In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Israeli Spying:
The Mother of all Scandals

Once again, Israel has been caught with spies at
the highest levels of the US Government

At the heart of the investigation are two people
who work at The American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC), a powerful pro-Israel lobby
in Washington. The FBI investigation, headed up
by Dave Szady, has involved wiretaps, undercover
surveillance and photography that CBS News was
told document the passing of classified
information from the mole, to the men at AIPAC, and on to the Israelis.

CBS sources say that last year the suspected
spy, described as a trusted analyst at the
Pentagon, turned over a presidential directive
on U.S. policy toward Iran while it was, "in the
draft phase when U.S. policy-makers were still
debating the policy." This put the Israelis,
according to one source, "inside the
decision-making loop" so they could "try to
influence the outcome."

Once again Israel denies wrongdoing, or faced
with incontrovertible evidence (in this case one
of the spies has reportedly cooperated with the
FBI) dismisses the spying with the claim that
such spying is harmless, because Israel and the
United States are such good friends.

Well, let us take a closer look at that idea of
“harmless espionage” by recalling Israel’s most
famous failed spy, Jonathan Pollard.

Jonathan Pollard is an American of Jewish
descent, born in Galveston Texas, who established
a career as an intelligence analyst for the US
Navy. There have been many theories offered as to
why Pollard decided to betray his country of
birth to the Jewish state, but that Pollard did
betray his country of birth to Israel is beyond
all doubt. Pollard’s defense was that he did not
spy so much against the United States, only that
he spied for Israel, sending them documents that
in his opinion the US should have shared with Israel anyway.

That it was never Pollards job to decide what
documents Israel should have was apparently
irrelevant. Pollard arrogated that authority to
himself. From his position of trust within the US
Navy, Pollard delivered over 1000 classified
documents to Israel for which he was well paid.
Included in those documents were the names of
over 150 US agents in the Mideast, who were
eventually “turned” into agents for Israel.

But by far the most egregious damage done by
Pollard was to steal classified documents
relating to the US Nuclear Deterrent relative to
the USSR and send them to Israel. According to
sources in the US State Department, Israel then
turned around and traded those stolen nuclear
secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased
emigration quotas from the USSR to Israel. Other
information that found its way from the US to
Israel to the USSR resulted in the loss of
American agents operating inside the USSR. Casper
Weinberger, in his affidavit opposing a reduced
sentence for Pollard, described the damage done
to the United States thus, "[It is] difficult to
conceive of a greater harm to national security
than that caused by... Pollard's treasonous behavior."

This should end the suggestion that Israel’s
spies are harmless. They are not. The United
States’ nuclear deterrent cost an estimated five
trillion taxpayer dollars during the 50s and 60s
to build and maintain, and less than $100,000 for
Pollard to undermine. Israel waited 13 years to
admit Pollard had been spying for them, and now
lobbies for his release, having granted him Israeli citizenship.

Pollard is hardly the only Israeli spy operating
in the United States. He just had the misfortune
to get caught. Here are just a few examples of
the Israeli spy operations that have been detected.

1947. Information collected by the ADL in its spy
operations on US citizens is used by the House
Select Committee on Unamerican Activities.
Subcommittee Chair Clare Hoffman dismisses the
ADL’s reports on suspected communists as “hearsay."

1950 John Davitt, former chief of the Justice
Department's internal security section notes that
the Israeli intelligence service is the second
most active in the United States after the Soviets.

1954 A hidden microphone planted by the Israelis
is discovered in the Office of the US Ambassador in Tel Aviv.

1956 Telephone taps are found connected to two
telephones in the residence of the US military attaché in Tel Aviv.

1954 "The Lavon Affair". Israeli agents recruit
Egyptian citizens of Jewish descent to bomb
Western targets in Egypt, and plant evidence to
frame Arabs, in an apparent attempt to upset
US-Egyptian relations. Israeli defense minister
Pinchas Lavon is eventually removed from office,
though many think real responsibility lay with David Ben-Gurion.

1965 Israel apparently illegally obtains enriched
uranium from NUMEC Corporation. (Washington Post,
6/5/86, Charles R. Babcock, "US an Intelligence
Target of the Israelis, Officials Say.")

