In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

General gave OK for Able Danger

Former military chief confirms al-Qaida mission

Gen. Hugh Shelton, who was the military's top commander during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, confirmed that four years before the tragedy he authorized a secret computer data-mining initiative to track down Osama bin Laden and operatives in the fugitive terrorist's al-Qaida network.


Open and Shut

Four years later, we still have ten big questions

On Monday, December 5, the 9-11 Public Discourse Project?a private group formed by 9-11 Commission members after their official mandate lapsed in 2004?held a wrap-up press briefing in Washington, signaling the last gasp of official inquiries into the attacks four years ago. People who lost loved ones will never know exactly how the end came, if it hurt, what the final thoughts and words were. But other questions are more tractable. Here are 10 of them:


9/11 Truth Conference Opens inTampa To Crowd of 600

And of course the "no plane at Pentagon" will be the focus of any media coverage that occurs.
1. If the perpetrators had to get rid of the passenger jet and passengers anyway, why not go ahead and crash them into the Pentagon?
2. Hundreds of people saw the 757 flying towards the Pentagon. Not one person saw it flying away. Where did it go?


The smoking gun torture memo

Pentagon Memo on Torture-Motivated Transfer Cited. A court filing describes a classified proposal to send a detainee away for information extraction.

WASHINGTON ? Although Bush administration officials have denied that they transfer terrorism suspects to countries where they are likely to be abused, a classified memorandum described in a court case indicates that the Pentagon has considered sending a captured militant abroad to be interrogated under threat of torture.,1,5157053.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

Britain's top court bans "torture evidence" :

Britain's highest court ruled on Thursday that information gleaned from torture anywhere in the world was unacceptable as evidence in British courts.


Watching Human Rights Watch :

Is it still possible to ask questions in these dark times of preemptive wars? After embedded journalists, shall we have embedded human rights organizations?


Sacred Terror

Bush proudly held up this hideous system as an example of what he called "the meaning of American justice." And the assembled legislators applauded. Oh, how they applauded! They roared with glee at the leering little man's bloodthirsty, B-movie machismo. They shared his contempt for law -- our only shield, however imperfect, against the blind, ignorant, ape-like force of raw power.


Protecting The Torturers

Thousands of well-meaning people are mobilizing to pressure Congress to pass legislation banning torture. But the Bush Administration is maneuvering to turn it into legislation that would instead protect the torturers by eliminating a basic legal right.


'Tortured' Australian speaks out
Mr Habib claims he was forced to make confessions under torture . A former Australian terror suspect says he was caught up in the controversial US policy of transferring detainees to foreign countries for interrogation.


Conspiracy to Torture  :

Torture is about acts: the blow to the head, the scream in the ear, the scar-free injuries whose diagnosis has become an international medical subspecialty. But torture is also very much about words: the whispered or shouted questions of the interrogator; the muddled confession of the prisoner; the too rarely tested language of laws protecting prisoners from "cruel, inhuman or degrading" treatment.


Condi's Trail of Lies :

Condoleezza Rice's contradictory, misleading and outright false statements about the US and torture have taken America's moral standing - and her own - to new depths.


Keepers at the Gate

He Who Controls Television Controls the Masses

With Americans watching so much television on a weekly basis, discarding books of enlightenment for monitors of idiocy, preferring the drug of fantasy over the sobering realm of reality, no longer capable of analytical, logical thought, choosing to incorporate as their own the views, beliefs and opinions of corporate media, the keepers at the gate are free to do as they please, disseminating lies, distortions, manipulations, propaganda and fictions into our homes and the minds of our family, young and old, never discriminating and always flowing in the interest of the Establishment.


How Many Lives Should Be Spent To Keep America From Economic and Social Collapse? :

It has been calculated that our present American economic life style involves importing 6.36 million barrels of oil per day at a cost to our GNP of $426 million dollars per day ? calculated on $67 per barrel oil. If oil goes to $100 per barrel, soldiers? lives become even cheaper.


How America plotted to stop Kyoto deal

A detailed and disturbing strategy document has revealed an extraordinary American plan to destroy Europe's support for the Kyoto treaty on climate change.


Iraq: The War To Start All Wars

According to Melloan, we need to finish the job in Iraq quickly ? not so we can send the troops home ? but so we can get ready to fight Iran:


House Panel Keeps Alive Hinchey Measure To Obtain All White House Drafts Of 2003 State of the Union Address That Contained False Iraq Uranium Claims
Congressman Says American Public Deserves To Know How Infamous 16 Words About Iraq Seeking Uranium From Africa, Now Proven False,
Made It Into Final Draft Of Speech


Voice Of God Revealed To Be Cheney On Intercom

WASHINGTON, DC?Telephone logs recorded by the National Security Agency and obtained by Congress as part of an ongoing investigation suggest that the vice president may have used the Oval Office intercom system to address President Bush at crucial moments, giving categorical directives in a voice the president believed to be that of God.


