In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

A Devil Theory of Islam

Edward W. Said - August 12, 1996 issue of The Nation



Misconceptions of Muslims can lead to hate crimes

When Amina Butt leaves her home every morning, she makes sure she is covered by a hijab, a headscarf Muslim women wear. It covers the hair and often falls down around the shoulders. This characteristic makes the Muslim religion very clear and can occasionally make Muslims a target.


Pre-Emptive Invasion and International Law

by Garda Ghista - December 13, 2005



The Emperor Has Spoken

It takes extraordinary disrespect for the American people to look them in the eyes and say that Congress had seen the same intelligence about Saddam Hussein?s nonexistent weapons of mass destruction as he did, and that a Senate committee had cleared his administration of twisting the WMD intelligence to serve its Iraq war agenda.


President Bush admits much of evidence used to justify Iraq war was wrong

Bush takes on Iraqi war critics . Mr Bush has been outlining his Iraq strategy in a series of speeches . US President George W Bush has accepted that the decision to invade Iraq was based on faulty intelligence, but said it was still the right choice.


Communism, Fascism, Socialism, and Nazism were all designed and financed by the same group of criminals.

Posted Dec 14, 2005 02:41 PM PST - Category: HIDDEN HISTORY


Pentagon spying on Americans

Secret database obtained by NBC News tracks ?suspicious? domestic groups

WASHINGTON - A year ago, at a Quaker Meeting House in Lake Worth, Fla., a small group of activists met to plan a protest of military recruiting at local high schools. What they didn't know was that their meeting had come to the attention of the U.S. military.


Egypt: A test of democratic rhetoric

In the recent Egyptian elections, the Muslim Brotherhood, the oldest and largest Islamic movement in the Arab world, has succeeded in winning approximately one third of the votes, even though the organisation, which continues to be banned in Egypt, had confined itself to contesting 144 out of the 454 parliamentary seats to avoid aggravating the government.


AMNESTY: Bosnia and Herzegovina: From Dayton and beyond

The authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina have yet to fully address the human rights legacy of the war, Amnesty International said on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton peace agreement.

Tens of thousands of people were killed and millions were driven from their homes in the war between 1992 and 1995 when the three major ethnic groups of today?s Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Croats, fought a bloody war.



Bosnia's rape babies: abandoned by their families, forgotten by the state

Suzanna is 12 years old. In the eyes of the law she does not exist. She has no family, no birth certificate. The place that she calls home is the state-run orphanage in Zenica in Bosnia, a run-down building with broken windows.


The manipulation of the 9-11 truth movement


David Ray Griffin: The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales: Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93


USA: Ahmed Abu Ali trial flawed by exclusion of Saudi torture evidence, says Amnesty

In a report published today, Amnesty International concluded that the trial of US Citizen Ahmed Abu Ali was flawed as it failed to consider evidence about torture in Saudi Arabia.

According to Amnesty International?s trial observation and court documents, the jury was not allowed to hear evidence supporting claims by Ahmed Abu Ali that his videotaped confession, on which the prosecution relied almost exclusively, had been obtained following torture in Saudi Arabia. Ahmed Abu Ali says that he was flogged and beaten by the Ministry of Interior?s General Intelligence (al-Mabahith al-Amma) security service and forced to "confess" while held in prison in Saudi Arabia, with the apparent knowledge of US officials.



You can send letters of support to Dr. Rafil Dhafir

Dr. Rafil A. Dhafir was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison on Thursday, October 27th, 2005 for sending humanitarian aid to starving Iraqi civilians through his charity Help the Needy.

Address details and background information at:

Good background article at:



What the US Government had, ALL that they had, were copied student papers, forged "Yellow Cake" documents, balloon inflators posing as bioweapons labs, and photos with misleading labels on them. And somewhere along the line, someone decided to put those misleading labels on those photos, to pretend that balloon inflators are portable bioweapons labs, and to pass off stolen student papers as contemporary analysis.


