In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

====== News Update ======

What Can We Do About Terrorism?

The Ground Rules for Fighting Terrorism :
  • Rule #1: No solution is going to be perfect
  • Rule #2: It is American foreign policy that has provoked the attacks
  • Rule #3: Bombing foreign countries doesn't end terrorism, it provokes it
  • Rule #4: The terrorist attacks are a criminal matter, not a war
  • Rule #5: If you think you or America is entitled to something, reverse the positions and see how you'd react
  • Rule #6: Government does not do anything well – even those functions delegated to it by the Constitution
  • Rule #7: There's no way to eliminate all terrorism in the world


In case you missed it: Wasn’t Jesus A Liberal? 

Liberalism has been under assault for years now. The battering of this grand political philosophy has altered the contemporary definition of liberal to the point that Conservatives use it as a profane word. They use it to paint a political opponent as anti-God and anti-American. It has gotten to the point that moderate and liberal Christians are afraid to be open about their political leanings.



"Why didn't Canadian Jewish groups condemn this cowardly crime?" asked the CIC statement

Following Friday's attack on a Nazareth church, the Canadian Islamic Congress is speaking out in support of Palestinian Christians whose precarious minority status in Israel is almost completely ignored by the rest of the world.


Israeli Couple Attacks Christian Shrine

An Israeli couple, joined by a young woman reported to be their daughter, entered one of Christianity's holiest sites on Friday and set off a series of small explosions, sparking a riot that left six people wounded in this Arab town in northern Israel.

Note that Palestine TV broadcast the attack on the Basilica of the Annunciation, El-Bishara Churuch, in Nazareth all day on Friday, March 3, 2006. Muslims and Christians in the city cooperated on controlling the fire caused by explosives detonated by three Israeli extremists. Various interviews with Christian and Muslim leaders and citizens in the city demonstrated a belief that these extremists attempted to cause hostility between Palestinian Arabs living in the city.


WMD Terrorism is A Nightmare of Different Sort

I've never thought that terrorists posed much of a weapons of mass destruction threat, and I've always thought that the specter of "nuclear terrorism" was promiscuous and politically motivated, both to undermine disarmament and to bolster U.S. WMD programs.


Horowitz: "There are 50,000 professors ... [who] identify with the terrorists"

On the March 2 edition of MSNBC's Scarborough Country, right-wing activist David Horowitz claimed that "[t]here are 50,000 professors" who are "anti-American" and "identify with the terrorists." Horowitz, the president of Students for Academic Freedom and a proponent of an "Academic Bill of Rights" for American universities, is the author of The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America (Regnery, January 2006).

According to statistics from the Department of Education, there are just over 400,000 tenured and tenure-track full-time university professors* in the United States. If Horowitz's numbers are accurate, that means approximately one out of every eight tenured or tenure-track college and university professors is a terrorist sympathizer. (several hyper-links)

Contact: David Horowitz David Horowitz


9/11: Rumsfeld Sept 10, 2001: The Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 TRILLION

This should have been a huge scandal. $2.3 Trillion dollars amounts to almost $8000 for every man, woman, and child in the US.
But look when this was announced. September 10th, 2001. Just 24 hours later, the events of 9-11 wiped this scandal from the newspapers.
Rather interesting timing, don't you think?


"Hard to get a good case": Early Attempts to Link 9/11 and Iraq
Last week, released DoD staffer Stephen Cambone's notes from meetings with Donald Rumsfeld on the afternoon of 9/11. The notes, obtained under FOIA, show that at early as 2:40 PM on September 11th, Rumsfeld was attempting to use the day's attacks as a justification for invading Iraq (although he did concede that it would be "[h]ard to get a good case"). The following is a brief timeline of the Bush administration’s discussions, during the month after the 9/11 attacks, about invading Iraq as a response to the tragedy.


Names of the Detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba


The Gitmo Transcripts Here - Released March 3, 2006

Reprocessed Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) and Administrative Review Board (ARB) Documents Released March 3, 2006

Testimony of Detainees Before the Combatant Status Review Tribunal (The following documents have been cleared for public release.)


U.S. Cites Exception in Torture Ban

Bush administration lawyers, fighting a claim of torture by a Guantanamo Bay detainee, yesterday argued that the new law that bans cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees in U.S. custody does not apply to people held at the military prison.


Documents Reveal the Stories of Prisoners at Guantanamo Bay

Forced by a federal court to lift the cloak of secrecy that had long shrouded the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Pentagon released thousands of pages of documents Friday containing names and other details for hundreds of detainees scooped up after the Sept. 11 attacks.


U.S. Isolated in Opposing Plan for a New U.N. Rights Council 

The United States has found itself isolated in its opposition to a proposal to replace the discredited Human Rights Commission, and its pledge to vote against adoption of the plan has thrown the United Nations into turmoil.


Canada almost alone in supporting Guantanamo

Major Western allies push for closing U.S. gulag after damning UN report

WASHINGTON -- As most major Western allies stridently demand the closing of the U.S. Caribbean gulag at Guantanamo Bay, Canada's conspicuous silence remains a rare exception. ==


America the Pitiful

Calling our form of government a democratic republic does not make it so. We are what we do. By now it should be abundantly clear that most Americans are incapable of recognizing real democracy­because they have never been subjected to one. Perhaps no culture on earth is more materialistic or delusional than ours’. Compared to much of the world, America’s behavior is tragically pathological.


War, Never Been So Much Fun!

New video shows US troops laughing at slaughter and carnage

Introducing a brand new Spring blockbuster from the people who brought you Abu Ghraib. It's the Coalition of the Killing's new 'liberation' video and it's set to put Syriana and Brokeback Mountain to shame at the Oscars.

