I want to begin working on one or more Hibernate Tools
issues in JIRA, but I have been experiencing a number
of issues building the Hibernate Tools in Eclipse 3.1.
 I attempted to import the various Eclipse projects in
Hibernate Tools using the procedure I described below
and I also installed WST, as I described below, but I
still am receiving compilation errors that I cannot
understand.  Any help you can provide would be

I am receiving compilation errors like the following:

a)  The org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper project has a lot
of compilation errors that I cannot solve.  Among
these errors are:

    i)  Unknown extension point:
    ii)  Unknown extension point:
    iii) org.eclipse.wst.xml.core cannot be resolved.
    iv) org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui cannot be resolved.
    v) org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui cannot be resolved.
    vi) org.eclipse.wst.dtd.core cannot be resolved.
    vii) The import org.eclipse.wst.xml cannot be
    viii) The import org.eclipse.wst.xml cannot be

and many others.

b)  In addition, the org.hibernate.eclipse project has
compilation errors in the MANIFEST file, with errors
like the following:

     i) Package EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent does
not exist in this plug-in.
     ii) Package antlr does not exist in this plug-in.
     iii) Package antlr.actions.java does not exist in
this plug-in.
      iv) Package com.l2fprod.common.beans does not
exist in this plug-in.
      v) Package com.mchange.lang does not exist in
this plug-in.

and many others.

In order to get to this point, I went through the
following steps:

a)  I first obtained the Hibernate 3 source code from
b) I then successfully built the Hibernate 3 project
using the Ant script provided.  
c)  I then imported the Hibernate 3 code into Eclipse.
d)  In the build path of the Hibernate 3 project, I
included all of the jar files in the lib directory
(which I brought down from CVS)
d)  Not all of the code in the Hibernate 3 project
compiled due to the fact that some of the classes were
only available in class file (with no Java source
e)  I thus included the hibernate3.jar file produced
by the build script (in step b) in the build path of
the Hibernate 3 project.  This fixed all compile
errors in the Hibernate3 project.
f)  I then obtained the HibernateExt project from CVS.
g)  I then built the HibernateExt project using the
ant build script provided.  I had a lot of trouble
getting this to work successfully.  
    i) First of all, I had to change the build.xml
file under the metadata/target/hibernate-annotations
directory so that  the statement to compile the Java
source would not fail on error, i.e. I added the 


attribute to the javac ant tag.  I had to do this
because otherwise the build script would fail.  

     ii)  I had to create "lib" directories in the
following places containing the one file


Once I did these things, I was able to successfully
run the build script.

h) I then chose the Eclipse option "Import as
Projects" using the directory where I checked out the
HibernateExt directory (from CVS).  This allowed me to
import many of the Eclipse projects under the
Hibernate3Ext directory.

i)  This did not get all of the code that I need into
Eclipse.  Therefore, I imported the contents of the
"tools" and "console" directories into Eclipse as new
Java projects.

j)  I then downloaded the 1.0 M5 stable release of the
Eclipse WST plugins and placed it in the plugins
directory of the Eclipse application.  Then I reran
Eclipse with the "eclipse -clean" command.  

k) I fixed up the build path of each of the resulting
projects that I created for Hibernate Tools. 
(Specifically, I added the files in the console/lib
directory to the build path of the Java project
corresponding to the console directory, and added the
files in the tools/lib directory to the build path of
the Java project corresponding to the tools directory.
 Then, I added references to the console and tools
projects to the org.hibernate.eclipse.console project.
And I added references to the Hibernate3 project where


Ben Poserow

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