Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

The dev update site is in JBoss CVS at this location:


ok - thanks. I've updated the site.xml to reflect this.

btw. are you aware that org.jboss.ide.eclipse.ejb3.feature_1.0.0.beta2.jar cannot be installed from this updatesite ? It complains you need aop core to work ?


Yup -- that's because it's true =). JBoss EJB3 is in part dependant on JBoss AOP. It made most sense to just declare a dependency on the AOP Core project rather than re-package the JARs. (Also, I was able to re-use some of the functionality form the AOP Core Plugin).

Marshall Culpepper
JBossIDE Lead, JBoss Inc
The Professional Open Source Company

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