         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                          === News Update ===

                 Published: 13/12/2006 12:00 AM  (UAE)

                  Nuclear hypocrisy at work in Israel

Three years after the invasion of Iraq, there are weapons of mass
destruction in the Middle East. But wait, where are the international
inspection teams, the UN resolutions, and list of sanctions? When it
concerns Israel, double standards are the norm. As far back as 1968, the
CIA realised that Israel had nuclear weapons. It was the great
unmentionable in Washington and not just because of embarrassment. The
US, by its own legislation, is forbidden from issuing economic
assistance to any country with a clandestine nuclear weapons programme.
But feigned ignorance is no longer an option.

Israel's Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, has confirmed that Israel has a
nuclear weapons programme, ending decades of wink-wink denial. Nor is
this just one weapon, as deadly as that potentially would be. It is
estimated that Israel has approximately 200 such devices, composing a
sizeable arsenal designed to intimidate. But no word from Washington, no
threats of attack, not cutback on the level of funding. Not even a word
or whisper of condemnation from America. The issue is far more serious
than witnessing the rank hypocrisy at work. Nuclear weaponry does not
ensure peace, nor were they ever intended to. If they did, then their
proliferation would make the world a much safer place than it is. The
North Korean leader would be in line for a peace prize, instead of
international condemnation. 

There is little chance of America exerting its influence on Israel to
dismantle the nuclear weapons, though if it were to happen it would go
some way towards restoring Washington's tattered image. Instead we will
witness more of Washington turning a blind eye to its client state.
American foreign policy officials believe that Israel is entitled to
have this weaponry, which reveals the paucity of their knowledge about
Middle East affairs.



-muslim voice-

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