
We're about to make use of Jenkins pipelines in Hibernate Search, and for
that purpose, the BlueOcean is much easier to read. So I'd like to
re-enable it.

This should not affect other projects much, as the default interface when
you go to ci.hibernate.org will still be the "old" one. However, this will
unfortunately change the URL in emails sent by Jenkins so that the URL
points to the BlueOcean interface; and unfortunately, there doesn't seem to
be a way around that. You do have a button on the top right of the
BlueOcean interface to go back to the "old" interface, though.

For anyone wondering, this
<https://plugins.jenkins.io/blueocean-display-url> is the plugin
responsible for this behavior, and we can't uninstall it as long as
BlueOcean is installed.

Given the inconvenience is minor, and pipeline logs are pretty much
unreadable without the interface (seriously, good luck spotting the problem
in this
is it alright for everyone if I re-enable the BlueOcean interface?

Yoann Rodière
Hibernate NoORM Team
hibernate-dev mailing list

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