In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

237 Administration Lies

237 Documented Administration Lies to Public, Congress, About Iraq 
'Threat,' bin Laden Ties

President Bush and Administration Officials have offered 237 specific 
claims that intelligence had established not only a threat from Saddam 
Hussein, but a threat that his ''Weapons of Mass Destruction'' might be 
given to terrorists. Additionally, the Administration mentioned ''Saddam 
Hussein'' and ''9/11'' within a few words of each other over 100 times, 
falsely associating the two in the public's mind. [See col. 3]



PARIS -- In July 2002, the head of MI-6, Britain's secret intelligence 
service, briefed Prime Minister Tony Blair and his cabinet on U.S. plans to 
attack Iraq.

Sir Richard Dearlove ("M" to James Bond fans) reported that U.S. President 
George Bush had decided to invade oil-rich Iraq in March 2003, in a war "to 
be justified by the conjunction of terrorism and weapons of mass 
destruction. The intelligence and facts are being fixed around the policy."


FBI Whistleblower: White Supremacists Are Major Domestic Terrorist Threat:

We speak with Mike German, an ex-FBI agent who resigned from the agency 
last year in protest of what he saw as continuing failures in the FBI 
counter terrorism program.


In case you missed it:

WMD Plot Uncovered In East Texas:

At least one weapon of mass destruction - a sodium cyanide bomb capable of 
delivering a deadly gas cloud - has been seized in the Tyler area.


The Power of Nightmares

Should we be worried about the threat from organised terrorism or is it 
simply a phantom menace being used to stop society from falling apart?


Administration's Offenses Impeachable: So, what does it mean?

It means that our president and all of his administration are war 
criminals. It's as simple as that. They lied to the American people, have 
killed and injured and traumatized thousands of American men and women 
doing their patriotic duty, killed at least 100,000 Iraqi civilians


German TV airs documentary charging American war crimes in Afghanistan

The US State Department has reacted angrily to the showing of a documentary 
on German television alleging that US soldiers were involved in war crimes 
in Afghanistan.

The Third Reich has reacted angrily to the showing of a documentary on 
British television alleging that German soldiers were involved in war 
crimes in Poland.


Could memo sink Bush?

By itself, no.

Backup up by millions of Americans surrounding the Capitol Building with 
anger in their eyes, yes.


Six More Secret British Documents Leaked

Six new secret British documents have been leaked and are provided below. 
These were retyped from the originals to protect the source. Full Text



The papers are coming alive over the "Downing Street Memo." Am I supposed 
to get excited? Bollocks. Until the night of the 9th of June, the "Downing 
Street Memo" didn't even exist. We had the "Downing Street Minutes" all 
right. And we had a BBC transcript from March 20, 2005 that included the 
minutes, and several memos... including one from Christopher Meyer and one 
from David Manning. These things were explosive, to be sure. But no one 
read them, so they didn't exist.



Get ready for the latest Pro-Bush spin on Memogate. It goes like this:

This is why I wrote "Lie Of The Century". It proves the case for deliberate 
intention to deceive the American people regarding Iraq's WMDs without 
relying on the Downing Street memo. The faked "Yellow Cake" documents, the 
"Dodgy Dossier" plagiarized from an outdated student thesis paper, the 
British balloon inflators passed off as mobile Iraqi bioweapons labs, 
together show a clear pattern of intent to deceive the public.

And, the existence of just one faked document proves that there was no real 
evidence of Iraqi WMDs. Else why bother with the expense and risk of fakes? 
The Downing Street Memo reveals much, but in the long run, the proof that 
the Bush administration intended to lie to the people existed long before 
that one memo leaked out.


