You need to upgrade to Hibernate 2.1, and understand the select-before-update mapping

Urberg, John wrote:

Hibernate also seems to always assume objects from different sessions are
dirty.  (I'm using saveOrUpdate() in 1.2.5.  Maybe this has changed in 2.*?)

Anyway, I need to work around this to be able to use Hibernate in a 3-tier
system.  I can only have SQL created when an object is really dirty since
there are triggers in the database.  So here are the changes I think could
accomplish my goals:

1) Upgrade to 2.* so I can use the latest features on the Interceptor
2) Add code to handle unsaved-values correctly on objects with
3) Modify SessionImpl to bypass Collection updating in
removeCollectionsFor() and prepareCollectionsForUpdate() (I mentioned this
in the last post).
4) Add a method to our base Domain Object class to return dependent objects.
Each domain object class will then need to return the collections of objects
that need to get updated when it is updated.  This will be a manual work
around for cascading on collections since I disabled that in step #3
5) Modify my transaction management code to set WAIT_FOR_COMMIT = true
during the transactions since we can't control the order dependent objects
get because of #3 & #4.
6) Add methods to our base Domain Object class to capture the original value
of a property when it changes.  The Domain Object class will then have a has
map with the original values of only the properties that changed.  If the
map is empty, the object is not dirty.
7) In Intercepter.findDirty(), determine the properties that changed based
on #6.

If this works, the only changes I'd have to make in Hibernate proper would
be a switch to disable the collections stuff.  The rest would be in a custom
Interceptor and my code.

Please let me know if this looks like a reasonable way to make Hibernate
function in a 3-tier environment.


-----Original Message-----
From: Urberg, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:21 AM
Subject: [Hibernate] Saving Collections from Multiple Sessions

We have a 3-tier Java GUI application using Hibernate as the O/R mapping layer. We've run into the problem of dealing with updating collections from other sessions. It seems Hibernate will recreate the collection if the collection was loaded with a different persisted (see SessionImpl.prepareCollectionForUpdate()). This is always the case in my app since we send domain objects to the client and then send them back to the server to be updated.

I'm thinking about doing the following to work around this until I can come
up with a better idea:

1) Add a "ignoreCollections" flag to Session with a default of false.  When
set to true, it will skip the prepareCollectionsForUpdate method.
2) Classes with collections that need to be updated will implement the
Lifecycle interface and manually cascade the changes.

Does this sound like a workable solution?

John Urberg

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properties of people, not by properties of the world. "We have met the
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