United States: trade in torture

This is a story of private jets flying out of Germany, of kidnappings on European streets, and of torture. It has a cast of lawyers, spies, suspected terrorists, innocent bystanders and an ex-CIA boss who believes that ?human rights is a very flexible concept?.



Reduced to double talk in defending torture policy

How long will the American people tolerate the shaming of their nation by the inhumane treatment of prisoners of war and the spiriting of detainees to secret prisons outside the United States?


U.S. envoy says Iraqi detainees tortured

U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad on Tuesday described torture cases discovered in Iraqi police prisons as extensive and severe, saying that more than 120 abused detainees have been found in the two centers run by the Shiite-led government,1,4416129.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed


Bush Says Iraq War Was Justified Even Though Intelligence Wrong

President George W. Bush accepted responsibility for taking the U.S. to war in Iraq based on faulty intelligence while saying the invasion still was justified by the threat posed by Saddam Hussein and international terrorism.


Harper?s Real Record on Iraq

Today, at a press conference in Trenton, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper suggested he would not have supported sending Canadian troops to Iraq.


Iraq elections: a democratic fa��e for a US puppet state

Predictably, the Bush administration has told the American people that the elections in Iraq tomorrow will be a democratic milestone for both the country and the broader Middle East. The truth is that they will only produce greater conflict between the country?s main religious and ethnic groups


Police Seize Forged Ballots Headed to Iraq From Iran

Less than two days before nationwide elections, the Iraqi border police seized a tanker on Tuesday that had just crossed from Iran filled with thousands of forged ballots, an official at the Interior Ministry said.


Iraq border chief denies forged ballots seized

"This is all a lie," said Lieutenant General Ahmed al- Khafaji, the chief of the U.S.-trained force which has responsibility for all Iraqi borders.


Iraqi Resistance Report Tuesday, 13 December 2005.

? US soldier reported killed in bombing in al-Khalidiyah Tuesday.
? Tanker filled with forged ballots marked for the Shi?i sectarian ?United Iraqi Alliance? party found after crossing the border from Iran.
? American command acknowledges death of four US troops in Resistance bombing in northwestern Baghdad.
? Bomb near Balad reportedly kills four US soldiers.
? Four US troops reported killed in bombing northwest of Kirkuk. htm


Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

New Report on East Jerusalem and the Wall

In a new report, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel details the current situation in Jerusalem on three major levels: the political, economic and medical. Special attention is given to the separation wall being built in and around Jerusalem and its affect on the Palestinian population of Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Is the Pentagon spying on Americans? YES!

Posted Dec 14, 2005 07:40 AM PST - Category: MAINSTREAM MEDIA


Row over CIA 'torture' flights engulfs Blair

Tony Blair and Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, were under pressure last night to refute convincingly claims that Britain has been complicit in alleged use of CIA planes to take suspected terrorists for torture in secret camps abroad.


Secret CIA Camp in Training Center?

Is the CIA still using a Polish Intelligence Service training center for the interrogation of Al-Quida prisoners? This is suggested by a "Stern" magazine report.


The CIA's torture taxi

The trail of a secret spy plane leads to a mysterious outfit in Reno with ties to a prominent Nevada politico.


In case you missed it?

Video: Secrets of the CIA


US among top 10 nations jailing scribes

The United States, which is holding journalists in detention centers in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, rose to sixth among countries jailing journalists, just behind Uzbekistan and tied with Myanmar.


Posters call for race riots

Inflammatory posters calling for New Zealanders to show "white power" and riot Australian-style are being pasted up at Wellington railway stations.

"White Crusaders of the Racial Holy War"? And some government operative actually got paid to make this crap up?!?
Folks, who do these riots HELP? Whose agenda is furthered by this "White Crusaders of the Racial Holy War"?

THAT is who is behind all this.,2106,3512029a10,00.html


Putin Calls Russia Defender of Islamic World

BINGO! Now Ahmadinejad's deliberate goading of Israel makes sense.


-muslim voice-


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