Saudi Arabia's Security Apparatus Declares State Of Emergency
Jul 02, 2005

According to sources inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a state of emergency has been declared within Saudi’s Arabia’s security apparatus. The interior ministry has distributed a statement asking all security personnel to be extremely vigilant as the government now believes that all police officers, security personnel, and interrogation officers inside the Kingdom will be the prime targets of Mujahideen, especially those on the new list.

Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry earlier this week released a new list of the Kingdoms most wanted Mujahideen and is now offering a 1 million SR reward for information leading to the arrest of these individuals 5 millions SR for information leading to the arrest of more than one individual and 7 millions SR for information that prevents an attack from being carried out.

What is interesting about this latest development is that, following the conclusion of Al-Rass operation, the Saudi government announced that they had totally eradicated the Mujahideen from the Arabian Peninsula. Now they have come up with not only a new list of most wanted and huge financial rewards for information leading to the arrest of any of these individuals, they have now declared a state of emergency that contradicts their previous statements and validates that the Jihad continues to gain momentum inside the Kingdom.


A Message From One Of The Mujahideen On Saudi Arabia’s New Most Wanted List
Jul 01, 2005

Following the Al-Rass operation, Saudi Arabia’ Interior Ministry made the bold statement that it had broken the Mujahideen in the Arabian Peninsula and deemed the Mujahideen there inactive. Earlier this week, the Saud regime took a 180 degree turn and issued a brand new “most wanted” list and is currently offering huge sums of money for information that leads to the arrest of any of those on “the list” or for information that leads to the prevention of attacks inside the Kingdom.

Not only did this latest statement contradict the previous statements of the failing Saudi regime, now one of the Mujahideen who has been included on the new list, Fahd Ibn Farraj Al-Joair Al-Farraj, has issued a statement, clarifying the entire situation.

Here is Al-Farraj’s statement, uncut and uncensored as translated by JUS.

We remind our viewers that the opinions and points of view expressed in this statement are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that they are necessarily those of Jihad Unspun, the publisher, editor, writers, contributors or staff.

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds. And no aggression except on those who transgress all bounds. Peace and prayer be on the most honored of mankind, his family, and his companions.

At the time I saw my people running into the apostate rulers pledging their support and loyalty, I felt it was my duty to renew my dissociation from those apostates and show my enmity and hatred towards them as Allah, the Most High, has made clear to us that one’s state of Islam is not complete unless he dissociate himself from the enemies of Allah:

{There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: We are clear of you and of whatever you worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,-unless you believe in Allah and Him alone.} 60:4

{Whoever rejects Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy Hand-hold, that never breaks} 2:256

When man meditates on the words of his Lord and the practice of the messenger (PBUH), he would have no doubt that the servant of Allah does not become Muslim without satisfying these two conditions: Rejecting Taghut and believing in Allah alone. Believing in Allah must also be based on helping and defending people of Iman (faith), and rejecting and showing enmity and hatred towards the unbelievers and all misguided people. The following Hadith was cited by Muslim, the prophet said:

“Whoever said La Ilaha Illa Allah (no god but Allah) and rejects all that is being worshiped instead of Allah, his blood and wealth become sacred, and his final fate will be decided by Allah.”

But anyone who runs into the apostates to renew his loyalty to them, is one from whom and his action we dissociate for his action is characteristic of Hypocrites.

{Those in whose hearts is a disease you see how eagerly they run about amongst them saying: “we do fear lest a change of fortune bring us disaster.” } 5:52

{To the Hypocrites give the good tidings that there is for them a grievous Chastisement. Those who take for friends Unbelievers rather than Believers: Is it honor they seek among them? Nay,-All honor is with Allah.} 4:138-139

This is Allah’s verdict on anyone who takes for friends Unbelievers rather than Believers. He is one of them and will have the same fate.

Honor can only be sought from Allah by faithfully worshiping Him and Him alone and by joining the community of the believing servants of Allah.

