In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Audio Statement By Sheikh Osama Bin Laden

My message to you is about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the way to end it. I was not intending to speak about this subject, because for us it’s obvious; blood for blood, and all praise be to Allah, our situation is getting better and better while your situation is the opposite.

Alternate translation of of 01/19/06 Bin Laden tape.

An earlier translation by Associated Press can be found here.


Bin Laden Tape Probably Faked by CIA

Back in 2002, the Bush administration was chagrined when the world's foremost voice identification experts, a group in Swizterland called IDIAP analyzed several Bin Laden tapes and concluded that a "CIA-verified" bin Laden tape was NOT Bin Laden, but someone whose voice patterns resembled the terrorist's. Now again we have a Bin Laden tape that arrives just when Bush needs a "terrorist diversion." And once again, we have only the CIA "experts" verifying the authenticity. So why since 2002 hasn't the IDIAP been called in to verify these always conveniently timed tapes? And why is no CIA expert ever actually named?;article=97794;title=APFN



There is no graver crime a government can commit against its own people then to lie them into a war. We were lied into Iraq. We are being lied into Iran. The liars won't stop until they are made to stop. Please send this to everyone you know.


Are You Ready to Be Bugged and Tortured By George W. Bush?

It's not really terrorists George W. Bush wants to bug and torture. It's YOU. It's not really terrorism he wants to fight. It's opposition from people he can't control. It's not really US security he wants to protect. It's the power of his regime.


What do they know that they are not telling us?

There has to be a reason why the U.S. government is spying on its citizens. There must be a reason why laws are being enacted to put the U.S. on a police state footing. There's got to be a reason why the executive branch of government seeks more and more control of all aspects of governance, including shaping the views of the judiciary by placing jurists in high positions who defer to the executive at the expense of the influence of their own branch of government. And the fear of "terrorism" cannot be that reason.


Fourth Reich News

The Bush administration has asked a federal judge to force Google to release a "broad range of material," including a request for "1 million random Web addresses and records of all Google searches from any one-week period." This information is needed, we are told, to protect children from pornography.


An Imperial President

Ironically, as the United States justifies the aggressive use of force around the world in the name of "freedom" and "the rule of law," both are increasingly in danger here. 

Even before his confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, it was clear that Judge Samuel Alito believed in the obscure doctrine of the "unitary executive." After the hearings, we still don't know exactly what Alito thinks about the limits, if any, of presidential power. But in the Bush era, few issues are more important.

Video: Rogue State


US Troops told to ignore Opium Crop that is now more than 1/2 Afghan GDP

Once best known for opium, the active ingredient in heroin, Afghanistan has been working its way up the production ladder. Now it’s the world’s largest producer and exporter of heroin.

When the Taliban was on control of Afghanistan, opium production had been shut down almost completely. In a horrible repeat of the Vietnam era, when Kuhn Sa's heroin flooded the US via "Air America" and the body bags of our Vietnam dead, once again the drug flow into the US is being protected by elements of the US Government itself.


Epidemiology of mad war 

War, deliberate violence between organized groups of human beings, has been a feature of human society for thousands of years. However the effect of war on non-combatants has changed dramatically in the past century. 

About 85% of the people killed in WORLD WAR I were uniformed combatants.  Military strategists have since devised ways to protect their own forces from the deadly effects of ever more powerful modern weapons.  Those who fire the most destructive weapons are now well protected from their effects, including the psychological effects of seeing what they do to other human beings.  Thus Hellfire missiles are fired from Predator drones over IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN by people sitting at computer terminals at Nellis Air Force base a few miles from the casinos of Las Vegas.


Real Reasons Why The United States Makes War
The reasons are multifaceted, though simply put, the aggressive foreign policies we are seeing, the covert activities and the military strong arming used against other nations by the United States are by all accounts, actions used to coerce, intimidate and force others into submission order to plunder a targeted nation’s natural resources and to create a conduit for profitable illegal activities.


It's the occupation, stupid!

Israel's reoccupation of the entire West Bank in Spring 2002 (Operation Defensive Shield) ended many of the limited powers exercised by the Palestinian Authority. Subsequent measures championed by Israel have deconstructed nominally Palestinian territories into an ever-more complex, almost indecipherable maze of administrative, territorial, legal, and security spaces, lacking territorial coherence and administrative transparency.


Analysing Zionism
An elderly women is carried into exile during the Naqba in 1948. Thousands of Palestinian homes have been destroyed since the foundation of the state of Israel

The escalating crisis in Palestine has reignited a political debate over the history and nature of Zionism — the ideology of Jewish nationalism that underpins the Israeli state. Last year saw the publication of two new books on this topic. Author Jacqueline Rose speaks to Anindya Bhattacharyya about her work, The Question of Zion, while Ronnie Kasrils responds to John Rose’s book The Myths of Zionism


Humanitarian Intervention: Evolution of a Dangerous Doctrine 

(Revised version of a speech delivered at the Conference on Globalization, War, and Intervention sponsored by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, German Chapter, Frankfurt, Germany, January 14-15, 2006.)

