In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

====== News Update ======

New Army documents reveal US knew of and approved torture before Abu Ghraib scandal

New Army documents released by the American Civil Liberties Union today reveal that Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez ordered interrogators to "go to the outer limits" to get information from detainees. The documents also show that senior government officials were aware of abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan before the Abu Ghraib scandal broke

Translation: the torture scandals go ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP of this government!


Indonesia wants US to stay away from Asia’s anti-terror fight

Indonesia will tell the United States not to meddle in regional anti-terrorism efforts when US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visits next week, Defence Minister Juwono Sudarsono said on Thursday.

And who can blame them? As evidenced by current history,, we do SO love to meddle in other governments' affairs! 06\06\02\story_2-6-2006_pg4_3


New 'Iraq Massacre' Tape Emerges

The BBC obtains new video evidence that US troops may have deliberately killed 11 Iraqi civilians in March.

The BBC has obtained disturbing pictures of the aftermath of an alleged massacre of 11 Iraqis by American troops. Iraqi police have accused US soldiers of killing the people in Ishaqi, north of Baghdad. - Click here to view -

Real Media and Windows Media


New Report on the Haditha Killings

BBC Video News Report, Reports from Iraqi witnesses. -

Click here to view - Real Media and Windows Media


U.S. accused in more Iraq civilian deaths 

A third set of allegations that U.S. troops have deliberately killed civilians is fueling a furor in Iraq and drawing strong condemnations from government and human rights officials.


The Line of Atrocity: From the White House to Haditha 

Details of the Haditha killings are finally emerging after months of official cover-up and heated denunciations of anyone who questioned the shifting, conflicting stories issued by the Pentagon following the November 2005 incident.


Children of Abraham: Death in the Desert

A Must Watch Flash presentation:

Warning: there are graphic photographs in this movie which are not suitable for children or those of a sensitive nature.


More Lots More

I can only hope that my fellow citizens are not being told that this latest outrage tumbling out of Iraq is some isolated incident; that Herr Rumsfeld will diligently investigate it, and dispense timely justice to all guilty parties (below the rank of Lieutenant, of course).


Who will weep for the cemetery of innocents?

Dinned day and night by TV replays of real life war strikes, life becomes one large unending Nintendo game for us. Reality becomes just like the software we buy so our children can shoot at digital figures who never bleed, never cry, never look us in the eye before we shoot them.


U.S. Military Denies New Abuse Allegations at Ishaqi

Military officials have completed their investigation and concluded that U.S. forces followed the rules of engagement.


'Massacre Marines blinded by hate'

Corporal claims that his comrades, who were accused of killing Iraqi civilians, lost control,,11069-2205982,00.html


'Please stop the American troops killing any more people',,1788624,00.html?gusrc==rss


Relevent Geneva Conventions

As yet another war crime by the US occupation blasts its way across the blogs, it is worth taking a look at the relevant Geneva Conventions which apply.


U.S. troops routinely attack civilians, Iraqi leader says

In his comments, al-Maliki said violence against civilians had become a "daily phenomenon" by troops in the American-led coalition who "do not respect the Iraqi people."


Iraqi P.M. Accuses U.S. of 'Daily' Attacks Against Civilians

BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 1 -- Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki lashed out at the American military on Thursday, denouncing what he characterized as habitual attacks by troops against Iraqi civilians.


Wrong Mission Aaccomplished

How Invading Iraq Has Set Back Democracy In the Middle East


4 Minute Video: No Bravery

A nation blind to their disgrace. Flash presentation.


Eleventh US soldier convicted over Abu Ghraib scandal

A US Army sergeant has been found guilty of assaulting a prisoner with his dog at Abu Ghraib prison, becoming the 11th soldier convicted in the scandal that President George W Bush called the biggest mistake of the US war in Iraq.


Guantanamo hunger strike spreads 

More Guantanamo Bay detainees have joined a hunger strike, raising the total to 89, the US military says.


Spinning out of control: The U.S. Military’s Virtual Reality about a deadly day in May 

 A picture is worth a thousand words ­ simply contrast photos of how the U.S. military is portrayed with Afghan children.


Worse to come for US, UK in Iraq, Afghanistan, says expert

The insurgent campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan are exerting severe pressure on US and UK forces - and there is more to come, according to a leading British security expert.


Karzai condemns gunfire by U.S. troops

President Hamid Karzai on Thursday condemned the use of gunfire by U.S. troops to suppress Afghans angered by a traffic accident involving a military truck that sparked the worst riots in the capital since the fall of the Taliban.


Taliban kill 12; Abduct 40 in Afghanistan

Taliban fighters have killed at least a dozen Afghan police and abducted up to 40 others in two separate attacks in the south of the country.


