I have a request regarding issue: HHH-13936 "No auto transaction joining
from SessionImpl.doFlush": https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13936

I logged this a month ago with a pull request containing a fix:
https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/pull/3335  (The travis
notification of a passed build apparently didn't come through.)
As far as I can tell this hasn't received any attention. I think I followed
all the correct procedures.

This issue is a major blocker for us to upgrade to Hibernate 5.

I'm now reaching out to you via the mailing list because I'm leaving this
company quite soon and basically want to resolve this last thing.
All I need is the confirmation that this fix will be accepted and available
in the next 5.4 release. Then I can go ahead and merge our hbm 5 upgrade
using a local snapshot build containing this fix.


Michiel Hendriks, MSc
System Architect

✉️ michiel.hendr...@mpo.com
🌐 www.mpo.com
☎️ +31 102900304
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