As war clouds gather over Iran, the topic we are focused on in this conference is very timely: great power military intervention in the affairs of sovereign states for “humanitarian reasons.”


George W. Bush: The case for impeachment

I  thought Bill Clinton was the worst president I'd seen in office until George W. Bush came along. I was appalled when Clinton muffed the best opportunity in sixty years to reform our health care system by handing the job to his wife and even more amazed at the stupidity of providing himself no political distance from the inevitable debacle. I was disgusted with his betrayal of the working and nonworking poor by the passage of NAFTA and so-called welfare reform and at his extension of the death penalty and his weakening of habeas corpus rights for the condemned. I thought his bombing campaign against Serbia was a war crime. I believed he deserved impeachment, not for his sexual behavior, but for abusing the trust of his office in lying about it for eight months. In retrospect, it would have been an immense boon for the country had he been removed by the Senate. Then Al Gore would have become president with two years to establish a record of his own, and we might well have been spared the nightmare of the present administration.


Whatever happened to ... impeaching Blair? 

Most people look forward to the summer, but pity poor newspaper editors (or their deputies) who struggle to fill space when MPs and readers decamp en masse to sunnier climes. Last year's "silly season" treated those left behind to full-scale investigations into killer British mosquitoes, John Prescott's hairline, Piano Man's identity and the whereabouts of Tony Blair. One Sun front page reported "Scientists' amazing discovery": Victor Meldrew's face could be drawn by playing join-the-dots with the stars.,,1691593,00.html


FLASHBACK: Stunning Silence and Belated Apologies

Just about 3 years ago, in March 2003, the United States, a nation which likes to refer to itself as “peace-loving,” “democratic,” “civilized,” and standing for “liberty and justice,” lied to the world and attacked the sovereign nation of Iraq without provocation.


Bomb Wounds 5 on Iraq President's Staff


Iraq tops list of threatened minorities


Is the Red Cross doing the occupation a service by refusing to declare that it has been prevented from fulfilling its humanitarian duties in Iraq?


Shi'ites Keep Control of Iraqi Parliament


40 British Soldiers Seriously Hurt in Iraq War, 230 Total Injured, According to MoD,2763,1691738,00.html


British Man Killed in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 20 January 2006
  • Five US troops reported killed in fierce fighting in southern al-Fallujah Friday afternoon.
  • US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in Tikrit.
  • Americans impose shoot-on-sight curfew on Kirkuk at the start of a second campaign of searches and arrests in one day. The new campaign is to last 48 hours and residents must stay in their houses during that time.
  • US air raid kills 13 Iraqi civilians west of Tall ‘Afar.
  • Resistance bomb blasts British tank in al-Basrah; casualties reported.
  • Iraqi puppet coastal boarder guards to be released by Iran following agreement between Iranian government and US-installed Iraqi puppet regime.


Experts See Iraq-Style Violence Rising in Afghanistan


The approaching war with Iran

How real is the Iran nuclear threat to the United States?

Given the fact that nuclear power plants are currently operating in 31 countries with 7 more countries in pursuit of atomic energy, is it possible that the United States of America is honestly threatened by Iran seeking nuclear power capabilities?


‘US will help Israel in case of war with Iran’

If Israel is attacked, the United States will “obviously” militarily support its close Mideast ally, US Vice President Dick Cheney said in interview with CNBC television Thursday.

This will be the "back door" to war with Iran. Israel will attack Iran's power stations, claiming they are really weapons factories. Iran will counter-attack, and since the road from Iran to Israel runs through Iraq, Israel can cower safely behind the stupid Americans, once more being killed and crippled for yet another war based on lies and deception.\01\21\story_21-1-2006_pg4_4


U.S. Obtains Internet Users' Search Records,0,2521766.story?coll=ny-leadnationalnews-headlines


The CIA is engaging in an unlawful practice –”extraordinary rendition”


FBI tracking your every click

Posted Jan 21, 2006 08:24 AM PST - Category: HUMOR


Bush Leads Defense of NSA Domestic Spying


FLASHBACK: WRH: The United States Is In Deep Doodoo!

Worth a re-read in light of the article that follows.


Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent
In its attempt to establish a world empire dominating every nation on the planet, the U.S. has exhausted its ability to finance the expansion and the country now faces imminent financial collapse. From all indications, it looks like 2006 will spell the end for America.


Not. Backing. Hillary.

The recent death of Gene McCarthy reminded me of a lesson I spent a long, long time unlearning, so now I have to re-learn it. It's about political courage and heroes, and when a country is desperate for leadership. There are times when regular politics will not do, and this is one of those times. There are times a country is so tired of bull that only the truth can provide relief.


-muslim voice-


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