More details about the new Virus:

Discovered on:
February 02, 2004 
Last Updated on: February 05, 2004 10:13:52 AM

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine or Microsoft Outlook to spread. It harvests email addresses from the files in the current user's Temporary Internet Files folder, Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft Outlook address book, as well as the files whose extensions are .asf, .avi, .doc, .jpg, .mdb, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .pps, .ram, .rar, or .xls.

The worm may spoof the "From" field. The email message has a randomly selected subject line, which may also be the attachment name. The attachment has a .bhx, .exe, .hqx, .mim, .uu , .uue, or .xxe extension.

It is written in the Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) programming language and is compressed with UPX.

Also Known As:  W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] [McAfee], I-Worm.Holar.f [Kaspersky]
Type:  Worm
Infection Length:  67,934 bytes

Systems Affected:  Windows 2000, Windows 3.x, Windows 98, Windows Me,
Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP
Systems Not Affected:  DOS, Linux, Macintosh, OS/2, UNIX
Do not set auto replies. Avoid adult  stuff ,chain letters, commercials . Before sending a mail  to the group remove prior mail addresses and forwarding marks.

"Ladies and gentleman - Welcome to the freakshow"


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If your mailbox clogged with mails from Hidayahnet, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title "change to daily digest".


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