1967 Israel attacks the USS Liberty, an
intelligence gathering vessel flying a US flag,
killing 34 crew members. See "Assault on the
Liberty," by James M. Ennes, Jr. (Random House).
In 2004, Captain Ward Boston, Senior Legal
Counsel for the Navy’s Court of Inquiry into the
attack swears under oath that President Lyndon
Johnson ordered the investigation to conclude
accident, even though the evidence indicates the
attack was deliberate. Given the use by Israel of
unmarked boats and planes, and the
machine-gunning of USS Liberty’s lifeboats, the
most likely explanation is that USS Liberty was
to be sunk with all hands, with evidence left to
frame Egypt for the sinking. This would have
dragged the US into the war on Israel’s side.

1970 While working for Senator Henry “Scoop”
Jackson, Richard Perle is caught by the FBI
giving classified information to Israel. Nothing is done.

1978, Stephen Bryen, then a Senate Foreign
Relations Committee staffer, is overheard in a DC
hotel offering confidential documents to top
Israeli military officials. Bryen obtains a
lawyer, Nathan Lewin, and the case heads for the
grand jury, but is mysteriously dropped. Bryen
later goes to work for Richard Perle.

1979 Shin Beth [the Israeli internal security
agency] tries to penetrate the US Consulate
General in Jerusalem through a “Honey Trap”,
using a clerical employee who was having an affair with a Jerusalem girl.

1985 The New York Times reports the FBI is aware
of at least a dozen incidents in which American
officials transferred classified information to
the Israelis, quoting [former Assistant Director
of the F.B.I.] Mr. [Raymond] Wannal. The Justice
Department does not prosecute.

1985 Richard Smyth, the owner of MILCO, is
indicted on charges of smuggling nuclear timing
devices to Israel (Washington Post, 10/31/86).

1987 April 24 Wall Street Journal headline: "Role
of Israel in Iran-Contra Scandal Won't be Explored in Detail by Panels"

1992 The Wall Street Journal reports that Israeli
agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical
Inc's top-secret airborne spy-camera system.

1992 Stephen Bryen, caught offering confidential
documents to Israel in 1978, is serving on board
of the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National
Security Affairs while continuing as a paid
consultant -- with security clearance -- on
exports of sensitive US technology.

1992 "The Samson Option," by Seymour M. Hersh
reports, “Illicitly obtained intelligence was
flying so voluminously from LAKAM into Israeli
intelligence that a special code name, JUMBO, was
added to the security markings already on the
documents. There were strict orders, Ari
Ben-Menashe recalled: "Anything marked JUMBO was
not supposed to be discussed with your American counterparts."

1993. The ADL is caught operating a massive
spying operation on critics of Israel,
Arab-Americans, the San Francisco Labor Council,
ILWU Local 10, Oakland Educational Association,
NAACP, Irish Northern Aid, International Indian
Treaty Council, the Asian Law Caucus and the San
Francisco police. Data collected was sent to
Israel and in some cases to South Africa.
Pressure from Jewish organizations forces the
city to drop the criminal case, but the ADL
settles a civil lawsuit for an undisclosed sum of cash.

1995 The Defense Investigative Service circulates
a memo warning US military contractors that
"Israel aggressively collects [US] military and
industrial technology." The report stated that
Israel obtains information using "ethnic
targeting, financial aggrandizement, and
identification and exploitation of individual frailties" of US citizens.

1996 A General Accounting Office report "Defense
Industrial Security: Weaknesses in US Security
Arrangements With Foreign-Owned Defense
Contractors" found that according to intelligence
sources "Country A" (identified by intelligence
sources as Israel, Washington Times, 2/22/96)
"conducts the most aggressive espionage operation
against the United States of any US ally." The
Jerusalem Post (8/30/96) quoted the report,
"Classified military information and sensitive
military technologies are high-priority targets
for the intelligence agencies of this country."
The report described "An espionage operation run
by the intelligence organization responsible for
collecting scientific and technologic information
for [Israel] paid a US government employee to
obtain US classified military intelligence
documents." The Washington Report on Middle East
Affairs (Shawn L. Twing, April 1996) noted that
this was "a reference to the 1985 arrest of
Jonathan Pollard, a civilian US naval
intelligence analyst who provided Israel's LAKAM
[Office of Special Tasks] espionage agency an
estimated 800,000 pages of classified US intelligence information."

