         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                          === News Update ===




December 13, 2006

Despite ongoing protests, despite the illigality of the wall declared by
an International Court, Israel has declared it legal to continue the
construction of the apartheid wall around a northern Jerusalem
Israel has always 'danced to it's own tune'.... it expects handouts and
support from the west but never seems to do as told. How long will that
continue I wonder.... with the loss of support both Olmert and Bush seem
to be having lately. These facts continue to give the 'eternal hope'
that the wall will one day be a thing of the past.
Below is a report on the High Court's decision regarding the
construction of the wall....

        High Court: Security fence route in a-Ram legal

        Nine-judge panel rejects petition filed by residents to stop
        construction around north Jerusalem neighborhood

        Aviram Zino Latest Update: 12.13.06, 12:07

        A nine-judge High Court panel rejected an appeal issued by
        residents of a-Ram regarding the construction of the security
        fence around the north Jerusalem neighborhood.

        "The various considerations in this matter justify the
        construction of the fence along its current route," the judges
        said in their ruling.

        "Our ruling is based on the assumption that the Israeli
        residents living in a-Ram will have adequate access to Jerusalem
        through the fence crossings, particularly through the Qalandiya
        crossing," the judges said.

        The petition was filed in an effort to block the construction of
        the fence along Highway 60, at a-Ram’s western border (inside
        Jerusalem territory).

        Initially the court issued an interim order that prevented the
        fence construction in the area, and the state guaranteed that it
        would not perform permanent construction there until after a
        hearing would be held on the appeals. In august 2004 the interim
        order was annulled, thus freeing the state of its obligation.

        During a cabinet meeting on the issue it was revealed that some
        55,000 east Jerusalem Palestinians carrying blue (Israeli)
        identification cards would remain outside the Israeli part of
        the security fence should construction continue along the
        current route.

        Outgoing High Court Judge Aharon Barak said in the ruling that,
        "The rights of al-Ram’s residents are not absolute; they can be
        obstructed if there is justification for it. One must make a
        distinction between harming 'protected residents’ by
        constructing the fence in the West Bank and harm done to
        Israelis (citizens or permanent residents) due to the
        construction of the fence in the area and due to the
        construction of the fence in Israel ."

        In the ruling Barak reiterated his stance that protecting
        Israelis is of the utmost importance, this despite the fact that
        some of a-Ram’s residents are Arabs holding Israeli
        identification cards.

        Barak ruled: "It would be enough to say that it is a worthy
        objective if it is done for military needs (that aren't
        political) that are meant to protect the lives of people living
        in the region or in Israel. Erecting the fence in the a-Ram area
        holds up under the prescriptions of this objective.

        "It is meant to protect the lives of residents of the State in
        general, and residents of Jerusalem in particular, from terror
        activities coming out of West Bank territory. This is a worthy
        military objective that is meant to maintain security, and, as
        such, to protect human life, respect, and liberty," Barak

        Minority opinion

        Judge Miriam Naor was in the minority opinion in regards to the
        segment of the route discussed in the petition, and established
        that the southern portion is not proportional.

        According to her, "If my opinion were followed, we would accept
        the petition submitted by the residents of Dahiyat al-Barid, in
        accordance with the possibility for slight adjustments in the
        route, for instance, in the region of the Coptic church. Because
        mine is the minority opinion, there is no space for elaborating
        on the adjustments."

        Judge Naor added: "The fence, in every place it passes, damages
        the fabric of life. It creates hardship in some way or another
        on those going to work or returning home. It damages students,
        family ties, and culture… It obstructs the landscape. It stands
        as an ongoing and painful reminder that the two nations sitting
        on the land have still not been able to live in peace. However,
        the fence is vital to protect those needing protection from
        terrorist attacks."

        The Association for Civil Rights in Israel expressed their
        disappointment about the High Court ruling that authorized the
        route of the separation fence in the area of a-Ram, north of

        "The association is shocked and disappointed by the High Court
        ruling, according to which the jailing of masses of people with
        a cement wall from nearly all directions doesn't violate human
        rights," it reported. "The solutions indicated by the High
        Court, like using the border crossings, is not realistic. This
        bid proves that they don't prevent the separation of the
        residents from Jerusalem, the center of their livelihoods and
        their lives."



-muslim voice-

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