Hi Christian,

On Wed, 2005-07-27 at 13:56 +0200, Christian Bauer wrote:
> > I was recently informed of this thread about memory leaks occurring on
> > undeploy with hibernate and saw a fair bit of criticism on
> > commons-logging.
> >
> Btw, it would be great if someone could look into replacing commons  
> logging with Log4j and providing a JDK 1.4 appender for Log4j.

Did you read the page I wrote? It's saying that provided that hibernate
and/or the container (eg jboss) uses commons-logging correctly there's
no need to move away from it. [1]

That doesn't mean that commons-logging is always the best solution.
Using a logging lib directly will always be more efficient than going
through a wrapper. If jboss always bundles log4j then I can see why
jboss would be happy for hibernate to also use log4j directly. However
the hibernate product would lose the ability to integrate nicely into
other environments such as Tomcat standalone or Spring [if Spring
doesn't use log4j] if they go direct to a specific logging library.

The ref to the page from my earlier email is:

[1] Of course if anyone disagrees with the argument please say so and I
will add that alternate viewpoint to the wiki page. I know there are
many people out there with far more knowledge of containers that I have.



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