From: assalamu_alaikum_1426

Afghan clerics threaten Muslim holy war over Koran
By Qurban Ali Hamzi
Sunday May 15, 2005

FAIZABAD, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A group of Afghan Muslim clerics
threatened on Sunday to call for a holy war against the United States
in three days unless it hands over military interrogators reported to
have desecrated the Koran.

The warning came after 16 Afghans were killed and more than 100 hurt
last week in the worst anti-U.S. protests across the country since
U.S. forces invaded in 2001 to oust the Taliban for sheltering Osama
bin Laden and his al Qaeda network.

The clerics in the northeastern province of Badakhshan said they
wanted President Bush to handle the matter honestly "and hand the
culprits over to an Islamic country for punishment."

"If that does not happen within three days, we will launch a jihad
against America," said a statement issued by about 300 clerics,
referring to Muslim holy war, after meeting in the main mosque in the
provincial capital, Faizabad.

The statement was read out by Abdul Fatah Fayeq, the top judicial
official in the mountainous, conservative province near the borders of
Tajikistan and China.

Muslim clerics have traditionally been teachers and leaders in Afghan
society and throughout its history they have rallied public opinion
and sometimes led uprisings against unpopular rulers and foreign

Newsweek magazine said in its May 9 edition investigators probing
abuses at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay found that
interrogators "had placed Korans on toilets, and in at least one case
flushed a holy book down the toilet."

Muslims consider the Koran the literal word of God and treat each book
with deep reverence.

The United States has tried to calm global Muslim outrage over the
incident, saying disrespect for the Koran was abhorrent and would not
be tolerated, and military authorities were investigating the allegation.


Another group of clerics in the north demanded punishment for those
responsible for desecrating the Koran but did not call for holy war,
the governor of Kunduz province said.

The protests began in the eastern city of Jalalabad on Tuesday.
Violence broke out there on Wednesday and there were clashes in
several other places on Thursday and Friday.

Scattered protests on Saturday were mostly peaceful, while on Sunday
no demonstrations were reported.

While some Afghan analysts say Muslim rage over the desecration report
sparked the protests, not hatred of America, there is growing
resentment of U.S. troops, especially in southeastern areas where they
are most active.

The United States commands a foreign force in Afghanistan of about
18,300, most of them American, fighting Taliban insurgents and hunting
militant leaders, including bin Laden.

President Hamid Karzai, a staunch U.S. ally, has urged the United
States to punish anyone found guilty of desecrating the Koran. He said
foreign hands were behind the disturbances, but did not identify them.

The anti-U.S. protesters have also criticized Karzai and his
U.S.-backed government, attacking and torching provincial offices and
police stations as well as U.N. and aid agency compounds.


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