Saddam Hussein Hanged
  As the ummah woke up for Eid
And the hajjis were on Mount mina
Beginning of a wonderful day
Lots to look forward to
They chose this day
To slay
Saddam Hussein
  Once he could do no wrong
The man portrayed as strong
Not in the deen
But in carrying out orders for the west
  When he fought Iran
To slow the Islamic revolution
The west armed him to the teeth
Chemical weapons, planes and all the tools of death
Millions of Muslims died
Nothing was achieved
  Except two Muslim countries weakened
  When he gassed his own people
The west looked the other way
And made more deals
To sell weapons for Muslims destruction 
While the ummah continued to pray
For a saviour
  First Gulf war
Invasion of Kuwait
Formerly part of Iraq
Before the division by the colonialists
Gave them an excuse to occupy Muslim land
And secure the oil supplies and strategic locations
Also sell out of date weapons to Arab leaders
  SaddamÂ’s forces routed
But Saddam strengthened
Internal opposition destroyed
Shias, Kurds and Islamists
All put to the sword
More weapons sold
To the butcher of Baghdad
Praised highly
Given everything except a medal of honour
For loyalty and sincerity to the western interests
  Enter the year 2000
And opposition to Bathist rule growing
Tide in the Middle East is turning
Islamists on the march everywhere
Need for change
Caliphate is the alternative
  America and the west scared
Worst nightmare
Muslim rulers no longer trusted
Need for new plan
Based on lies about weapons of mass destruction
Rule of the people
Slogan after slogan
Not working
The mother of all battles has begun
American dead daily
Wounded uncounted
25 000 plus and rising
  Saddam blamed
Accused of leading insurgency
Hunt is on
Finally captured
Paraded, humiliated
So much for human rights and dignity
  Put on trial
What a show!
What a farce!
Judge is a Kurd
Axe to grind
But never mind
  Guilty verdict passed
Appeal lost
Nowhere to turn
Except Allah
Saddam praying
Quoting the Quran and Sunnah
Day of execution set
Clashes with Eid
But so what
Kill him before he spills the beans
Names, dates and meetings
With US and British representatives
  Dead man can tell no tales
Lesson for all Muslim traitors
They use u and discard u
Even on Eid

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