My dissociation from those who renewed their loyalty to the Tyrants, stems from Allah’s words:

{Behold! Abraham said to his father and his people: I do indeed clear myself of what you worship. I worship only Him who originated me, and He will certainly guide me.} 43: 26-27

And the words of the messenger of Allah. Both Bukhary and Muslim cited this Hadith:

“I do not consider this tribe or that group friends of mine but Allah and the righteous believers are those to whom I turn for friendship”

Therefore, my dissociation from the Tyrants and all of apostates obligated me to seek friendship and protection with those in whose behalf Allah says:

{Your (real) friends are (no less than) Allah, his messenger, and the Believers,-those who establish regular prayers and pat Zakat and they bow down humbly (in worship). As to those who turn (for friendship) to Allah, His messenger, and the Believers,-it is the party of Allah that must certainly triumph.} 5:55-56

O Muslim brothers! This aya (verse) clearly shows that your friendship and loyalty should not be with The Jews or the Christians or the apostates but it must be with Allah, His messenger, and the Believers. Therefore, he who chose Allah and His messenger as friends will prosper in this life and in the hereafter.

According to both Bukhari and Muslim, the messenger of Allah had been quoted saying:

“The similitude of the believers in their affection for each others is that of one human body,-if one part (or organ) of it falls ill, the rest of the body will be affected and will demonstrate this by fever and lack of sleep.”

“The believer in a community of believers is like a building, each brick supports and strengthen other bricks”

O my people’s youth! Allah...Allah- I rouse you and invite you to come to the aid of your religion and to protect your Aqeedah, and support and join the Mujahideen, especially in the Arabian Peninsula for you Aqeedah compels you to do so:

“O you who believe! Fight the Unbelievers who are near you and let them find harshness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.} 9:123

O Muslim brothers! Beware of Satan and do not let him through fear into your hearts. Your life is in the Hands of Allah. What ever happened to you was not going to miss you and whatever missed you was not going to hit you. Allah, the Most high says:

{It is only the Satan that suggests to you the fear of his votaries: Be you not afraid of them, but fear Me, if you have faith.} 3:175

{Those to whom men said: “A great army is gathering against you, so fear them”: But it (only) increased their faith: they said: “for us Allah suffices, and he is the best Guardian.” And they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah: no harm ever touched them for they followed the good pleasure of Allah: and Allah is the Lord of bounties unbounded.} 3:173-174

O Muslim brothers! It is your duty to extend a helping hand to the Mujahideen and support them with your goods, persons, hands, and tongues. The messenger of Allah said:

“Fight the unbelievers with your tongues, persons, goods (money and other material goods), and your hands” (cited by Imam Ahmad).

Our dissociation from the current rulers is based on the following:

• Backing up the unbelievers as clearly seen by their stance towards the cross worshippers.

• Backing up the pagans as seen by their protection of the “Rafidhah” (the Shiah) in Madinah.

• Governing by man-made laws instead of the Shariah of Allah.

• Their war against Islam and people of Islam. There you see how they changed school curricula, manipulated media, and made mockery of your religion. Elevating sectarian advocates and wicked individuals to influential positions is the best evidence against them.

•Fighting Mujahideen, amongst them, are your sons and relatives. They have spilled so much blood,- such as, Hamoud Al-Jouair, Sultan Ibn Saad Al-Abeed, Ibrahim Ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Shayea, Abdul Rahman Ibn Dakheel Al-Faleh, may Allah accepts them as martyrs. Do we let the blood of those be spilled unanswered? Their only crime (in the eyes of the apostate rulers) was that they wanted to worship Allah alone.

• Prisons and jails are now full of righteous scholars and Mujahideen.

You must get up and stand as one man to defend this religion (Islam) and you must not get distracted by minor issues. Your religion is being dishonored, your wealth is being embezzled, and your blood is being spilled. What is left that is worth keeping? I swear by Allah that the inside (under the surface) of the earth is better for you than the surface.

As to the deployment of security forces into your towns, they only came to fight Islam and true Muslims as well as chasing Mujahideen. So wake up and shake off the dust that is covering you because you will not be excused before Allah on the Day of Judgment. Waste no time to dissociate yourself from those apostates and be first to help and protect your religion.