Leaked Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action

by Officials)

Agree to engage the US on the need to set military plans within a realistic 
political strategy, which includes identifying the succession to Saddam 
Hussein and creating the conditions necessary to justify government 
military action


The Fix is In: Why the Downing Street Memo Matters

Pentagon whistleblower Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski and Daniel Ellsberg on 
the deceptions of the Bush administration

Real Video - 4 minutes


The leak that changed minds on the Iraq war:

It makes clear that both Blair and Bush have a lot to apologise for: “When 
the prime minister discussed Iraq with President Bush at Crawford in April 
he said that the UK would support military action to bring about regime 
change,” it states, adding that “regime change per se is illegal”.


CNN change facts into fiction :

The point of the Downing Street Memo is not that the Bush regime "saw the 
war as inevitable." The point is that it wanted the war and had decided 
that military action was going to happen­and then figure out the justification.


Downing Street Afterschlock: CNN Makes Good on 'Storytelling' Vow - 
Headline News channels regime-change facts into fiction

Whoever did the rip-and-read at CNN stopped reading the memo at least a 
sentence too soon. Here's the relevant passage from the Downing Street Memo:
" … Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove 
Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism 
and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. … "


Mr. President, Explain The Downing Street Memo :

We come together, as concerned Americans, irrespective of political 
affiliation, to seek the truth from our government. As citizens, we deserve 
no less.


Ray McGovern: Downing Street II:

On behalf of the Truth Telling Coalition, let me invite any patriotic truth 
tellers out of the woodwork, so that truly courageous leaders like Rep. 
John Conyers, D-Mich., will not have to depend solely on patriots in 
Britain (and Rupert Murdoch!).


Proof is in the memo:

Soldiers died for a lie: All the world ­ except America ­ is buzzing about 
the fact that George Bush created the WMD threat to justify his war in Iraq.


Dueling memos?

A transcript of the memorandum was posted Sunday on the Web site of The 
Sunday Times of London, after The Washington Post, citing one of the 
British paper's own correspondents as a source, published excerpts. No 
image of the original was included, The Times said, to protect its source; 
a note on the Web site said the last page was missing.

All of a sudden, another memo, this one claiming there was no decision to 
go to war in 2002, surfaces, except that the actual memo can't be shown "to 
protect the source".



Leaked memos from Downing Street, including the infamous "Downing Street 
Memo". Toegther, they show a look inside the process of manufacturing an 
excuse for a war.


Brits and Yanks Unite to Demand Answers to Downing Street Minutes

  For Immediate Release: June 11, 2005
For More Info:
Web link:

Military Families Against the War,, in Britain, and,, in the United States, 
are working together to demand answers to the questions raised by the 
Downing Street Minutes and related evidence suggesting that the rulers of 
both nations conspired to deceive the public, Congress, and Parliament with 
regard to justification for the Iraq War.


Military action won't end resistance, growing number of U.S. officers believe:

The recognition that a military solution is not in the offing has led U.S. 
and Iraqi officials to signal they are willing to negotiate with resistance 
groups, or their intermediaries.


White House Acknowledges Everything But The Post-War Planning Angle

I want to make sure I have this right, because if I do, then the 
Administration is effectively acknowledging that they had already decided 
to go to war against Saddam in 2002, but they say they planned better than 
the Brits would have us believe.


Iraqi captors free French reporter held for 157 days

The French journalist, Florence Aubenas, came home to a triumphant and 
emotional reception last night after five months of captivity in Iraq.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 12 June 2005 :
- US caught in another lie: claims US forces killed 40 Resistance fighters 
disputed by Hospital staff, local residents who say only civilians were in 
the area
- Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in southern al-Fallujah
-  Resistance “welcomes” new puppet “governor” of al-Anbar with mortar barrage
- Resistance attacks US forces west of ar-Ramadi, indiscriminate American 
fire leaves three Iraqi civilians dead
- Resistance attacks three US patrol boats on Euphrates River Sunday 
morning. al Hadithah
- Resistance bombards US base near Hit early Sunday morning
- Puppet regime official admits Iraqi Resistance agents have penetrated to 
“sensitive levels” of all puppet security and military commands
- US admits four Americans killed in al-Anbar Province Saturday
- Twenty-eight bodies unearthed in and around Baghdad Sunday, puppet police 
announce, a day after Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ disclosed their discovery
- New questions raised on US military casualty count: American war widow 
suspects more than one person’s ashes are listed as belonging to her husband
- Resistance car bomb targets US patrol near Mosul early Sunday, Resistance 
opens fire on puppet barracks Tal 'Afar
- Resistance bomb targets US patrol in al-Hillah Sunday afternoon, 
Resistance bombards Japanese occupation troops Sunday afternoon as Samawah
- Resistance bomb blasts US troops in an-Najaf Sunday afternoon


