9th Malaysian Plan: Keep it simple Sir! PDF Cetak
Wed | Mar 22, 06 | 01:37:19 PM
Oleh Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad, PAS Research Centre
Judging by his lackluster performance thus far, the premier is in dire need of a good showing in the up and coming 9th Malaysian Plan (9MP). Understandably a lot of hype is building up ahead of its announcement, scheduled to be tabled in the on-going Parliamentary session, at the end of the month.
Wishful though it may seem, I would like to indulge in some luxury of penning down some wishes that to my mind are as basic as it may be often disregarded or overlooked. It may cost me hardly anything to write my piece, but it would be extremely expensive for the premier should he desire to remain in denial of and oblivious about it.
May I first remind ourselves that we are in the 9th MP (2006-2010), which incidentally is covering the second half of the Outline Perspective Plan (OPP3, 2001-2010). We also into the second 5-year period of the  National Vision Policy (Dasar Wawasan Negara, 2001-2020) which in turn, is embraced by the entire Vision 2020 (Wawasan 2020, 1991-2020). So what do you think of that? Really awfully mouthful and mind-boggling to decipher, wasn’t it?
That is of course besides the Industrial Master Plan (IMP) and others. As a nation, are we over-managing? – the over-sized cabinet, the various commissions, the numerous cabinet committees etc? But the basic question is; Are we getting any better? They have a saying in Management – Keep It Simple Stupid! (K.I.S.S.).
For all these noble and lofty grand-plans, are we also about to witness the nation going into full circle once again – 360 degrees! In this ‘Bolehland’, as some may like to fondly remember us by, nothing will surprise me anymore as I am too insensitised!
On a more serious note let me get on to doing what I thought would be really a value-added exercise. Rather than listing ‘what should be done’, which of course is the business of the government and surely is none of my business, I am only to focus of things that ‘shouldn’t be done’.  Why? Because doing things that shouldn’t be done hurt the country, the citizenry (rakyat) and the future generation. That is bad to say of the least or scandalous and criminal at worst!
For all the things that have been strategised and about to be executed, could you care to consider my short ‘3 wish-list’ of things that ‘shouldn’t be done’ for God’s sake:
1. Put an immediate and decisive stop and dismantle all rent-based political economy. In simple language stop cronyism! It is the scourge of our nation. It defies best-practices and good-governance. It reduces healthy economic competition and kills genuine and aspiring entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. Cronyism borders corruption and begets further corruption. The nation will be heading headlong into the abyss of decadency and entire system will rot as it gets cancerous. It is increasingly obvious now.
The premier is indeed fighting a losing battle as his entire party and government machinery are plagued in crony practices at all level of management. For the record, the loss due to cronyism was, in the last 22 years – a whooping RM 380 billions! It is not an Opposition media’s estimate but none other than “The Edge” (March 29, 2004). For God’s sake, the implementation and policy of 9MP must attempt at stamping out this crime at the outset! We will certainly see better efficiency in development (better Incremental Capital Output Ratio) in time to come. Otherwise we are doomed to fail again!.
2. For all the growth that 9MP is targeting and from whatever sector/s you wish to propel into (manufacturing to services etc), whether it be FDI-driven or DDI-driven (Domestic) may we remind that with ‘wealth creation’ comes a more daunting task and responsibility. That is about ‘Wealth Redistribution’. The axiom and underpinning principle of the NEP is to my mind, entirely about ‘Equitable Distributive Justice’ based on Growth. But what has become of it? Umno as a party  and BN as a government derailed it! You indeed hijacked it! You should have stood trial for this crime but the rakyat extended their ‘amnesty, grace and subsidy’ to you!.
 May we remind you that Malaysia has amongst the most dismal income disparity in the region. Both inter and intra-ethnic. I need not remind you that the worst intra-ethnic disparity is the Malay ethnic group. Thanks to your Umnoputera’s crony practices. Interventionist or ‘affirmative action’ should be across race, culture, religion and political divide as it must be based on the function of needs and merits. If proven the Malays need to be catered through ‘affirmative action’ as they are the poorest group, so be it. It evidently testifies to your achievement or perhaps more truthfully under-achievement of the Umno’s-Hidup-Melayu-rhetoric for all these donkey years.
3. We have seen billions spent on mega-infrastructural development. For whatever little information that has trickled to us, we know that you are still spending about RM40-45 billions on infra-structure. That may not be much relative to before. We know the nation needs this to come out of its flagging state and to spur the entire economy. But before you slip into the alley of ‘megalomania’ of your predecessor and caught into the malaise of ‘crass materialism’ coupled with the ‘unbridled permissiveness’ may I remind you that you shouldn’t relegate the importance of capacity building and generating competitive-enterprising graduates to others ie the buck must stop at the premier.
We could no longer produce ‘square pegs’ to be forced into round holes. The entire educational system is in dire need of nothing short of a ‘total overhaul’. Removing few black-sheep wouldn’t work. In line with the revolution in education that is now in vogue, be sure you put the entire Intelligent Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ) and now Spiritual Quotient (SQ) in its proper context. Frankly I like the straight As but that is not the be-all and end-all of education. Bottom-line they must be professionals who are God-fearing and God-conscious. I am not here to tell which God. That is their God-given freedom and liberty! (To quote Ivy Josiah, a women’s right activist; we may be secular but we’re not un-Godly).
That’s my 2-cent worth of thought for your kind perusal. I rest my case.

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