In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

US practicing systematic rape, torture, sadism
against women in Iraqi prison camps.

Yaqen News Agency , Translated by Muhammad Abu Nasr


October 27, 2007

The General Secretary of the Union of Political
Prisoners and Detainees in Iraq, Muhammad Adham
al-Hamd declared that the US occupation
administration in Iraq relies on systematic rape,
torture, and sadistic treatment of Iraqi women
prisoners in its prison camps in the country.
Al-Hamd said that the enormous crimes being
committed against women in the prison camps in
occupied Iraq have the support and blessings of
the US military, for whom the practices serve as
a means to bring psychological pressure on men
engaged in the Resistance, in an attempt to break
their spirit and fighting will.

Muhammad Adham al-Hamd made the comments in a
statement regarding reports that confirmed the
presence of large numbers of women in the
American-run prison camps – women who are
detained solely to be raped and abused in order
to bring pressure upon their husbands, brothers, sons or fathers.

Al-Hamd declared that the women prisoners are
subjected to strip searchs, torture, rape, and
psychological and physical humiliation by the
police and prison administrators. Their clothing
is removed and they are deprived of food and
water for days in order to break their will.

Al-Hamd said that teams from the International
Red Cross and groups operating under the umbrella
of the United Nations have been prevented from
visiting the detention centers and learning about
what goes on there. Rarely do these organizations
demand to visit prisons and detention centers
because of the lack of security and the fact that
the sectarian militias control the facilities.

International bodies and reports of the puppet
"Human Rights Ministry" under the US-installed
regime warn of an enormous human disaster that is
likely to happen as the currently circulating
epidemics of cholera and AIDS spread within many of the prison camps.

But the American practices of imprisoning and
savagely treating women is, in fact, backfiring,
al-Hamd said, pointing to a study done in central
and western Iraq that showed that the arrest of
just one Iraqi woman would drive 1,000 men to
take up arms and attack US troops and their
puppet regime allies in defense of the woman’s honor and dignity.



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