The GAO report also noted that "Several citizens
of [Israel] were caught in the United States
stealing sensitive technology used in manufacturing artillery gun tubes."

1996 An Office of Naval Intelligence document,
"Worldwide Challenges to Naval Strike Warfare"
reported that "US technology has been acquired
[by China] through Israel in the form of the Lavi
fighter and possibly SAM [surface-to-air] missile
technology." Jane's Defense Weekly (2/28/96)
noted that "until now, the intelligence community
has not openly confirmed the transfer of US
technology [via Israel] to China." The report
noted that this "represents a dramatic step
forward for Chinese military aviation." (Flight International, 3/13/96)

1997 An Army mechanical engineer, David A.
Tenenbaum, "inadvertently" gives classified
military information on missile systems and
armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 2/20/97).

1997 The Washington Post reports US intelligence
has intercepted a conversation in which two
Israeli officials had discussed the possibility
of getting a confidential letter that
then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher had
written to Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat. One
of the Israelis, identified only as “Dov”, had
commented that they may get the letter from
"Mega”, the code name for Israel’s top agent inside the United States.

1997 US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk,
complains privately to the Israeli government
about heavy-handed surveillance by Israeli intelligence agents.

1997 Israeli agents place a tap on Monica
Lewinsky’s phone at the Watergate and record
phone sex sessions between her and President Bill
Clinton. The Ken Starr report confirms that
Clinton warned Lewinsky their conversations were
being taped and ended the affair. At the same
time, the FBI’s hunt for “Mega” is called off.

2001 It is discovered that US drug agents’
communications have been penetrated. Suspicion
falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse
Infosys, both owned by Israelis. AMDOCS generates
billing data for most US phone companies and is
able to provide detailed logs of who is talking
to whom. Comverse Infosys builds the tapping
equipment used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on
all American telephone calls, but suspicion forms
that Comverse, which gets half of its research
and development budget from the Israeli
government, has built a back door into the system
that is being exploited by Israeli intelligence
and that the information gleaned on US drug
interdiction efforts is finding its way to drug
smugglers. The investigation by the FBI leads to
the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever
uncovered inside the United States, operated by
Israel. Half of the suspected spies have been
arrested when 9-11 happens. On 9-11, 5 Israelis
are arrested for dancing and cheering while the
World Trade Towers collapse. Supposedly employed
by Urban Moving Systems, the Israelis are caught
with multiple passports and a lot of cash. Two of
them are later revealed to be Mossad. As witness
reports track the activity of the Israelis, it
emerges that they were seen at Liberty Park at
the time of the first impact, suggesting a
foreknowledge of what was to come. The Israelis
are interrogated, and then eventually sent back
to Israel. The owner of the moving company used
as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his
business and flees to Israel. The United States
Government then classifies all of the evidence
related to the Israeli agents and their
connections to 9-11. All of this is reported to
the public via a four part story on Fox News by
Carl Cameron. Pressure from Jewish groups,
primarily AIPAC, forces Fox News to remove the
story from their website. Two hours prior to the
9-11 attacks, Odigo, an Israeli company with
offices just a few blocks from the World Trade
Towers, receives an advance warning via the
internet. The manager of the New York Office
provides the FBI with the IP address of the
sender of the message, but the FBI does not follow up.

2001 The FBI is investigating 5 Israeli moving
companies as possible fronts for Israeli intelligence.

2001 JDL’s Irv Rubin arrested for planning to
bomb a US Congressman. He dies before he can be brought to trial.

2002 The DEA issues a report that Israeli spies,
posing as art students, have been trying to penetrate US Government offices.

