In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


TAMPA - A former Florida professor was acquitted on a key charge Tuesday that he helped lead a Palestinian terrorist group that has carried out suicide bombings against Israel.

In one of the biggest courtroom tests yet of the Patriot Act's expanded search and surveillance powers, the jury acquitted Sami Al-Arian of eight of the 17 counts against him, including a charge of conspiring to maim and murder people overseas.


Sami Al-Arian

Sameeh Hammoudeh

Ghassan Zayed Ballut

Hatem Naji Fariz

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Is this why El-Baradei was awarded the Noble Prize for Peace?

Mr. Mohammad El-Baradei (IAEA Chief) expresses strong sympathy and understanding with and for Israel (which is, in the first place, a racist thug state, violating all aspects and standards of International Law and Geneva Conventions, and Human Rights), over Iran's ASSUMED nuclear weapons.

At the same time, Mr. El-Baradei has been NOT showing any sympathy or understanding with and for the whole Arab and  Islamic world, regarding the ALREADY EXISTING huge amounts of nuclear weapons in Israel, which Israel itself has never denied having them.



Chicago Mosque Defaced

Restaurant, mosque near Loop defaced. A Greektown mosque and restaurant was vandalized during the weekend, leaving worshipers wondering why their house of worship was targeted.

"Viva Mexican. Isan Diablo," was written in red marker more than 30 times Saturday morning on the walls of Kabab Corner, 760 W. Jackson Blvd., and of the mosque in the restaurant's basement that is popular with cabdrivers.,1,6119843.story


9/11: What happens when a large airplane slams into a tall building?

Firefighters managed to put out the fire in the building, which was damaged and charred but still standing. Police cordoned the building and debris field, preventing journalists and a crowd of as many as 10,000 people from getting close to the site. Many in the crowd were screaming, afraid their relatives had been killed. Several hours after the crash, the building still was smoldering.


9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC

The word "explosions" does not appear in the Official 9/11 Commission Final Report. Why did this "investigative commission" ignore facts relating to the World Trade Center collapses?


9/11: Panel gives U.S. five 'F's in attack-preparation

Time, money and ever-present terror threats have done little to close gaping holes in the nation's security system, the former Sept. 11 Commission said Monday in accusing the government of failing to protect the country.


Why is the US media not in front of their cameras calling Bush a butcher?

The United States of America has forever pointed finger at China and indeed at all of our Asian countries and ever so self-righteously accuse these most decent nations of torture when, in fact, it is the United States of America that is the most heinous of all torturers.


We choose not to call it torture

"In sum, the White House's policy which we can expect Condi to elaborate "comprehensively" is "we don't torture because we choose not to call it torture and we will fight all efforts to define torture according to its ordinary meaning."


US torture flights: extraordinary and unacceptable

Condoleezza Rice does not seem prepared to explain very much when she meets European leaders facing mounting pressure about the US policy of "extraordinary rendition" - flying terrorist suspects round the world to secret jails where they are allegedly tortured beyond the reach of any legal system. Broadly speaking, the message from the secretary of state as she embarked on her trip to Berlin, Brussels and points east yesterday was a blunt "trust and cooperate" on the basis that we are all in the same boat in the "war on terror".,3604,1658879,00.html


If it's not torture, then it's OK to use it on Cheney

Perhaps the Justice Department could use this to speed up some investigations that are taking forever. How about that two-year investigation into who leaked Valerie Plame's CIA status? Stick Karl Rove on the water board and we can see who really leaked what in just a couple of minutes. That would be fair, wouldn't it? After all, his boss says it's not torture, right?


U.S. Interrogations Save European Lives, Rice Tells Europe...s Leaders

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice chastised European leaders on Monday, saying that before they complain about secret jails for terror suspects in European nations, they should realize that interrogations of these suspects have produced information that helped ?save European lives.?


Keep quiet about secret flights to secret jails, Rice tells Europe

Posted Dec 6, 2005 08:06 AM PST - Category: TORTURE SCANDAL

"... or we'll break your legs.",,171-1905660,00.html


The questions Condoleezza must answer


America can't take it anymore

The Bush administration has embraced torture as a key part of the "war on terror." Finally, members of Congress, the military and the CIA are speaking out against the abuse.


The Bad News Is That the Good News Is Fake

U.S. congressional leaders who have been touting Iraq's new "free press" as a sign of progress in the troubled country are upset at the Pentagon's admission last week that it has been paying for "good news" stories written by the military and placed in Iraqi media by a Washington-based public relations firm.