Suicide car bombers kill 10 in Iraq:

Witnesses said a US army Humvee was on fire after the blast and said a US 
helicopter arrived to evacuate the wounded. They said three US soldiers 
were evacuated, but the details could not be confirmed with the US military.


Seven US soldiers killed in Iraq

Insurgent attacks, accidents claim lives of five US soldiers in Iraq as 
seventeen bodies found in Al-Qaim.


Five Iraqi Policemen killed, five other injured in explosions in Samara


Gunmen attack checkpoint, killing four police:

Gunmen in three cars approached the checkpoint and began firing, killing 
four policemen and injuring seven before fleeing the scene 25 km (15 miles) 
south of Baquba.


Republican lawmakers urge shift in U.S. Iraq plans:

A Republican congressman called for a deadline to pull U.S. troops from 
Iraq, while some other members of President Bush's party urged on Sunday 
that his administration come to grips with a persistent insurgency and 
revamp Iraq policy.


USA is losing patience on Iraq :

Nearly six in 10 Americans say the United States should withdraw some or 
all of its troops from Iraq, a new Gallup Poll finds


In an attempt to change the subject,

Iraqi "government" releases video of Saddam,2763,1505612,00.html


FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11

Major questions exist as to why FEMA would deny being in New York City 
prior to 9/11 without mentioning the 9/12 bioterror drill. These questions 
must now be addressed as the initial suspicions of those who learned of the 
Tom Kenney statement have been clearly validated. The coincidental presence 
of a large FEMA team in NYC at the location, Pier 92, which became the 
Command Center for the entire emergency operation is disturbing. An alert 
press and a legitimate 9-11 Commission should have raised this issue long ago.


Suicide Bomber Kills 3 GIs in Afghanistan :

A suicide bomber rammed a car full of explosives into a U.S. military 
vehicle in southern Afghanistan, killing at least three American soldiers, 
the deputy police chief of nearby Kandahar said.,1280,-5070359,00.html


Bomber attacks US Afghan convoy :

A suicide bomber has attacked a United States military convoy in southern 
Afghanistan wounding four American soldiers, US officials say. But they say 
reports that five US soldiers were killed are wrong.


Americans' faith in Bush is crumbling

The Western democracies are suddenly suffering from potentially serious 
deficit problems. But it's a deficit measured less in dollars, euros and 
British pounds than in leadership.


FLASHBACK: US press accounts confirm: Rumsfeld, Bush approved Iraq torture 

Posted Jun 13, 2005 08:45 AM PST - Category: TORTURE SCANDAL


"Support Our Torturers!":

We Regret Any Inconvenience Caused by Your Humiliation


Guantanamo captive treated like dog

An insight into the shocking, banal and often frustrating world of the 
interrogators at Guantanamo Bay emerged yesterday with the publication of 
the log of their treatment of a prominent detainee.


New Gitmo abuse furor:

The humiliating tactics were so harsh that Defense Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld had to green-light them - and they continued even after the 
suspect, who was never charged, was rushed to the hospital.


Magazine Reports Details Of A Guantanamo Interrogation:

Time reported, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved 16 additional 
interrogation techniques for use on certain detainees.


