In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

===News Update===

Iraqi Lullaby

2 Minute Video, Vocals by Laura Bush and Mothers of America, Pictures 
Provided by President G W. Bush

Watch it now !

Real Video


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"My pastor kept asking us to pray for George Bush"


Bombing The Sick And Dying


While the North American news media have focused on the military triumph of 
US Marines in Falluja, little attention has been paid to reports that US 
armed forces killed scores of patients in an attack on a Falluja health 
center and have deprived civilians of medical care, food and water.


Stinky And The Vulcan's

By Sheila Samples

Later, some will say, "We didn't know what they were doing to our 
children...we were just supporting our troops...If only the media had told 
us -- had shown us what was going on -- we would have done something to 
stop it."


President Bush, I need some advice regarding God's Laws and how best to 
follow them

For Instance

Leviticus 25.44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, 
provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine 
claims that this applies to Mexicans but not to Canadians. Can you clarify? 
Why can't I own Canadians?


9/11, Fear, and the Selling of American Empire

Hijacking Catastrophe is powerful, understated, straightforward and 
educational. In a single meticulously organized hour of evidence and 
analysis, viewers are treated to a thoughtful explanation of modern 
American empire, neo-conservatism as a driving force for the current Bush 

Watch It Online - Now!


Abu Hanifa and its terrorists:

What gives violence legitimacy? Last Friday, in Baghdad, Iraqis attending 
mosque were interrupted by a US-led military assault. Several accounts of 
the event circulated in the hours following. Among them I would like to 
briefly compare two: one by an independent journalist and a second by a 
major newspaper.


6,000 people may have died in Fallujah

Aid finally reaches Fallujah civilians : A spokesman said that the 
organisation fears that more than 6,000 people may have died in the U.S. 
Offensive and that thousands of families are in bad need of assistance.


Six dead in three Iraqi bomb attacks :

Three bomb explosions in Iraq Saturday left at least six people dead and 15 
others wounded


US soldier killed by roadside bomb:

Anti occupation forces have detonated a roadside bomb next to a US tank 
patrol north of Baghdad, killing a US soldier.


Calls for delaying Iraq poll fuel tensions:

Iraq's main Shi'ite parties have insisted that elections should go ahead on 
January 30 as planned, rejecting mounting calls from Sunni and secular 
politicians to postpone the polls because of guerrilla violence.


Naomi Klein: Smoking while Iraq burns :

Its idolisation of 'the face of Falluja' shows how numb the US is to 
everyone's pain but its own


US urges ban on antitank mines but happy with anti-personnel varieties:

The United States, stung by insurgent attacks in Iraq, has urged the 
international community to consider banning all sales of anti-tank and 
other heavy landmines, but ruled out its participation in an international 
conference on mines designed to maim or kill people.


Juan Cole: 25,000 US Casualties in Iraq;

9% of Troops Put in Hospital or Killed


Video: "I am waiting for his body":

Military families speak out! A must watch video Windows Media


Chris Floyd: What makes these Bush preppy puppies run:

It's not conservative principles or moral values or national security or 
world freedom


US troops find 15 bodies in Iraq's Mosul :

At least 15 bodies were found on Friday by US troops in Iraq's northern 
city of Mosul, the US military said.


Four British Mercenaries Killed in Baghdad's Green Zone ::

The dead were former Gurkha fighters, Britain's foreign office said.


Two Marines killed in Fallujah clash:

Two Marines were killed and three others wounded when they came under fire 
during house-clearing operations in Fallujah, the U.S. military said Friday.


'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah :

The U.S. military has used poison gas and other non-conventional weapons 
against civilians in Fallujah, eyewitnesses report.


Iraqis emerge amid the ruins of Falluja :

Relief agencies which finally reached Falluja found a city in ruins and its 
remaining civilian population beleaguered and hungry.


Blix Urges Caution over Iraq 'Chemical Weapons Lab' :

Former UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix tonight said he would be 
"surprised" if a chemical laboratory found in Iraq was capable of creating 


17 Parties Demand Iraq Elections Postponed :

Seventeen political parties on Friday demanded postponement of the Jan. 30 
elections for at least six months until the government is capable of 
securing polling places.,1280,-4639011,00.html


Sadr Reportedly Boycotting Iraq Elections:

Sadr believes fair elections can not be organized under occupation. Shiite 
leader Muqtada Al-Sadr has reportedly called for boycotting general 
elections, due on January 30, protesting continued US occupation of his 


The recipe for civil war :

Najaf was bombed in August. Samarra was bombed in September. Sadr City was 
bombed in October. Fallujah was bombed in November. Mosul may be bombed in 
December. And Kirkuk may be bombed in January. This is the calendar in the 
runup to the Iraqi elections set for January 30 next year.


