Soi Lek – Mereka semua bukan bersih!                
                              Hanya selepas 24 jam menegaskan akan terus 
menjalankan tugas sebagai menteri, Ahli Parlimen dan pemimpin parti pada sidang 
media di Labis, kelmarin, Dr Chua Soi Lek telah mengumumkan peletakan semua 
jawatannya sebagai Menteri Kesihatan, Ahli Parlimen Labis, Naib Presiden MCA 
dan semua jawatan dalam parti pada peringkat kebangsaan serta negeri, berkuat 
kuasa serta-merta.

Chua Soi Lek tidak mempunyai pilihan lain setelah keputusan mesyuarat kabinet 
mendapati beberapa menteri telah menggesa supaya beliau bersara dari jawatannya.

Tetapi keadaan tersebut telah di nafikan oleh PM Abdullah Badawi :

"Tak bincang dan tidak buat keputusan (mengenai isu itu) dalam mesyuarat jemaah 
menteri," katanya disini

Takkanlah perkara sepenting itu kabinet tidak mahu bincangkan.Mustahil 
sekali.Tapi kenapa Abdullah Badawi mahu berbohong kepada rakyat?

Tentu ada sesuatu yang tidak dapat dielakan, setelah begitu beriya benar Soi 
Lek menyatakan akan mengekalkan jawatannya dan akan terus berkhidmat supaya 
tidak menghampakan para pengundinya ; tiba-tiba mengambil keputusan yang 

Betapa kesalnya Soi Lek dengan gesaan jemaah menteri memintanya  meletakan 
jawatan apabila dia berkata :

“Dengan pengakuan itu , saya sangka orang akan memaafkan kelemahan saya , 
tetapi sangkaan saya itu meleset ; bahawa kejujuran tidak selalunya 
dihargai.Terpulanglah kepada orang ramai mengadili saya," katanya .

Tidakkah yang demikian itu  menggambarkan rasa kecewanya terhadap keputusan 
mesyuarat kabinet tersebut?

Petikan dari temubual dengan wartawan the Star :

Q: Will this matter severely affect the support from the Chinese community for 
Barisan?  Adakah perkara ini akan memberi kesan buruk sokongan komuniti Cina  
terhadap Barisan?

A: No. I thought a lot of people think I am a baggage to carry because they 
want to behave like “holier than thou”. Maybe the support will increase.  
Tidak, saya fikir ramai yang berpendapat saya ini satu bebanan yang terpaksa 
dipikul kerana mereka mahu bersikap ‘lebih mulia dari kamu’. Mungkin 
sokongan tersebut akan bertambah

Q: Why is that so? Kenapa begitu?

A: Because then they think all they have in the Government are all very clean.  
Kerana mereka sangka  apa yang ada dalam kerajaan  adalah bersih semuanya.

Chua Soi Lek mengingatkan mereka yang masih bernasib baik berada dalam kerajaan 
atau peringkat negeri dengan kata nasihat ; atau mungkin juga lebih bersifat 
amaran dengan berkata :

I am not the first and I will not be the last to become the victim in this way 
to bring a leader down whether at state or national level. I am sure I will not 
be the first and I will not be the last. 
Saya bukanlah yang pertama dan saya bukanlah mangsa terakhir seorang pemimpin 
dijatuhkan dengan cara begini , samada diperingkat negeri atau kebangsaan.Saya 
pasti saya bukan yang pertama dan bukan yang terakhir.