Extracts from an Interrogation Log:

The detainee began to pray loudly but this did not stop me from finishing 
informing the detainee about the Al Qaeda member, Qaed Salim Sinan al 
Harethi aka Abu Ali, that was killed by the CIA.


Guantánamo detainees are 'bad people', says Cheney :

People need to understand that detainees at Guantánamo Bay are "bad 
people", the US vice president, Dick Cheney, will say in an interview to be 
broadcast tonight as pressure grows for the detention centre to close.,13743,1505497,00.html?gusrc=rss


Pressure to close Guantánamo grows:

Republicans said that reports of mistreatment of prisoners there have made 
the prison a growing global liability.


Some Held at Guantánamo Are Minors:

One lawyer said that his client, a Saudi of Chadian descent, was not yet 15 
when he was captured and had told him that he was beaten regularly in his 
early days at Guantánamo and that an interrogator pressed a burning 
cigarette into his arm.


Court Rejects Padilla's Request For Appeal:

His attorneys asked the justices to decide whether President Bush has the 
power to seize U.S. citizens in civilian settings on American soil and 
subject them to indefinite military detention without criminal charges or a 


Pakistan denies FBI terror camp claims :

Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz denied Saturday there is a jihadist training 
center outside Islamabad near Rawalpindi, where federal agents say a 
22-year- old Lodi man was taught "how to kill Americans" over a six-month 
period in 2003 and 2004.


Amnesty International calls for halt to death penalty as four executed in Gaza


Israeli Spy Affair: Pentagon Analyst Indicted in Info Leak :

A Pentagon analyst has been indicted on charges he leaked classified 
military information to employees of a pro-Israel group (AIPAC) , according 
to court papers made public Monday.


Conservatives for Espionage:

Many leading conservatives are taking up the cudgels on the spy ring’s 
behalf ­ and claiming that the accused are victims of an insidious plot!


Palestinian Factions Warn Calm would Collapse due to Israeli Aggressions?:

In a leaflet signed by 13 Palestinian factions, the groups held Israel 
responsible for the deterioration of the cease-fire for violating it with 
continuous military operations in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. However 
they did not declare pulling out of the deal.


Palestinian Authority won't disarm militants-minister:

The Palestinian Authority will not disarm militants until Israel ends its 
occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as stated in a U.S.-backed peace plan, 
Foreign Minister Nasser al-Kidwa said on Monday.


Sharansky’s Double Standard

But in real political life, moral clarity between liberty and despotism is 
not so easy to come by—and perhaps nowhere is that clearer than in 
Sharansky’s own path since he entered Israeli politics. For there his 
career has been marked not by moral clarity but rather by moral ambiguity 
and inconsistency in his advocacy of democracy and human rights, 
particularly in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Bush Poll Not Accurate, GOP Says

"It's not accurate because, because, because, well, just BECAUSE, dammit!" 
-- Official White Horse Souse


Repealing the 22nd Amendment

Ooh boy, the Rightists are at again. This time, they want to repeal the 
22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution so that their iconic representative 
can illegitimately occupy the White House for an unlimited amount of time.


John Pilger: Dodgy 'Partnership':

Accepting tainted money - money from the same source that "funds a 
murderous regime" - is itself a compromise and a dangerous one.


Police accused of breaching civil liberties of G8 campaigners :

Human rights campaigners have accused the police of breaching civil 
liberties as they gather intelligence on people planning to protest against 
the G8 summit.


Privatisation Hangs Over Debt Relief:

The finance ministers' agreement contains a provision on privatisation that 
has the potential to deliver to them more money than they wrote off.


When it comes to Africa, Bush has more on his mind than aid:

Oil, raw materials and the expansion of the free market are the principal 
reasons the US engages in Africa, anything else is pretty much incidental.


Military draft back on US agenda:

THE United States would "have to face" a painful dilemma on restoring the 
military draft as rising casualties saw the number of volunteers dry up, a 
senator warned today.


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