Turk lawmaker says US in Iraq worse than Hitler:

The head of Turkey's parliamentary human rights group has accused 
Washington of genocide in Iraq and behaving worse than Adolf Hitler, in 
remarks underscoring the depth of opposition in Turkey to U.S. policy in 
the region.


How about we pay you to let us commit war crimes?

Congress Seeks to Curb International Court :

The Republican-controlled Congress has stepped up its campaign to curtail 
the power of the International Criminal Court, threatening to cut hundreds 
of millions of dollars in economic aid to governments that refuse to sign 
immunity accords shielding U.S. personnel from being surrendered to the 


We don't need to worry about war crimes! God is on our side:

Rev. Bob Jones, III: God Has Granted America a Reprieve: In your 
re-election, God has graciously granted America-though she doesn't deserve 
it-a reprieve from the agenda of paganism. You have been given a mandate. 
We the people expect your voice to be like the clear and certain sound of a 
trumpet. Because you seek the Lord daily, we who know the Lord will follow 
that kind of voice eagerly.


No More Excuses: Understanding the Americans:

For the last three and a half years I have been making excuses for 
Americans. You see, I was born in the US and therefore I am continually 
asked by non-Americans, to explain the mysterious ways of my former countrymen.


Outlook is for war, then more war:

Powell's successor, the ghastly Condoleezza Rice, will be telling Bush only 
what he wants to hear, just as Donald Rumsfeld does from the Pentagon, 
which is that the US is locked in a struggle between good and evil which 
can be won only by fire and sword and, when that doesn't work in a hurry, 
by more fire and more sword.


Boston suburb may become first US city to divest from Israel:

The measure stems from alleged Israeli human rights abuses and calls on 
Somerville's retirement board to rid the city's pension fund of $250,000 of 
Israel Bonds and other investments in American companies that "manufacture 
military equipment used in Israel's illegal military occupation," such as 
Caterpillar and Boeing.


The true story on the Ukraine crisis :

Excerpt: " Interference in Ukraine is one more example of the Bush 
administration's desperate need to keep its  oil-driven "war on terrorism" 
train from derailing ...... The  failure to install a pro-Western 
government in Ukraine will
gravely threaten the US energy conquest, and perhaps derail  their imperial 
agenda altogether . "


Barghouti Won't Seek Palestine Presidency :

Jailed Palestinian uprising leader Marwan Barghouti abandoned plans Friday 
to run in upcoming presidential elections, throwing his support behind 
Mahmoud Abbas, the candidate of the ruling Fatah party.


Two more top spies quit troubled CIA :

Two more of America's top spies were reported yesterday to be leaving the 
CIA, as an attempt to fix the troubled agency appeared increasingly to be 
dividing its ranks and driving out its most experienced officials.,12271,1360153,00.html


US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev :

  Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, 
pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government 
organisations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to 
beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box.,15569,1360236,00.html


Powell's (same old) swan song:

Colin Powell's first trip to Israel and the occupied territories in 18 
months saw him reading the same old script


Dubya: The Movie:

Need a laugh?


What Born Again Christians Teach Their Children

Or How To Hate Everyone :

This video tells us that Satan has created religions in order to deceive 
man. These religions include Buddhism, Catholicism, and of course, singled 
out for a special level of contempt, Islam.


Proof of Lies And Evidence Fabrication Against The Hijacker Suspects of 9-11

Imagine the FBI's dismay when it turned out that Adnan Bukhari was still 
alive, Ameer Bukhari had died a year before and Abdul Rahman Alomari and 
Amer Kamfar were both still alive and living in Saudi Arabia. It doesn't 
take a massive leap of imagination to work out that at least four of the 
five people on this manifest (Flight 11) were using the names and 
identities of the people listed above.


WRH: The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

Posted Nov 27, 2004 08:19 AM PST Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


WRH: 9/11 Airport Surveillance Video - What's the Time?

Posted Nov 27, 2004 08:19 AM PST Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


WRH: Is the 2004 Bin Laden Video Tape A Fraud?

Posted Nov 27, 2004 08:13 AM PST Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


-muslim voice-

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