Anwar wins apology, damages for 1998 assault
Wednesday, August 03 @ 14:16:01 MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 3 - Malaysia's former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim has won an apology and undisclosed damages in a suit against the government over a beating he received after his 1998 arrest, his lawyer said Wednesday.

Anwar had demanded a public apology and compensation in a civil suit that opened Monday against the government, former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad and ex-police chief Rahim Noor, who has admitted to carrying out the beating.

In a settlement, Rahim agreed to make a written apology which was read out in court, Anwar's lawyer Gobind Singh said.

It was also decided that damages would be paid but it was agreed that the amount and who would pay would not be disclosed, he said.

"The only two facts we can make public is that there is payment of an unspecified amount and that Rahim makes a public apology to Anwar and his family," he told AFP.

Singh said Anwar was happy with the deal and was looking forward to putting the matter behind him.

"No, he doesn't get a public apology from Mahathir or the government, but he is of the view that the apology given by Rahim is sincere and very strong so he's very happy with that," Singh said.

"My client has maintained from the very beginning that this action is not about money but it was more about showing the police force that they cannot do as they please, abuse their position and get away with it."

Anwar was Mahathir's deputy and heir-apparent before being sacked on September 2, 1998. He refused to go quietly and on September 20 led a massive anti-government protest that triggered his arrest.

That same evening he was beaten up, while blindfolded and handcuffed, by the then-police chief, Rahim.

An image of his black eye, seen as he was led into court later, was flashed around the world and depicted in countless opposition posters as a symbol of official abuse.

Admitting he had lost his temper with Anwar, Rahim assumed full responsibility for the assault and announced his resignation in January the following year.

The attack gravely embarrassed Mahathir's government and Rahim was jailed for two months in 2000 for the incident, although rights groups decried the sentence as too lenient.


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