CONCORDIA ELECTIONS MARKED BY MASSIVE IRREGULARITIES: Observers, candidates to present evidence of "phantom slate" and corrupt process


-- For immediate release --


MARCH 27, 2006--Four years ago, Montreal's Concordia University was the centre of international attention when former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit sparked a firestorm of controversy. According to evidence gathered by numerous observers, student politics at Concordia today face a grave threat: a crisis of legitimacy. At stake is the Concordia Student Union's $1.5 million budget and an influential voice on Canada's most politically charged campus.


Evidence and testimony will be presented at a press conference scheduled for 2pm today (monday) at the School of Community and Public Affairs (2149 Mackay).


"The first sign of a corrupt process is a lack of independent verification of results," said David Bernans, President of the Concordia Graduate Student Society. "Members of the current student council voted down the use of independent observers for vote counting, which has been standard practice at previous Concordia elections."


Concordia's students go to the polls on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week.


But observers say that lack of oversight is just the beginning. A deliberate and illegal attempt to confuse voters is also afoot, according to information acquired by candidates on the slate known as "Conscious". A phantom slate named "Conscious Concordia" has appeared on the final ballot at the last minute, though a sample ballot distributed to candidates to verify accuracy bore no signs of the existence of such a slate. With elections a day away, the "Conscious Concordia" slate has yet to show any visible signs of mounting a campaign. Conscious (sans "Concordia"), on the other hand, is considered a strong contender. (Coincidentally, the Conscious slate's web site is


"This is clearly a deliberate attempt to confuse voters, and CEO Daniella Brazel is clearly going along with it," said candidate Svetla Turnin. "Why won't she disclose who is on the ballot?"


Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Daniella Brazel ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 514-651-4669) has refused to provide information about the phantom slate. Questioned about the mysterious slate, Brazel told a debate audience of 300 that "it is being dealt with". She has not responded to requests for confirmation that that is the case.


Concerns have also been raised about the use of CSU resources to support the "Experience" slate.


Nearly the entire CSU executive, including the President, has taken a leave of absence from their duties to campaign for the Experience slate.


"CSU offices have been used to store campaign materials, and who knows where the connection between the CSU and Experience ends," said candidate Noah Stewart-Ornstein.


"If a non-existant party called 'The Conservatives' was added to the ballot during the last federal election, and the Liberal Party spent government money on a campaign, no one could suggest that the result was democratic," Stewart-Ornstein added.


"Experience is curiously well-equipped, given that they are limited to a campaign budget of $750," said Turnin. "We called up the firm that made their web site, and they told us that the site design alone would cost over $7000."


"But the CEO is doing nothing. Why is that?"


"Experience is clearly in win-at-all-costs mode, but the loser is democracy at Concordia," said Stewart-Ornstein.


"Clearly, they don't have good role models in Paul Martin's Liberals, but the corruption has to stop somewhere."


Candidates for Conscious, student journalists and independent observers will be available to present evidence and answer questions at Monday's press conference.




Svetla Turnin

CSU Presidential candidate, CONSCIOUS




Maria Abi-Habib

News Editor, The Link




Noah Stewart-Ornstein





David Bernans

GSA President



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