In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Two British Soldiers in Basra Told Us Who the Terrorists Are

Two men in Arab dress had fired at Policemen in Basra, killing one police 
officer. The men were immediately arrested and taken into custody by the 
police in Basra. Stripped of their Arab garb they were found to be British 
soldiers, possibly Special Forces. The Ministry of Defence in London asked 
the television channels to obscure the men’s faces when the story was 
reported – and terrestrial channels in the UK complied with this request. 
The Mod immediately made no comment and at around 10pm it was reported that 
the MoD did not have an explanation for the actions of the captured soldiers.


This attack on free speech will fuel Muslim hostility

If Britain's proposed laws on inciting terrorism were applied fairly, those 
who incite wars of aggression would also be in the dock

The kind of language proposed in the British legislation could easily 
characterise a call to resist allied occupation soldiers in Iraq as 
incitement. Is force now to be the preserve of the powerful?


London mayor: Terrorism can be justified:

"It is very easy for politicians in the west to make these random 
denunciations of terrorist attacks, but then I have known terrorists that I 
viewed as courageous and principled," he said.


9-11 Proof

This site is wholly non-partisan, and not intended to criticize or to 
bolster any political party. The sources cited come from across the 
political spectrum. The issues raised transcend political differences, and 
are vital to conservatives, liberals and moderates; they affect your life 
whether you are a republican, democratic, independent, or non-voter.


Blaming Islamic Extremists:

The government of Uzbekistan has been engaged in unprecedented efforts, 
including massive detentions, torture, and forced confessions, to persuade 
its people and the outside world that Islamist extremists were responsible 
for a bloody massacre in Andijan last May, according to Amnesty 
International and Human Rights Watch


In case you missed it?

Our Presidents New Best Friend Boils People Alive :

  Let me introduce you to our presidents new best friend, President Karimov 
of Uzbekistan.


Robert Fisk Refused Entry Into U.S. :

U.S. immigration officials refused Tuesday to allow Robert Fisk, longtime 
Middle East correspondent for the London newspaper, The Independent, to 
board a plane from Toronto to Denver. Fisk was on his way to Santa Fe for a 
sold-out appearance in the Lannan Foundation’s readings-and-conversations 
series Wednesday night.


A bridge too far

Among many unanswered questions in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, we have 
this one: Why didn't the stranded residents of flooded New Orleans simply 
walk to dry land? For many, the answer was simple and disturbing: The 
suburbs wouldn't let them.


Double Standards in Iraq:

Monday was one of those rare illuminating days. A juxtaposition of events 
starkly exposed Western double standards and made the Iraqi government's 
claims of sovereignty even more nonsensical than it already was.


The war in Iraq was based on a lie - and policing Basra is an illusion

What a shambles. What chaos. And how quickly it all seems to be getting 
worse. Looking at those pictures of a Basra jail, pulverised by the British 
Army, it seems hard to believe that it was only six months ago that the 
very same British Army took me to see a jail in the very same city.


British Tanks in Basra: Burning for Mr. Rothschild

It must have been a great surprise to our Zionist masters that it has taken 
so long for their allies in Iraq to ferment the intended civil war. Now 
that they have finally achieved their aims and the prospects of an internal 
bloodbath are excellent, the British forces should return home.


In case you missed it:

Air Force Col: Bush, Cheney, Neocons Treasonous

“You know our freedoms are not under attack from the remnants of Saddam 
Hussein’s Bathist Party. They’re under attack by the likes of John 
Ashcroft. They’re trampled by Donald Rumsfeld, they’re disdained by Dick 
Cheney, and they’re not even understood by George W. Bush.”


'My family think I'm crazy to come back to this disaster' :

After his award-winning reporting on the assault on Fallujah, Ali Fadhil 
went to study in America. But just three months later he was back in Iraq, 
where he found a country that had changed almost beyond recognition,2763,1575416,00.html


Bush's words on Iraq echo LBJ in 1967

WASHINGTON -- Bush officials bristle at the suggestion the war in Iraq 
might look anything like Vietnam. Yet just as today's anti-war protests 
recall memories of yesteryear, President Bush's own words echo those of 
President Johnson in 1967, a pivotal year for the U.S. in Vietnam.


Iraq is Vietnam without honesty

  PARIS - There is inevitability to what is happening in Iraq that was 
visible from the start. The Vietnam war had been, so to speak, an honest 
war. The Iraq war is a dishonest war. The outcome will be identical.


More Americans See Iraq War as “Another Vietnam”

(Angus Reid Global Scan) – More adults in the United States express concern 
about the coalition effort, according to a poll by Princeton Survey 
Research Associates for the Pew Research Center for the People and the 
Press. 48 per cent of respondents believe the U.S. will accomplish its 
goals in Iraq, while 39 per cent of respondents think Iraq will turn out to 
be another Vietnam.


Iraq's democracy dilemma

Iraq's parliament is stifled by back-room deals and lack of attendance, 
members say.