Antiwar Group Accuses Blair, Bush of 'War Crimes'


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 7 December 2005

- Resistance bomb in ad-Durah leaves one US soldier reported dead.
- Resistance ambush leaves two US troops reported dead.  American aircraft attack civilian homes in retaliation, killing seven civilians in northern Baghdad suburb of at-Taji.
- US soldier reported killed when Resistance fighters attack US-Iraqi force engaging in house raids and searches in al-Mushahadah Wednesday.
- US soldier reported killed in bombing near Balad.
- Ten US troops reported killed, four Iranian officials captured in two-pronged Resistance attack north of Baghdad.


Two Iraqi soldiers killed in clashes western Baghdad :

Two Iraqi army servicemen were killed in a street gun battle with unknown militants in western Baghdad on Thursday, a police source said.


U.S. Soldier Killed:

A Soldier was killed when a convoy struck an improvised explosive device in east Baghdad shortly after 10 a.m. Dec. 8.


U.S. Marine Killed

A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action when his vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against the enemy in ar Ramadi


Gunmen storm Allawi's office :

 Gunmen stormed on Thursday an office belonging to the Iraqi National Reconciliation Movement headed by former premier Iyad Allawi and set it ablaze


Security eats up to 22% of US Iraq rebuilding budget:

As much as 22 percent of the 21 billion dollars set aside by the US government for reconstruction projects in war-torn Iraq has been allocated for security, a senior official said Thursday.


Iraq Deployments may be Canceled:

The Pentagon has tentative plans to halt the scheduled deployment of two brigades to Iraq and instead send in smaller teams to support and train Iraqi forces in what could be an early step toward an eventual drawdown of U.S. forces.,13319,82310,00.html


Two-thirds of Palestinians living in poverty

JERUSALEM: Levels of poverty are steadily rising in the Palestinian territories with nearly three-quarters of the Gaza Strip's population living below the poverty line, the United Nations said Thursday.


Professor in Terror Case May Face Deportation

Stunned by the acquittal of a former Florida professor on terrorism charges, federal law enforcement officials said Wednesday that they might seek to have him deported to the Middle East.


Case too complex to get a conviction

A juror says the case against Sami Al-Arian left them overwhelmed. Now prosecutors have to decide whether to try again.

TAMPA - After the first full day of jury deliberations in the Sami Al-Arian trial, the forewoman left the courthouse feeling overwhelmed."So much evidence to be matched with so many counts and complicated jury instructions. I didn't know how we'd ever get it done," said forewoman Jeannie, who asked that her last name not be used.


Muslim-Americans see the acquittal of Sami al-Arian as a vindication of US justice .

Failed case seen as blow to terror war. But many Muslim-Americans see the acquittal of Sami al-Arian as a vindication of US justice.

Professor's future uncertain after trial

Professor in Terror Case May Face Deportation

Not guilty, but not over

Muslims Express Pride In Justice System

8 times, Al-Arian hears 'Not guilty'

Trial Q&A

From The Beginning: A Timeline Of The Sami Al-Arian Trial


Court says Iraq protest is a crime

A peace campaigner who stood outside Downing Street reading a list of the British soldiers killed in Iraq was convicted yesterday under a controversial new law which bans unauthorised demonstrations within one kilometre of Westminster.,12956,1661946,00.html


Idiot Democrats Ignore The Will of the People

It?s 2002 all over again. The Democrats ignored their base, who was against war with Iraq, and the American people - who did not want to unilaterally go to war unless it was of the utmost necessity. They conceded the most important issue of the last thirty years to the Republican party and proceeded to get whipped electorally, be complicit in the deaths of over 2,000 Americans, and gave Bush the authority to ignore the global war against terrorism.

Republicans have lost high moral ground :

"This town has become very corrupt, there's no doubt about it,'' McCain said Sunday on "Meet the Press," adding that he expects "lots" of indictments and that there is "strong evidence" of "significant wrongdoing" by some legislators.


U.S. consumer borrowing plunges:

The Federal Reserve Board reported yesterday that Americans' borrowing fell by $7.2 billion ( U.S.) at an annual rate in October, the biggest amount on record, with much of that decline reflecting a record drop of $5.6 billion, at an annual rate


-muslim voice-


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