Nampaknya episod kebobrokan para pemimpin BN tidak serta merta terhakis begitu 
sahaja dengan perletakan semua jawatan oleh Soi Lek . Ingatlah sindiran sinis 
beliau – “Because then they think all they have in the Government are all 
very clean.” 
Ya, masih ramai yang kaki busuk dalam kerajaan BN yang diterajui PM Abdullah 
Badawi, cumanya belum terbongkar seperti mana yang berlaku kepada Soi Lek.Sebab 
itu kita dapat lihat kekecewaan Soi Lek yang teramat sekali melalui 
kata-katanya --- ‘ramai yang berpendapat saya ini satu bebanan yang terpaksa 
dipikul kerana mereka mahu bersikap  ‘lebih mulia dari kamu’ 

Dan juga  amaran beliau :  

Saya bukanlah yang pertama dan saya bukanlah mangsa terakhir seorang pemimpin 
dijatuhkan dengan cara begini , samada diperingkat negeri atau kebangsaan.Saya 
pasti saya bukan yang pertama dan bukan yang terakhir.

Sama-samalah kita tunggu episod selanjutnya.Pilihanraya yang semakin hampir ini 
merupakan musim gugur bagi sesetengah pihak dan musim kembang bagi sesetengah 
yang lain.

Laporan berkaitan  disini

      Najib challenged to an discourse over reduction of oil prices             

KUALA LUMPUR - Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been challenged 
to a televised "intellectual discourse" on his assertion that the country will 
become bankrupt if the government reduces oil prices.

 Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) youth chief Salahudin Ayub said as a net 
exporter of oil, Malaysia national oil company Petronas has been enjoying a 
windfall over worldwide oil price increases.

He noted that Petronas enjoyed some RM76 billion in profit before tax last 
year, an increase of some RM20 billion from the previous year.

In a press conference at the PAS headquarters on Jan 2, Salahudin who is also 
Kubang Kerian parliamentary member suggested that the hefty profit made by 
Petronas not only be used by the national giant to subsidise fuel but also to 
provide free elementary and secondary education for Malaysians regardless of 
their race or religion.

He said parents who had to send their children to schools beginning today had 
to fork out between RM200 to RM300 for each child despite Prime Minister Datuk 
Seri Abdullah Badawi's decision to abolish school fees last year.

 Salahudin said Najib could bring his team of experts to help him back up his 
claim should the deputy premier not able to expound on his assertion himself.

Najib had dismissed the idea of reducing oil prices while on a visit to Sabah 
recently, as an opposition ploy to gain support in the run up to election.

"Throughout the world oil prices are rising, it's not possible for the 
opposition to bring fuel prices down. It simply does not make sense ... they 
(opposition) are just trying to make fools of the people of Sabah," he was 
quoted as saying by the national news agency Bernama.

"Don't come here (to Sabah) and try and fool the people. We can use Petronas' 
profits to reduce fuel prices, but on the condition we (government) have to 
forego development projects like building schools or universities," Najib said.

"If all expenditure is going to be for reducing fuel prices, the country will 
become bankrupt," he said, adding that fuel prices in Malaysia were the lowest 
in the region.

 Youth chief: No boycott, wants stability 
At the press conference Salahudin also managed to side-step Election Commission 
Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman's bait, when he urged the opposition to 
boycott the election following numerous complaints that the election is not 
free and fair.

Instead Salahudin reminded Abdul Rashid to work on the demands made by a 
coalition campaigning for a free and fair elections (Bersih) which among others 
called for postal ballots to be abolished, for the electoral rolls to be 
cleaned up from "phantom voters" and for equal access to the media for all 

Asked whether PAS youth would be prepared to boycott the election, Salahudin 
indicated that there were still room for the opposition to manoeuver within the 
restricted democratic space in the country.

"We do not want a situation of instability to break out (as a possible 
consequence of the opposition boycotting the election)," he said.

 He said Rashid's challenge is a threat to the democratic practice in the 

"Even though the opposition has questioned the transparent (practices) of the 
EC, it should not be the reason for the opposition to boycott the election," he 

He also commented on Health Minister Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek who was caught on 
DVD with a "personal friend" and Salahudin repeated thrice that such a practice 
was not "our culture". He however noted that the incident had more to do with 
internal politics within the ruling party.

 Also present at the press conference was PAS youth secretary Ahmad Sabki 
Yusuf. –Saadon Aksah/ES

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