2002 police near the Whidbey Island Naval Air
Station in southern Washington State stop a
suspicious truck and detain two Israelis, one of
whom is illegally in the United States. The two
men were driving at high speed in a Ryder rental
truck, which they claimed had been used to
"deliver furniture." The next day, police
discovered traces of TNT and RDX military-grade
plastic explosives inside the passenger cabin and
on the steering wheel of the vehicle. The FBI
then announces that the tests that showed
explosives were “false positived” by cigarette
smoke, a claim test experts say is ridiculous.
Based on an alibi provided by a woman, the case
is closed and the Israelis are handed over to INS
to be sent back to Israel. One week later, the
woman who provided the alibi vanishes.

2003 The Police Chief of Cloudcroft stops a truck
speeding through a school zone. The drivers turn
out to be Israelis with expired passports.
Claiming to be movers, the truck contains junk
furniture and several boxes. The Israelis are
handed over to immigration. The contents of the
boxers are not revealed to the public.

2003 Israel deploys assassination squads into
other countries, including the United States. The
US Government does not protest.

2004 Police near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant
in Tennessee stop a truck after a three mile
chase, during which the driver throws a bottle
containing a strange liquid from the cab. The
drivers turn out to be Israelis using fake Ids.
The FBI refuses to investigate and the Israelis are released.

2004 Two Israelis try to enter Kings Bay Naval
Submarine Base, home to eight Trident submarines.
The truck tests positive for explosives.

This brings us to the present scandal. Two years
into an investigation of AIPAC’s possible role as
a spy front for Israel, Larry Franklin, a
mid-level Pentagon Analyst is observed by the FBI
giving classified information to two officials of
AIPAC suspected of being Israeli spies. AIPAC
hires lawyer Nathan Lewin to handle their legal
defense, the same lawyer who defended suspected
Israeli spy Stephen Bryen in 1978.

Larry Franklin worked in the Pentagon Office of
Special Plans, run by Richard Perle, at the time
Perle (who was caught giving classified
information to Israel back in 1970) was insisting
that Iraq was crawling with weapons of mass
destruction requiring the United States to invade
and conquer Iraq. There were no WMDs, of course,
and Perle has dumped the blame for the “bad
intelligence” on George Tenet. But what is known
is that the Pentagon Office of Special Plans was
coordinating with a similar group in Israel, in Ariel Sharon’s office.

With two suspected Israeli spies (at least)
inside the office from which the lies that
launched the war in Iraq originated, it appears
that the people of the United States are the
victims of a deadly hoax, a hoax that started a war.

The leaking of the investigation of AIPAC to the
media on August 28th, 2004 gave advance warning
to other spies working with Franklin. The damage
to the FBI’s investigation was completed when
United States Attorney General John Ashcroft
ordered the FBI to stop all arrests in the case.
Like the Stephen Bryen case and the hunt for
“Mega”, this latest spy scandal seems destined by
officials who have their own secret allegiances
to protect, barring a massive public outcry.

The organization at the heart of the latest spy
investigation, AIPAC, wields tremendous influence
over the US Congress. Through its members and
affiliated PACs, AIPAC directs a huge flow of
campaign cash in favor of, and occasionally
against, Senators and Representatives solely on
the basis of their willingness to support Israel.
As an example, in 2002, U.S. Rep. Artur Davis,
D-Birmingham received so much help from
pro-Israeli pacs that 76% of his campaign budget
came from OUTSIDE the state of Alabama, mostly from New York.

Let me repeat that. A Congressman AIPAC wanted
elected received more money from pro-Israel
groups outside his state than from his own
constituents inside his state. Who is that
Congressman going to be thinking of when he votes in Congress?

So here is the mother of all scandals.

For two years, the FBI has suspected AIPAC of
spying for a foreign country, and for those two
years (and for decades before) that group
suspected of spying for Israel has been reshaping
the US Congress for the benefit of a foreign government.

And THAT is the mother of all scandals.

Think about that as billions of your tax dollars
flow to Israel while your roads and schools
crumble and decay and services are cut.

Think about that as the coffins come home with your loved ones inside.

Think about that when you and a million of your
fellow citizens march down the streets of America
opposing wars built on lies and deceptions and
wonder why the government just doesn’t want to listen to you any more.



-muslim voice-

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