7:31 Hai anak Adam, pakailah pakaianmu yang indah di setiap (memasuki) mesjid, 
makan dan minumlah, dan janganlah berlebih-lebihan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak 
menyukai orang-orang yang berlebih-lebihan.   Topics discussed in this Verse: 
||truetruetruetruetruetrue&-Sortorder=ascend&-Sortfield=cv&-find">[Waste not]   
    íóÇ Èóäöí ÂÏóãó ÎõÐõæÇú ÒöíäóÊóßõãú ÚöäÏó ßõáøö ãóÓúÌöÏò æßõáõæÇú 
æóÇÔúÑóÈõæÇú æóáÇó ÊõÓúÑöÝõæÇú Åöäøóåõ áÇó íõÍöÈøõ ÇáúãõÓúÑöÝöíäó (7:31) 
Baset - Hussari - Minshawi  

Ash-Shu'ara (The Poets)   26:80 dan apabila aku sakit, Dialah Yang menyembuhkan 
aku,   Topics discussed in this Verse: 
 with his people against idols] 
 with Azar] 
  æóÅöÐóÇ ãóÑöÖúÊõ Ýóåõæó íóÔúÝöíäö (26:80) 
Baset - Hussari - Minshawi  
  23:97 "Dan katakanlah: ""Ya Tuhanku aku berlindung kepada Engkau dari 
bisikan-bisikan setan." 
  Topics discussed in this Verse: 
refuge with Him] 
ones:seek refuge with Allah from]   
    æóÞõá ÑøóÈøö ÃóÚõæÐõ Èößó ãöäú åóãóÒóÇÊö ÇáÔøóíóÇØöíäö (23:97) 
Baset - Hussari - Minshawi  
  23:98 "Dan aku berlindung (pula) kepada Engkau ya Tuhanku, dari kedatangan 
mereka kepadaku.""" 
  Topics discussed in this Verse: 
refuge with Him] 
ones:seek refuge with Allah from]   WaaAAoothu bika rabbi an yahdurooni       
æóÃóÚõæÐõ Èößó ÑóÈøö Ãóä íóÍúÖõÑõæäö (23:98) 
Baset - Hussari - Minshawi  

"SPD HQ Razlen Dahlan"@yahoo.com wrote:
  Saya interested nak tahu .........my friend ni tengah berubat secara 
tradisional dan salah satru pantangnya ialah tak boleh makan nasi kenduri 
tahlil.    betul ke ada such pantang?? Setahu saya, semasa kenduri tahlil, kita 
akan membaca yasin dan doa ......this is something good so kenapa ada pantang 
sebegitu .Kalau sesiapa ada same experience, please 
share........TerimakasihOriginal Message-----
From: hidayahnet@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 2:28 AM
To: hidayahnet@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] File - Reminder from Moderator



1- The moderators will hide email of the senders to hidayahnet. As such, if you 
wish to include your email (maybe for others to reply to you), please include 
your email address in the body part of your email.

2- If you wish to promote your business, please only send no more than one mail 
per week and please combine all promotional emails in one email (rather than 
sending 3 or 4 emails promoting different products.

3- For those interested to reply to particular business advertisement, please 
email direct to the sender, and not to the egroup.

4- Be careful before promoting any external islamic links as it could be 
developed by non-muslim aiming to spread false teaching. If any doubt, please 
ask the moderator to help.


If your mailbox clogged with mails from Hidayahnet, you may wish to change your 
membership settings as below:

Please note of the 3 ways in receiving email/messages:
- individual email
- daily digest (all messages combined in one single email per day)
- no email (receive no messages but still allow you to read the messages on the 

The above settings can be changed by yourself or alternatively, you can email 
the moderator of your request. 


As a reminder for those sending our forwarding emails. To avoid those msg 
becoming junk and go unread, and becoming big in size unnecessarily, I would 
appreciate if sender put some effort in making it nicer and more attractive to 
reader. Some suggestions include:

- cut and paste the main message/content, (leaving behind the long thread/list 
of previous senders). However, pls include the source of message, usually the 
original sender (the first sender!) name (and if possible email and other 
details which deem important).

- pls also make sure that the "subject" of the email is not long winded, such 
as: [other group]fwd[other group]Prayer at the time of war ...etc. Please only 
put the topic of the msg, and delete the rest (eg, subject = Prayer at the time 
of war)

- also, usually we forget to remove the unnessary advert by yahoo and content 
from previous egroup (such as footnote) at the bottom of the email. Kindly 
remove them as they are irrelevant.

Hopefully the above, can make your email looks tidy and reduces the size 
significantly, and most importantly, I will have no objection in APPROVING them.

Above is only suggestion, and I welcome any other comments/suggestions.


Hidayahnet Moderator

p/s: We welcome any comments and suggestions to improve the egroup. Kindly send 
it direct to the moderators.

Islamic_Board - Malaysia - Islamic Events and Notices 

iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim 



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