Allah knows best. Peace and prayer be on our prophet, Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

Fahd Ibn Farraj Al-Joair Al-Farraj
One of Saudi Arabia’s Most Wanted Mujahideen


Saudis Issue New List Of Most Wanted Mujahideen
Jun 30, 2005

Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry has released a new list of the Kingdoms most wanted Mujahideen and is now offering a 1 million SR reward for information leading to the arrest of these individuals 5 millions SR for information leading to the arrest of more than one individual and 7 millions SR for information that prevents an attack from being carried out.

What is interesting about this latest development is that, following the conclusion of Al-Rass operation, the Saudi government announced that they had totally eradicated the Mujahideen from the Arabian Peninsula. Now they have come up with not only a new list of most wanted but huge financial rewards for information leading to the arrest of any of these individuals. that begs the question whether they really did extinguish the fire of Jihad as they claimed,

On Tuesday, the Interior Ministry of Saudi Arabia issued the following statement:

“By the blessing and Grace of Allah, our security apparatus was able to uncover and foil the plots of the misguided party, the party that took it upon itself to distort Islam and compromise the security of the land of the Two Holy Mosques. Their false and wicked ideology back fired on them.

We wish to publish a list of individuals wanted for questioning regarding acts of violence against residents and security personnel of this country. We wish to warn against having any dealings with those individuals, anyone caught helping them, doing business with them or providing a safe haven for them will be subject to punishment.

We also wish to call on any citizen who has any information on any of the wanted individual to come forward by calling 990 or the nearest security office. We wish to offer the following rewards:

• SR1 million for information leading to the arrest of one individual on the list.

• SR5 millions for information leading to the arrest of more than one individual

• SR7 millions for information leading to foiling or aborting an operation.

The wanted individuals are:

A. Those who were directly connected with violent acts and are believed to be inside the Kingdom:

• Younes Muhammad Ibrahim – Moroccan, age 36 – came for Hajj and failed to return to his country. Last seen in Riyadh.
• Fahed Farraj – Saudi, age 35
• Zaid Saad Al-Samary- Saudi, age 31
• Abdul Rahman Saleh Al-Mutaab-Saudi, age 26
• Saleh Mansour Mohsen Al-Faridi-Saudi, age 22
• Sultan Saleh Al-Haseri-Saudi, age 26
• Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Al-Sowailmy-Saudi, age 23
• Muhammad Saleh Al-Ghaith-Saudi, age 23
• Abdullah Abdul Aziz Imrahim-Saudi, age 21
• Muhammad Saeed Al Siam-Saudi, age 25
• Ibrahim Abdullah Ibrahim-Saudi, age 21
• Waleed Mutlaq Salem-Saudi, age 21
• Nayef Farha’an Jalal-Saudi, age 24
• Majid Hamed Abdullah-Saudi, age 29
• Abdullah Shalash Al-Saleeti-Saudi, age 24

B. Those who were directly connected with acts of violence and believed to reside outside of the Kingdom

• Noor Muhammad Mousa-from Tshad, age 21
• Manour MuhammadYousef-from Tshad, age 21
• Othman Muhammad Hasan-from Tshad, age 23
• Mohsen Ahed Fadhel-from Kuwait, age 25
• Abdullah muhammad sayed-from Mauritis, age 37
• Zaid Hasan Hameed-from Yemen, age 34
• Fahd Saleh Al-Mahyani-Saudi, age 24
• Adnan Abdullah Fares-Saudi, age 28
• Marzouk Faisal Marxouk-Saudi, age 32
• Adel Abdul Lateef Ibrahim-Saudi, aga 27
• Muhammad Abdul Rahman Muhammad-Saudi, age 21
• Saleh Saeed Al-Ghamdi-Saudi, age 40
• Sultan Sanitan Muhammad-Saudi, age 24
• Fayez Ibrahim Ayoob-Saudi, age 30
• Khalid Muhammad Abbas-Saudi, age 29"

This latest statement by the Interior Ministry begs the question of whether they really did extinguish the fire of Jihad as they had previously claimed or whether they were simply engaging in another baseless public relations campaign in an effort to please their American masters.

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