The Muslim Organisations in Defence of Islam 
  30 MEI 2007 / 13 JAMADIL AWWAL 1428H
  The Muslim Organisations in Defence of Islam (PEMBELA) welcome today’s 
decision by the Federal Court  by praising Allah the Almighty for by His grace 
and mercy that the court has taken this position. We welcome and applaud this 
decision by which we believe that justice has been served. We believe that this 
decision is a relief for the majority of both Muslims and non-Muslims alike in 
Malaysia . 
 We say this because we see this decision as vindicating and upholding the 
existing arrangement relating to the position of Islam and the Shariah courts 
in the constitutional and legal set-up of the country. An arrangement that has 
been in place since before independence and 50 years after. It has been well 
accepted by all communities to the extend that for 50 years after Merdeka 
(Independence) we have been able to maintain one of the best records in the 
world of a multiracial multireligious society co-existing and building a nation 
together. In that spirit, this decision should not be perceived as a victory 
for  Muslims and a loss for non-Muslims in Malaysia . Instead it should be seen 
as a rejection of an attempt by a  certain individuals and segments to 
deconstruct and radically revamp of the current formula. A formula built upon a 
mutual appreciation and understanding of the historical background and social 
realities of the Malaysian society. One that is in harmony and
 reflects well with what we are as a nation.
 We would like to urge all parties to accept the decision wholly and  
graciously. We also plead to those who were hoping for an opposite outcome to 
consider modifying their expectations to suit what is good and more sustainable 
given our circumstances. We reiterate that this decision is clearly more just 
and fair in a broader and higher sense of these words.   
 We also hope that we have seen the last of similar attempts. We invite instead 
anyone who feels that they are aggrieved within the existing arrangement, to 
choose other less confrontational,controversial or disruptive approach towards 
change or reform. 
 We also take this opportunity, in a time when Islamophobia seems to be very 
popular, to call upon all Islamic religious authorities and agencies to be 
extra dilligent, efficient and professional in discharging their duties so that 
the good name of the religion does not suffer by mistakes or weaknesses at the 
implementation level. The Muslim NGOs are willing to come to the assistance of 
anyone, Muslims or non-Muslims, in genuine cases. It would be un-Islamic and 
wrong for us to tolerate any injustice, even by Muslims or in the name of 
Islam. Having said that, as Muslims, we re-affirm our full faith in the notion 
of justice as espoused by true teachings of Islam.
  On behalf : Organisations to the Defence of Islam (PEMBELA) and
  President of the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) 

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