In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Gujarat Masacre :

Do You Remember The Thousands Muslim Slaughtered by Hindu Extremes?

Hindus confess to Gujarat carnage

Source: IslamOnline

28/10/2007 08:00:00 PM GMT

A Hindu politician confessed that Narendra Modi
had given the green light for the extremists to go ahead with their rampage.

An Indian magazine released videotaped
confessions of Hindu activists detailing blatant
state collusion over the 2002 Gujarat massacre.

CAIRO — An Indian weekly magazine has released a
series of videotaped confessions of Hindu
activists of hacking hundreds of Muslims to death
in the southern state of Gujarat and detailing
blatant state collusion over the 2002 massacre, reported the Washington Post.

"It is a very disturbing story," said Tarun
Tejpal, the editor of the weekly Tehelka, which released the confessions.

"It is a story that makes me worry about the kind of India we are living in."

The videos showed Hindu activists and politicians
bragging about hacking Muslims to death and burning their bodies.

Some activists confessed that they doused
petrified Muslims in kerosene and burned them alive.

Another activist said that he slit open the stomach of a pregnant Muslim woman.

"There is a complete absence of remorse in these confessions," said Tejpal.

"The perpetrators of the violence have themselves confessed to the crime."

The videos are the result of a six-month
investigation by a by a Tehelka investigative
reporter, who posed as a research scholar and spoke to the activists.

Up to 2,500 people, mostly Muslims, were hacked
and burnt to death by Hindu extremists in Gujarat in 2002.

The carnage took place after 59 Hindu pilgrims
were died on train in a fire some blamed on Muslims.

India's Supreme Court has accused the Hindu
nationalist government in Gujarat of being complicit in the killings.

Gujarat carnage was the worst religious violence India had seen in years.

India is home to the world's largest Muslim
population after Indonesia and Pakistan.

Hindus account for more than 80 percent of the
country's 1.1 billion population while Muslims make up about 13 percent.

State Collusion

The video also showed an Indian Hindu politician
confessing that Gujarat's chief minister Narendra
Modi had given the green light for the Hindu
extremists to go ahead with their rampage.

"He (Modi) had given us three days to do whatever
we could," admitted Haresh Bhatt, a leader of
Bajrang Dal, a hardline Hindu group affiliated to
the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party.

"He said he would not give us time after that, he
said this openly," he was quoted as saying by Reuters.

Modi, who is seeking a reelection in December
state elections, earlier claimed that the
massacre was a spontaneous reaction to the train fire.

Arvind Pandya, a Gujarat government counsel at a
riot inquiry panel, said Modi's "blood was
boiling" when he first heard of the train fire.

"His reaction was like this, 'if he were not a
minister he would have burst bombs ... detonated
a few bombs in Juhapura'," Pandya said, referring
to a Muslim suburb in Gujarat's main city Ahmedabad.

Indian Muslims said the videos were no surprise.

"None of these confessions are new to us. We have
experienced all this firsthand," said Shakeel
Ahmed, a legal activist in Gujarat and a member
of the Association for the Protection of Civil Rights.

He, however, said that the videotaped confessions
mount pressures on the state government to act against the perpetrators.

"The perpetrators themselves are admitting to the heinous crimes," he said.

"Whether it will bring justice depends on
political will. Many of the accused are our
rulers today. Who will investigate them?"

Right groups complain that little has been done to catch the culprits.

They insist that there was no trace of
accountability on government officials who reportedly engineered the massacre.

Only about a dozen people have been convicted from 3,200 cases filed.

The full story in


-muslim voice-

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