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  In a few days time a cluster of far-right groups under the name the Stop the 
Islamisation of Europe alliance will hold rallies in London, Copenhagen and 
Marseilles to demand an end to what they call "the overt and covert expansion 
of Islam in Europe".
        Return of the Muslim 
10/28/2007 - Opinion Political - Article Ref: TG0710-3399
Number of comments: 2
Opinion Summary: Agree:1  Disagree:1  Neutral:0 
By: Soumaya Ghannoushi
Guardian* - 

          In a few days time a cluster of far-right groups under the name the 
Stop the Islamisation of Europe alliance will hold rallies in London, 
Copenhagen and Marseilles to demand an end to what they call "the overt and 
covert expansion of Islam in Europe". Although the events are likely to attract 
no more than a handful of protesters, their message resonates widely. On 
Saturday the rightwing People's party, notorious for its virulent hostility to 
ethnic minorities and Muslims, emerged as the victor in the Swiss elections, 
taking 29% of the vote, the best electoral performance by a party in the 
country's elections since 1919. 
  The far right is on the ascendancy in many parts of Europe. Beyond its 
explicit party political expressions, this assumes a more worrying form. What 
had been traditionally confined to the margins of dominant political discourse 
is progressively penetrating its mainstream, with parties of the centre 
absorbing much of the far right's populist rhetoric. This underlies the 
complaint by Jean-Marie le Pen, leader of the racist National Front, that 
Nicolas Sarkozy had "stolen his clothes". Across the Channel, the Tory 
candidate for the London mayoralty, Boris Johnson, believes that "to any 
non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia - fear of Islam - seems a natural 
  We are witnessing a reversion to the type of cultural essentialism that 
dominated political and academic discourse until the mid-1900s. Its central 
theme, the purity and superiority of European culture, was dealt a powerful 
blow by the tradition of post-colonial studies and radical critique of 
Orientalism. The trend brought together progressive, leftist voices from Europe 
and the US with others from the south amid the dismantling of modern-day 
empires and the rise of developing world liberation movements. 
  The same discourse is reconstructing its terms today by substituting the 
classical east-west bipolarity at its core with one of "Islam" and "west". The 
west's rationality, tolerance, individualism and freedom are now contrasted 
with Islam's superstition, fanaticism, fatalism and repressiveness. In the 
history books, this trend has manifested itself in the resurrection of the myth 
of the benevolent empire, championed by figures such as Niall Ferguson and 
Andrew Roberts. 
  September 11, the emergence of violent radical Islamic groups, and the war on 
terror have created fertile ground for the revival of this tradition. Its 
spirit permeates much of the language current in the political sphere and many 
sectors of the media. What had once been cause for disrepute now goes 
unquestioned and barely remarked upon. The vocabulary is various, from 
immigration, integration and citizenship to terrorism, radicalism, Islamism and 
an endless chain of -isms. But the referent is consistent: Islam and Muslims. 
It is a game of insinuations, of codes, in which meaning is readily conveyable 
without need for explicitness or directness. 
  Beyond all the noise about Europe's "Muslim problem" lurks a growing unease 
about the changing texture of European society. Gone are the days of pure 
white, Christian Europe. Now Europe is multi-ethnic, multireligious and 
multicultural, a fact which many find hard to swallow. Muslims are part of this 
evolving reality, but the idea that the continent is being Islamised is a 
figment of the right's imagination. 
  In a European population of some 540 million, Muslims number between 20 
million and 25 million, or about 4%. The majority are underprivileged, and 
socially, economically and politically marginalised. Whatever the scaremongers 
say, Muslim armies are not at Europe's gate preparing to conquer. 
  Obsession with the question of Britishness in the UK and with les valeurs de 
la RÂŽpublique in France reflects a state of anxiety about identity. The 
collapse of empire, globalisation and flow of immigrants from the old colonies 
brought new peoples into Europe's bosom. The Muslim other - the Saracen or 
Turk, in opposition to whom Europe defined its imaginary geographic and 
cultural borders - is now located within its frontiers, a sort of internal 
outsider. From the periphery of the empire in distant overseas colonies in 
Lahore or Algiers, it has moved to the periphery of capitals and industrial 
cities in London or Paris. The borders of identity and culture are overlapping, 
making it impossible to draw rigid boundaries between east and west, Europe and 
Islam, white and black. 
  At the heart of Europe's "Muslim problem" is an impotence and perhaps 
unwillingness to extend the norm of tolerance to newcomers from the Muslim 
world. Tolerance is not an abstract concept but the child of a specific 
historical context. In Europe it was the product of the religious wars, which 
ended in France, for instance, with the Edict of Nantes in 1598. Following the 
horrors of the Holocaust, the norm was widened to include Jews. And with the 
civil rights movement in the US, this was further extended to black people and 
other ethnic minorities - legally and theoretically, though not in practice. 
There is still resistance to the norm's broadening to encompass Muslims, 
something evident in the controversy over the building of mosques in northern 
Europe, as well as in the "veil problem" in France, Germany and other 
  Some quasi-liberals continuously ask how we can be tolerant with people who 
preach intolerance - by whom they mean, of course, Muslims. A better question 
could be: to what extent are those who profess tolerance really tolerant? 
  Soumaya Ghannoushi is director of research at IslamExpo 

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