
>              >
>              >
>              > Yes, good idea
>             https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/pull/2314
>              >
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>> Not sure, since the WildFly Transaction Client
>             (WFTC) module is also
>              >> >>>> in
>              >> >>>> earlier WF releases.  I'm not exactly sure of when
>             the WFTC TM
>              >> >>>> replaces
>              >> >>>> Arjuna TM.  David, is that new for WF13?
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>> We can get more correct in ORM 5.3.x to align with
>             WF 13, but not
>              >> >>>> sure
>              >> >>>> about ORM 5.1 JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform still
>             referencing Arjuna TM
>              >> >>>> directly.  Seems like that is also a problem.
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>>  - bootstrap exceptions: may I change those to
>             error level?
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>> No idea.
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>>
>              >> >>>>> Thanks,
>              >> >>>>> Sanne
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>>
>              >> >>>
>              >> >
>              >
>              >
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