Soldier charged in Afghan abuse case acquitted 

Prosecutors said Corsetti was dubbed the “King of Torture” and “The Monster” while working at an American detention facility at Bagram Air Field in 2002 and 2003.


4 Pakistani soldiers killed in suicide attack near Afghan border

Two suicide attackers detonated an explosives-laden car amid a military convoy on a strategic road in northwestern Pakistan on Friday, killing four soldiers and wounding seven, officials said.


Israeli PM Ehud Olmert's Speach to Congress (24 May 2006)

Note: Read this, but try not to let it make you sick.

As four people were gunned down in Ramallah during an Israeli invasion of the town, Israeli PM Olmert enjoyed standing ovations from the US Congress as he spoke of "peace".



Israelis have a word for it: “hasbara”. It is often misleadingly translated as “advocacy for Israel”. But what the word signifies more deeply for Israel’s supporters is the duty, when the truth would be damaging, to dissemble or to disseminate misinformation to protect the interests of Israel as a Jewish state -- that is, a state with an unassailable Jewish majority. If hasbara is expected of the lowliest members of Israel’s international fan club, it is a duty of the first order for the country’s prime minister.



The U.S. and Europe decided, despite Israel’s  opposition, to permit the Palestinian people to hold democratic elections. According to Jimmy Carter’s report in the “Herald Tribune”, the elections were “honest, fair, strongly contested, without violence and with the results accepted by winners and losers. Among the 62 elections that have been monitored by... the Carter Center, these are among the best in portraying the will of the people.” In a just and well-ordered
world, it would be unthinkable for a government that was elected in this way to be disqualified because Israel does not like the choice of the electorate in


Masters of Deceit: Israel Begins Work on NEW COLONIES Deep in Occupied West Bank (AP)

MASKIOT West Bank--Israel has quietly begun laying the  foundations for a new Jewish settlement deep in the West Bank breaking a long-standing promise to Washington while strengthening its hold on a stretch of desert it wants to keep as it draws its final borders.


Occupation forces kidnap Palestinian from intensive care bed

Israelis arrest wounded Palestinian in hospital bed

NABLUS, West Bank, June 2 2006-- Israeli soldiers on Friday arrested a wounded Palestinian militant from his hospital bed in an intensive care unit at a church-run clinic in the occupied West Bank, officials said.


Israel building new West Bank settlement

Israel has begun laying the foundations for a new Jewish settlement deep in the West Bank - breaking a promise to Washington while strengthening its hold on a stretch of desert it wants to keep as it draws its final borders.


Bolton: ‘This is Put Up or Shut Up Time For Iran,’

Windows Media Video : U.S. Tells Iran: Unilateral Military Action Is ‘On The Table’

Click here to watch - Transcript and video


If Iran is ready to talk, the US must do so unconditionally 

Ask anyone in Washington, London or Tel Aviv if they can cite any phrase uttered by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the chances are high they will say he wants Israel "wiped off the map".,,1788481,00.html


The Mother of All Scandals

From Vice President Cheney to the new Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, so many of the Iran-Contra era scoundrels returned to the political stage these last years for a grim second bow and, perhaps not so strangely, similar results -- though this time not on the relatively parochial stage of Central America, but in the oil heartlands of our planet.


In case you missed it: Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair

 Windows Media Video -Coverup exposes several of the most disturbing chapters in the history of U.S. covert foreign policy. It presents a tale of politics, drugs, hostages, weapons, assassinations, covert operations and the ultimate plan to suspend the U.S.Constitution. Runtime 22 Minutes


Bush is worst president since 1945, US poll finds

Only because the poll was limited to 1945 and after.,,1788645,00.html


Bush Tops List As U.S. Voters Name Worst President

Strong Democratic sentiment pushes President George W. Bush to the top of the list when American voters pick the worst U.S. President in the last 61 years. Bush is named by 34 percent of voters, followed by Richard Nixon at 17 percent‘9


Helen Thomas: Congress legislating our rights away

Why was Congress silent when Bush wrote his own military law to designate individuals as "enemy combatants," and deny them due process, before sending them into limbo?


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. : Was the 2004 Election Stolen?

Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted -- enough to have put John Kerry in the White House.


In case you missed it: Hail To The Thief

Greg Palast: BBC Investigation Into How Voter Data Was Used To Prevent Democrats From Voting In The Last Presidential Elections.


In case you missed it: New Florida vote scandal revealed 

A secret document obtained from inside Bush campaign headquarters in Florida suggests a plan - possibly in violation of US law - to disrupt voting in the state's African-American voting districts, a BBC Newsnight investigation reveals.


-muslim voice-


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Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  :
Jamaah Islah Malaysia          :
Radio Islam Kuliyyah           :
Palestinkini Info              :
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      :
Fiqh Siber                     :
The Muslim Brotherhood         :

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