Washington, 21 Sept. (AKI) - A new report suggests that at least 90 percent 
of insurgents in Iraq are Iraqi. The study from the Washington-based Centre 
for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) states that even though "no 
one knows the number of active and part-time insurgents, paid agents and 
sympathisers," they estimate there to be around 30,000 insurgents in Iraq, 
of whom some 3,000 are foreign fighters.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 21 September 2005 :
- US forces seize trucks bringing humanitarian aid to Tall ‘Afar refugees
- Resistance fighters battle US troops for two hours in Baghdad’s al-Mansur 
- Resistance battles US, Iraqi puppet police forces in al-Ghazaliyah 
neighborhood of western Baghdad for one hour Wednesday morning
- American soldier reported killed in Resistance ambush near al-Miqdadiyah
- Resistance ambushes US column near al-Haqlaniyah Wednesday morning
- Resistance bomb targets joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol early 
Wednesday, al Fallujah
- Iraqi Resistance fighters had taken prisoner 14 members of the Shi‘i 
sectarian Badr Brigades who were planning to kill a number of leaders of 
the ad-Dulaym tribe, ar Ramadi
- Resistance fighters battle US troops for two hours in Baghdad’s al-Mansur 
- One US soldier reported killed in Resistance ambush Wednesday morning, 
- US forces arrest dozens of members of Iraqi puppet security forces as 
well as local citizens in crackdown on ad-Dulu‘iyah population following 
Resistance attacks, Ad-Dulu‘iyah
- Resistance bombards US military headquarters in Samarra’
- Resistance bomb kills Pehsmergah militiaman Wednesday morning, Irbil


12 deaths put U.S. toll in Iraq at over 1,900

BAGHDAD, Iraq — The war in Iraq passed a sobering milepost yesterday when 
U.S. officials reported 12 more Americans were killed — eight of them 
members of the armed forces, raising to more than 1,900 the number of U.S. 
service members who have died in the country since the invasion.


U.S. Soldier one of 12 killed in continuing violence:

Three members of a family were killed and a woman was wounded when gunmen 
in police uniforms raided their house in the eastern New Baghdad district 
of the capital.


Basra governor demands UK apology

BAGHDAD: Hundreds of Iraqi civilians and policemen, some waving pistols and 
AK-47s, rallied yesterday in Basra to denounce “British aggression” in the 
rescue of two British soldiers.


Basra officials to boycott UK troops:

"All regular meetings between the governorate and British troops have been 
cancelled and we will not allow British soldiers into the governorate 
building or any other public office in Basra," Nadim al-Jaabari, spokesman 
for the provincial governor, told AFP on Thursday


Basra governor threatens to end UK co-operation :

The Iraqi national security adviser, Mowaffak al-Rubaie, called the attack 
by British forces "a flagrant violation of Iraqi sovereignty".,2763,1576040,00.html


Basra authorities turn their back on British

Local authorities in Basra demand British forces return two British 
soldiers to Iraqi custody.


Basra Protesters Condemn British

Iraqi Forces in Baghdad Free Hostage at House Full of Weapons

BAGHDAD, Sept. 21 -- Hundreds of residents and police officers filled the 
streets in the southern city of Basra on Wednesday, shouting and pumping 
their fists to condemn British forces for raiding a jail and freeing two of 
their commandos two days earlier.


Why Immediate Withdrawal Makes Sense:

While most continue to advocate the "immediate withdrawal" of American 
troops, such calls are uttered with little sense of hope. There appears to 
be a growing feeling that any form of "immediate" withdrawal will prove a 
thoroughly unsatisfactory option, destined only to intensify the present 
chaos in Iraq and trigger a civil war


Detainees' lawyer seeks hearing on Guantanamo hunger strike:

A lawyer for 11 Kuwaiti detainees at Guantanamo Bay asked a federal judge 
yesterday to hold a fact-finding hearing about a five-week hunger strike at 
the military prison, saying the health of detainees is increasingly dire.


Two more charged with Afghan prisoner abuse:

Two more US soldiers have been charged after an Afghanistan prisoner abuse 
investigation centred on two detainees who died in custody, the Army 
announced in Fort Bliss, Texas.


Palestinian killed in north West Bank:

Israeli troops killed a Palestinian youth Thursday in the northern West 
Bank as he tried to enter a military camp one day before its evacuation.


Straw apology on Israeli arrest :

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has apologised to his Israeli counterpart over 
the attempted arrest of a general accused of war crimes.


Norman G. Finkelstein: Judge Deeds, Not Words:

Although Prime Minister Sharon gives lip-service to a two-state settlement, 
the actions of the Israeli government, Crisis Group concludes, "are at war 
with any viable two-state solution and will not bolster Israel's security; 
in fact, they will undermine it, weakening Palestinian pragmatists,… and 
sowing the seeds of growing radicalization."


Carter says Gore won 2000 election:

Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter delivered a shocker at an American 
University panel in Washington Monday: He told the crowd he was certain Al 
Gore won the 2000 presidential election.


Murderers who kill whites more likely to be condemned:

More condemned men and women are on California's death row for killing 
whites than for murdering people of any other race, despite there being 
more black and Hispanic murder victims, according to a new study.


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