In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Inews Daily
Wednesday 29th March 2006 - 28th Safar 1427
US envoy 'calls for new Iraqi PM'
The US ambassador to Iraq has told Shia leaders that the US government does not want Ibrahim Jaafari to remain prime minister. He said President Bush "doesn't want, doesn't support, doesn't accept" the retention of Mr Jaafari. The Iraqi PM's spokesman accused the US of trying to subvert Iraqi sovereignty. The Shia United Iraqi Alliance chose Mr Jaafari as its candidate in February after winning December's election. Kurdish and Sunni Arab parties had previously rejected the UIA's nomination and threatened to boycott a national unity government. The US ambassador had passed on his government's dissatisfaction with Mr Jaafari at a meeting with the leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, Abd al-Aziz al-Hakim.
Bomb attack on Pakistan market
A bomb has killed a policeman and injured 16 civilians in Peshawar hours after the US consulate in the northwestern Pakistani city closed due to a security threat. Officials said a time bomb attached to a motorcycle exploded in the crowded Khyber bazaar in central Peshawar yesterday. The city's chief of police said the blast happened as the city was on high alert after threats to the US consulate. "It was a time bomb which exploded when the market was full of customers," Rehman said. "One policeman who was passing by was killed and 16 other people were hurt. A spokeswoman for the US embassy in Islamabad said earlier that the Peshawar consulate had closed "because of information about a specific and credible threat".
19 Iraqis kidnapped
Gunmen dressed as police kidnapped 19 people working for a money changer and two household appliance shops in Baghdad on Tuesday, police said. The abductions happened in three separate areas in northern and central Baghdad. It was not immediately clear whether the three incidents were related. On Monday, gunmen also kidnapped 16 employees of Baghdad trading company Al Saeed Import Export in the upscale Mansour district of the capital. Kidnappings have become a common occurence in Iraq and the US forces have been shown to have a hand in such incidences which are perpetrated to stir up unrest and civil war.
Bashir warns he will not accept deployment of foreign troops
Arab leaders gathered yesterday at a summit focused on mounting chaos in Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while rifts emerged over host Sudan’s rejection of UN troops for war-torn Darfur. Addressing the summit amid tensions, its host, Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir, warned that Khartoum would not accept the deployment of foreign troops in its troubled western Darfur region. "The African Union forces are capable of accomplishing their mission in Darfur without any foreign intervention," Bashir told the one-day gathering in Khartoum. Instead, Bashir called on "Arab countries and the international community to support financially the AU forces," which are cash strapped and undermanned. The UN Security Council voted on Friday to speed up plans to deploy peacekeepers to replace the African Union mission in Darfur.
Egypt threatens to sue US
Egypt yesterday threatened to take legal action against a US museum unless it returns an ancient mask in its collection that the authorities claim was stolen from a warehouse years ago. The St Louis Art Museum has a week to turn over the 19th dynasty (1307-1196 BC) mask of Ka-nefer-nefer or face legal action, according to the secretary general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA). "I have informed the American side in a letter that if they do no respond to our request we will take the necessary legal measures and file a case in a US court and inform Interpol," the antiquities chief said in a statement. Egypt has warned it will end cooperation with foreign museums and institutions that buy stolen artifacts.
Action against 10 Haj firms for negligence
The Ministry of Haj has taken punitive action against several domestic-pilgrim service companies for negligence. An official statement stated that services of 10 companies were suspended for one to three years. The ministry was acting on the decisions taken by a three-member committee comprising representatives of the ministries of Interior, Haj and Commerce, which imposed fines ranging from SR5,000 to SR20,000 on 31 companies, the statement said.
Only 12 heads of state take part in Arab meet
An Arab summit opened in the Sudanese capital Khartoum yesterday with only about 12 heads of state present, a disappointment for the Sudanese hosts who wanted a show of solidarity against international criticism. Other governments from the 22-member Arab League sent senior representatives. Among the notable absentees were President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, the most populous Arab country, and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, as chairman of the 2005 summit, opened the session in a new conference centre beside the White Nile. They will talk about financial support for the Palestinian Authority among other issues.
Mubarak’s son says no desire to run for president
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s son Gamal Mubarak has dismissed speculation that his meteoric rise in the country’s ruling party means he is being groomed to succeed his father. In a rare interview on state television late Monday, the younger Mubarak insisted he had no plans to run in the next presidential election in 2011 or any subsequent votes.
Gamal, 42, has repeatedly said he has no aspiration to succeed his father, who has been in power for a quarter of a century, despite his increasing influence in the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP). Earlier this year, he was promoted to NDP deputy secretary general, a post he holds in addition to heading the party’s policies committee, probably the most important organ within the NDP. Gamal’s political rise convinced many that he was actually being prepared to take over the helm from his 77-year-old father.

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