Hard Evidence of US Torturing Prisoners to Death Ignored by Corporate Media

Military autopsy reports provide indisputable proof that detainees are being tortured to death while in US military custody. Yet the US corporate media are covering it with the seriousness of a garage sale for the local Baptist Church.


We Do Not Torture People


Victims Could Sue for Human Rights in European Court of Justice

The Munich human rights attorney Georg Note speaks with Spiegel Online about Germany's responsibility and possible repercussions of the affair.


Pentagon Propaganda In Iraq Continues

Posted Dec 5, 2005 10:07 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


FLASHBACK: Ike Was Right About War Machine

I'm not really clear how much a billion dollars is but the United States ? our United States ? is spending $5.6 billion a month fighting this war in Iraq that we never should have gotten into.


IRAQ: Hundreds of families flee fighting in Ramadi
BAGHDAD, 6 December (IRIN) - Hundreds of families have fled Ramadi, capital of the western Anbar Province, amidst fierce fighting between US military forces and Iraqi insurgents, according to aid agencies.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 5 December 2005

-  Fighting rages in Hit midday Monday.
-  Resistance bomb west of ar-Ramadi leaves one American soldier reported killed.
-  US soldier reported killed in bombing in Tikrit.
-  Four US soldiers reported killed in bombings in Diyala Province.
-  Resistance bomb west of Kirkuk leaves US soldier reported dead.
-  Iranian citizens with forged Iraqi IDs flood an-Najaf to vote for SCIRI in US-backed ?elections.?


Angry Saddam vows not to return to his trial

Iraqi ex-president lashes out as testimony ends, tells judges to ?go to hell?

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Waving a finger and pounding his desk, Saddam Hussein told the judges in his trial to ?go to hell? and vowed not to return to court Wednesday.


Saddam trial witnesses tell of torture
Deposed Iraqi leader says neither he nor his companions are frightened of execution as trial continues.

Witnesses told of being tortured, beaten with pistols and given electric shocks by Saddam Hussein's men as the dramatic trial of the former Iraqi leader over a Shiite massacre 23 years ago continued Tuesday.


What ?Peace? Really Means to Israelis

When Israelis engage in ?peace talks? it is important to understand their basic position. They have no real interest in a solution that goes to the core of their problem. They are like an individual who wants his or her symptoms to go away but refuses to do anything about their real causes. A wish ?to be left alone? is not much of a basis for a sustainable peace, at least not without another act of ethnic cleansing. Six million Palestinians are there to remind Israel of its past, and they are not going anywhere.


Israeli poverty skyrockets as Zionist dream fails

Survey: Poverty is the most pressing problem in Israel

The problem of poverty is, in the eyes of the public, the most pressing problem in Israeli society, according to the latest poll conducted by the Latet anti-poverty organization.


Zia ul-Haq Mossad Hit is Non-News in America

John Gunther Dean, former US ambassador to India, suspects Mossad of assassinating Pakistan?s General Muhammad Zia ul-Haq and yet this is not considered a news item in the United States. It?s an important news story in Pakistan, of course, and Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, India, North Korea, Taiwan, and even Australia and Britain, but not here in the United States. As of this evening, a Google News search returns eleven results on this story.


FLASHBACK: Israel?s Failed Assassination Attempt on U.S. Ambassador Documented

Had Mossad, Israel?s secret intelligence organization, succeeded, it would have been the perfect crime?the crime of the century. The plan was breathtaking in concept: to assassinate the American ambassador to Lebanon, in Lebanon, with American weapons, intended for Israeli?s defense only. Everything about it would point to Lebanon as the culprit.


Is Bush worried about a military coup?

Retired generals and admirals subject to special investigation by Pentagon surveillance/intelligence team. Retired top U.S. generals and admirals planning to attend a December 7 meeting in Pentagon City, an office and hotel complex next to the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, have drawn the interest of a special investigation by special agents of the Department of Defense.


Ex-CIA Agent in Milan Asks for Immunity

He has not been arrested, and he's probably nowhere near Italy, but a former CIA station chief has begun to sketch his defense against charges he led a clandestine operation that kidnapped a radical Egyptian imam from the streets of Milan.


CIA Flights Made 50 Landings at Ireland's Shannon, Amnesty Says

The group said the information contradicts U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who said last week that Shannon had not been used for ``untoward'' purposes.


Wilkes: The invisible empire

The Duke Cunningham bribery scandal is revealing a connected web of false front companies, some with CIA connections, that look like a revival of the Iran-Contra operations.


-muslim voice-


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