US Troops Bemoan Not Being Able To Shoot Iraqi Kids Who Threw Rocks

The 'Trophy Video': Bloodthirsty Contractors Randomly Shoot Iraqi Drivers Dead, New 'Liberation Video' Shows Fallujah Bombing Massacre

Iraqi Taxi Driver Who Stole Wood Gets His Vehicle Crushed by US Troops


God made me kill all those Iraqi's: Blair: 'God will be my judge on Iraq'

Contradicting warnings from advisers not to mix politics and religion, the Prime Minister said that his interest in politics sprang from his Christianity and its "values and philosophy" had guided him in public life.


Video: See You in *uckin* Hell Dog

This video should only be watch by a mature audience.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 3 March 2006
Resistance bomb blasts US column in al-Qa’im early Friday afternoon.
High-explosive Resistance bomb in al-Khalidiyah reportedly kills three US Marines Friday morning.
Americans storm neighborhood in al-Habbaniyah arresting and robbing residents.
Resistance bomb leaves US soldier reported dead in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district Friday despite puppet regime’s blockade of the city and ban on vehicular traffic.
US, puppet forces lock down at-Tarimiyah in operation to capture “supporters of the Iraqi Resistance” Friday morning. All communications with the city cut.
US soldier reported killed in bomb attack in al-Mundhiriyah Friday morning.
US soldiers board bus carrying college girls in Mosul and make them strip, baring their heads and breasts.
Three British troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-‘Amarah.


Behind the suspension of London Mayor Ken Livingstone


The Democratic Republic of Hamas 

Occupation is a form of violence directed at people to prevent them from controlling their own destiny. It is very similar to a vicious mugging where one party completely dominates the other. It is an attack on the fundamental principles of statehood, sovereignty and self-determination.


French soldier killed in Afghan clash

A French soldier from the U.S.-led foreign force in Afghanistan was killed and another foreign soldier wounded in clashes in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar on Saturday, the U.S. military said.


Bush and the bomb 

Bush, visiting New Delhi, struck a landmark deal allowing India to develop peaceful nuclear energy while staying outside the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT). This smacks of double standards that will make it hard to hold the line on this issue and gives some substance to the charge, voiced by an angry President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that opposition to Iran's nuclear ambitions - which he claims are peaceful - is politically motivated.,,1723276,00.html


India: Another covert deal, sans brouhaha

When President Bush announced on Friday that Americans would soon be eating India’s famed mangoes, he failed to explain why.,001302100000.htm


In pictures: Anti-Bush rallies in India


U.S. Opens Iran Propaganda office

New US focus on promoting democracy in Iran:

The US State Department has created an office dedicated to Iran to reflect the Bush administration’s new focus on promoting democracy in the Islamic republic, officials said on Thursday.


CIA used A-bomb plan as bait

The CIA scheme was to introduce intentional flaws in the design plans that would delay or derail Iranian work. The following excerpt shows the poorly conceived plan and its easily identified flaws.


Ten Who Stood Against Patriot Act Reauthorization

When the key vote came Thursday, Feingold found he was not entirely alone. Along with Vermont Independent Jim Jeffords, eight Democrats joined Feingold in voting "no" to reauthorization. The eight were:


Calling Bush "Hitler" Is A No No In Colorado High School, As Patriot Act Violations Mount Across Country

Posted Mar 4, 2006 09:05 AM PST - Category: DICTATORSHIP


Administration Revives Dispute Over Eavesdropping Authority

In a new defense of its warrantless eavesdropping program, the Bush administration yesterday reopened a dispute about whether it tried and failed to obtain direct congressional authority for use of the president's war-making powers on U.S. territory.


Bill Frist threatens to re-structure the Intelligence Committee in order to block NSA hearings

Frist specifically threatened that if the Committee holds NSA hearings, he will fundamentally change the 30-year-old structure and operation of the Senate Intelligence Committee so as to make it like every other Committee, i.e., controlled and dominated by Republicans to advance and rubber-stamp the White House’s agenda rather than exercise meaningful and nonpartisan oversight.


Senator ties Guard to spy plan

A special California National Guard unit that was disbanded last year amid suspicion it was engaged in domestic spying may have been part of a nationwide effort to monitor the activities of U.S. citizens, a state senator charged Tuesday.


Pigs at the trough:

Congressman gets 8 years for taking millions in bribes 

Former congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham, a decorated fighter pilot in Vietnam who admitted taking $2.4 million in bribes from two defense contractors, was sentenced Friday to eight years and four months in federal prison.


Pigs at the trough:

Broken system facilitated Cunningham's graft

IT is tempting, and certainly convenient, for his former colleagues in Congress, to dismiss Randy Duke Cunningham as an aberration. The corruption scheme he was at the center of exposes systemic flaws that will persist well after he is behind bars


Pigs at the trough:

Top CIA Official Under Investigation 

The CIA Inspector General has opened an investigation into the spy agency's executive director, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, and his connections to two defense contractors accused of bribing a member of Congress and Pentagon officials.


Pigs at the trough

Harris Shuns Spending Requests

On the sixth day after she was identified as a recipient of illegal campaign contributions, the Republican congresswoman from Longboat Key stayed behind closed doors. She issued a statement in which she denied knowing that contributions made to her by defense contractor Mitchell Wade had been illegal.


Pigs at the trough:

Probe of Bureau of Workers’ Compensation goes far beyond activities of Noe

The law-enforcement task force investigating Tom Noe is conducting a far broader probe of the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, having interviewed hundreds of witnesses in what could result in a series of public corruption cases.


-muslim voice-


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